

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Administrating sickness: The workings of an all-female sickness fund, 1898–1931

This chapter investigates the characteristics of a successful voluntary sickness fund in early twentieth-century Sweden. The practices of the Seamstresses Sickness and Burial Fund reveal how a working-class organisation functioned in improving the living conditions of its members. When it was first founded in 1898, it was a small all-female and marginal sickness fund, but by the 1930s it had devel

Covariation in population trends and demography reveals targets for conservation action

Wildlife conservation policies directed at common and widespread, but declining, species are difficult to design and implement effectively, as multiple environmental changes are likely to contribute to population declines. Conservation actions ultimately aim to influence demographic rates, but targeting actions towards feasible improvements in these is challenging in widespread species with ranges

Systemförändring för omställning till hållbar e-handel : Kraftsamling som accelererar innovation

E-handeln ökar snabbare än någonsin vilket medför en mängd hållbarhetsutmaningar för hela samhället. För att nå de globala målen råder inget tvivel om att vi behöver transformera e-handel till ett hållbart system. Likaså vet vi att kunskap och innovation är avgörande för att ge sig på denna komplexa samhällsutmaning. Men vilka områden behövs förändras för att åstadkomma stor effekt på hela systeme

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One of the central linages in Turkish Sufism was the Ottoman promoted Bektashi Order, closely connected to the Janissary corps. Nowadays the tradition is often labeled as a ‘popular Sufism’, without any discussion of what that concept means and the contradictions between folk religion and Sufism in general. This article concerns the question of what constitutes popular Sufism and how it is express

Space and place for health and care

Purpose: This discussion paper aims to contribute to a greater understanding of the state of the art of research engaged with conceptual matters of space and place for health and care. Method: The authors, who represent a variety of academic disciplines, discuss and demonstrate the conceptual recognition of space and place in research in health and caring sciences building upon own work and experi

The Experiences of Counsellors Offering Problem-Solving Therapy for Common Mental Health Issues at the Youth Friendship Bench in Zimbabwe

There is growing evidence that lay health workers providing counselling is a feasible approach of addressing the universally large treatment gap for mental disorders. This study illuminates the experiences of the counsellors in the Youth Friendship Bench in Zimbabwe, a pilot project where students provide problem-solving therapy to adolescents with common mental disorders. Twelve interviews were a

An Age-Related Exponential Decline in the Risk of Multiple Islet Autoantibody Seroconversion During Childhood

OBJECTIVE: Islet autoimmunity develops before clinical type 1 diabetes and includes multiple and single autoantibody phenotypes. The objective was to determine age-related risks of islet autoantibodies that reflect etiology and improve screening for presymptomatic type 1 diabetes.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young study prospectively monitored 8,55

När maskiner fattar beslut - vem är ansvarig?

Robots making decisions on social benefits, driverless cars causing traffic accidents, search engines presenting a selected narrow picture of the world – the rapid devel- opment of AI technology gives rise to machines that makes their own decisions, without direct influence from humans, but who is responsible for what a machine does? Can the machine itself be responsible? The aim of this article i

Pseudo-particle continuum modelling of nanowire growth in aerotaxy

Aerotaxy growth of GaAs nanowires has shown to be capable of making GaAs wires, GaAsxP1-xwires (Metaferia, 2016) and even pn-junctions with phovovoltaic properties. With a goal of better understanding the aerotaxy process, we have developed a model for nanowire growth in Aerotaxy, based on a surface diffusion model for substrate-based growth. Our model considers the growth conditions, varying in t

Viktig symbolfråga ur ett brottsofferperspektiv

Brottsofferfrågor är ofta rättspolitiskt laddade och komplexa. Efter terrordådet på Drottninggatan i Stockholm 2017 aktualiserades frågan om Sverige lever upp till EU:s terrorismdirektiv om skydd av, stöd till och rättigheter för offer för terrorism. Tidigare har Brottsoffermyndigheten dragit av 1500 kronor på det belopp som fastställs vara skäligt och som ska ge brottsoffret kompensation för det

Feeling in control of your footsteps : Conscious gait monitoring and the auditory consequences of footsteps

A fundamental aspect of the "I" of conscious experience is that the self is experienced as a single coherent representation of the entire, spatially situated body. The purpose of the present study was to investigate agency for the entire body. We provided participants with performance-related auditory cues and induced online sensorimotor conflicts in free walking conditions investigating the limit

Solvent fractions of selected Ethiopian medicinal plants used in traditional breast cancer treatment inhibit cancer stem cells in a breast cancer cell line

Background: The incidence and mortality of breast cancer in women is increasing worldwide. Breast cancer contains a subpopulation of cells known as cancer stem cells (CSCs). The CSCs are believed to be responsible for chemotherapeutic resistance and are also involved in tumor initiation, progression, evolution, and metastasis to distant sites. The present study aimed to investigate the anti-CSC po

The Just Savings Principle

This chapter situates John Rawls’ just savings principle in a discussion about how much a nation-state should save. The main question addressed is whether this principle is a vi­able alternative to the dominant utilitarian theory of optimal growth. Rawls certainly gives savings a different aim (i.e., to create and maintain just institutions) and introduces additional permissibility conditions on rThis chapter situates John Rawls’ just savings principle in a discussion about how much a nation-state should save. The main question addressed is whether this principle is a viable alternative to the dominant utilitarian theory of optimal growth. Rawls certainly gives savings a different aim (i.e., to create and maintain just institutions) and introduces additional permissibility conditions on re