Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar
Mutá-äktenskap: Synen på tidsbegränsade äktenskap bland representanter för muslimska trossamfund i Sverige
Ekonomisk tillväxt och koldioxidutsläpp: En studie av miljökuznetssambandet i relation till både territoriella och konsumtionsbaserade koldioxidutsläpp
This study investigates the relationship between income levels and carbon dioxide emissions to examine evidence for or against the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) and thereby the possibility of continued growth without ongoing carbon dioxide emissions. The paper uses data on carbon dioxide emissions derived from both territorial and consumption-based accounting methods as dependent variables. Th
The credit spread puzzle in a time of uncertainty and change
The credit spread puzzle has long been a well-researched topic within the literature of fixed income securities, focusing on the factors contributing to credit risk to explain credit spreads. This study provides a new perspective on the subject by specifically examining corporate bonds issued by Swedish real estate companies during the years 2019 to 2023. It is investigated whether explanatory var
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms on Comprehensive and Cluster-Specific Data in the Auto Insurance Industry
In recent years, businesses have been focusing on Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) to achieve better customer relationships and to identify high-value customers for more customized marketing strategies. This thesis contributes by comparing the performance of different machine learning models on cluster-specific data points and the complete dataset from the auto insurance industry. In addition, the st
Click Through Rate Prediction Leveraging Machine Learning Techniques for Mobile Digital Advertisement
Predicting click-through rates (CTR) is essential for optimizing the effectiveness of mobile advertising campaigns, where accurate prediction of user interactions can significantly enhance revenue generation and ad targeting strategies. This thesis investigates the efficacy of different predictive models, using a dataset composed of impressions and interactions with mobile ads. The models examined
The relationship between interest rates and credit spreads
The dynamics of credit spreads are an essential factor to consider for a broad spectrum of stakeholders foremost when valuing corporate bonds and similar instruments. Through a cointegration approach, this paper first examines the relationship between credit spreads of US corporate bonds and US treasury yields using daily data on yield indices of five different credit ratings and three different m
The Impact of ESG performance on Idiosyncratic Volatility
Environment, social and governance (ESG) ratings are of interest for both investors and researchers for its effect on stock performance. Previous literature has found mixed results with regard to this relationship and few papers are concerned with the volatility of ESG stocks. This paper explores the relationship between ESG scores and idiosyncratic risk. Using monthly news-based, AI generated ESG
Chasing returns: Are Swedish funds outperforming their benchmarks?
This study investigates the performance dynamics of Swedish mutual funds, with a particular focus on the impact of active management, as measured by tracking error, on risk-adjusted returns (Sharpe ratio). The findings reveal a consistent negative correlation between tracking error and Sharpe ratio, indicating that higher levels of active management are associated with poorer performance relative
Jämställdhet i bolagsstyrelser och finansiell prestation
This paper examines the relationship between female representation on corporate boards and financial performance in Swedish publicly listed companies from 2015 to 2023, excluding the year 2018. This study explores whether a higher proportion of women on boards of directors correlates with improved financial outcomes, measured by Tobin's Q. The empirical strategy employs both pooled Ordinary Le
Kan attityder vara en del av förklaringen till mäns sysselsättningsgrad efter barnafödande?
This study explores why men's employment rates remain relatively stable after childbirth, in contrast to the significant changes often observed in women's employment. Despite progress in gender equality, cultural, economic, and structural factors continue to influence parental work patterns across European countries. Using survey data from the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP),
The Relationship Between ESG Performance and Innovation: Machine Learning Prediction and Quantitative Analysis
In today's world, sustainable development has become an important topic. And with the prevalence of the ESG concept, companies and investors have begun to pay more and more attention to ESG performance to measure the company's degree of responsibility and potential for sustainable development. At the same time, innovation ability is also one of the most important factors for companies to m
Hur kan grammatikundervisningen i kursen Svenska 2 se ut? En intervjustudie om svensklärares grammatikundervisning i Svenska 2
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur grammatikundervisningen i kursen Svenska 2 kan se ut. Genom en semistrukturerad intervju studeras sex verksamma svensklärares beskrivning av sitt grammatikinnehåll och sitt resonemang kring innehållsurvalet. Resultatet visar att det finns en samsyn mellan majoriteten av lärarna kring vilket innehåll de inkluderar: fraser, satsdelar och bisatser i kombination meHow can grammar teaching be designed in the course Svenska 2? An interview study about Swedish teachers’ grammar teaching in the course Svenska 2 The purpose of this study was to investigate how grammar teaching can be designed in the course Svenska 2. Through the method of semi structured interview, six Swedish teachers’ description of their selection of grammar content as well as their explanat
Mödrars och nyföddas hälsa: En tillväxtanalys av hälsa i låg- och medelinkomstländer
The aim of this paper is to examine the effect of maternal and neonatal health on economic growth in low- and middle-income countries between the years 2000-2019. Previous studies indicate that health has a positive effect on economic growth. To examine the effect of maternal and neonatal health on economic growth a multiple regression analysis with panel data has been used. The theoretical framew
Assessment of Hydrogen Fuel Cell and Battery Technology for Regional Rail
This thesis investigates the potential of hydrogen fuel cell (HFC) technology as a sustainable alternative for regional rail transport within the framework of the EU-Rail Flagship Project 6. The thesis focuses on developing a hybrid powertrain model that incorporates both HFC and battery technologies, implementing a rule-based energy management strategy to assess fuel consumption and environmental
Australian federal public service’s governance of systemic risks: Current state and improvements for a complex world
The purpose of this research was to examine existing governance arrangements within the Australian federal public service and possible improvements for managing systemic risks at a national level. While there has been greater attention and discussion on systemic risks recently, research on how to govern systemic risk remains in its infancy. Where systemic risk governance is discussed, it is genera
Chronic stress is an escalating global issue that implies significant challenges. The Scandinavian region, including Sweden, faces a substantial obstacle in addressing this problem due to long waiting queues for psychological help. In Sweden, individuals may have to endure a wait of up to 12 weeks, while in Denmark, the waiting period can be as long as 20 weeks. Consequently, there is an urgent ne
BLOOM - The Holistic Kettle Solution
The traditional water kettle, while functional, often struggles to adapt to the evolving needs of modern consumers and to integrate seamlessly into contemporary home environments. This thesis reimagines the kettle through a user-centric design approach, addressing limitations in usability and aligning with current and future consumer demands. Through observation, interviews, sketching, prototyping
Developing an API Deprecation Tool for the API Developer
I detta arbete har en Minimum viable product (MVP) för en applikation utvecklats, som gör det säkrare att avveckla och ta bort endpoints för ett REST API. Tidigare arbete har visat att hanteringen av avvecklingen av endpoints i REST API:er är ett problem, där REST API:er inte följer protokoll för avveckling och borttagning. Applikationen är gjord för att tillhandahålla ett enkelt sätt att övervakaIn this thesis - a Minimum viable product (MVP) for an application aimed at making deprecation and removal of REST API endpoints safer - was developed. Previous work has shown that handling deprecations and removal of endpoints in REST APIs is a problem, with REST APIs not following deprecation-removal protocols nor giving the API consumers the information needed to properly update their software.
Assessing Meaningful Change in Mental Health Using Large Language Models - an Anchor-Based Approach
What determines whether a change is meaningful or not, and how can it be assessed? Distribution-based methods of assessing meaningful change focuses on statistical significance, while anchor-based methods use other ways of measuring the same construct as the original scale (e.g., PHQ-9), such as expert assessments or other rating scales. This study intends to introduce and validate a novel way of