

Din sökning på "*" gav 535041 sökträffar

Decrease in the occurrence of ventricular fibrillation as the initially observed arrhythmia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest during 11 years in Sweden

Aim: To describe the change in the occurrence of ventricular fibrillation as initially observed arrhythmia among patients suffering from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Sweden. Patients: All patients included in the Swedish cardiac arrest registry between 1991 until 2001. The registry covers 85% of the population in Sweden. Methods: All patients with bystander witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac a

Redesigning the Folding Pathway of a Model Three-helix Bundle Protein by Site-directed Mutagenesis.

Because of their limited size and complexity, de novo designed proteins are particularly useful for the detailed investigation of folding thermodynamics and mechanisms. Here, we describe how subtle changes in the hydrophobic core of a model three-helix bundle protein (GM-0) alter its folding energetics. To explore the folding tolerance of GM-0 toward amino acid sequence variability, two mutant pro

Azimuthal angle correlations for rapidity separated hadron pairs in d+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

Deuteron-gold (d+Au) collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider provide ideal platforms for testing QCD theories in dense nuclear matter at high energy. In particular, models suggesting strong saturation effects for partons carrying small nucleon momentum fraction (x) predict modifications to jet production at forward rapidity (deuteron-going direction) in d+Au collisions. We report on two-

Liposuction in arm lymphedema treatment.

Breast cancer is the most common disease in women, and up to 38% develop lymphedema of the arm following mastectomy, standard axillary node dissection and postoperative irradiation. Limb reductions have been reported utilizing various conservative therapies such as manual lymph and pressure therapy. Some patients with long-standing pronounced lymphedema do not respond to these conservative treatme

Age-dependent loss of tolerance to an immunodominant epitope of glutamic acid decarboxylase in diabetic-prone RIP-B7/DR4 mice.

We have identified for the first time an age-dependent spontaneous loss of tolerance to two self-antigenic epitopes derived from putative diabetes-associated antigens glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in RIP-B7/DRB1*0404 HLA transgenic mice. Diabetic and older non-diabetic mice exhibited a proliferative response to an immunodominant epitope from GAD65 (

Placental Doppler velocimetry in gestational diabetes mellitus

Objective: To evaluate if maternal glucose level and growth of the fetus were related to placental vascular impedance in pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus. Material and methods: A retrospective study of 146 gestational diabetic women of which 117 needed insulin therapy. Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA(1c)) was evaluated as well as umbilical and uterine artery Doppler velocimetry.

Small-scale plant species richness and evenness in semi-natural grasslands respond differently to habitat fragmentation

The study explores whether small-scale species diversity, species evenness and species richness in semi-natural grassland communities are similarly associated with present management regime and/or present and historical landscape context (percentage of different land-cover types in the surroundings). Species diversity, evenness and richness were recorded within 44150 x 50 cm grassland plots in a 4

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Abstract in German Die Bestimmung des prostataspezifischen Antigens (PSA) ist in der Frühdiagnostik des Prostatakarzinoms nach wie vor von zentraler Bedeutung. Ein ungelöstes Problem ist jedoch die geringe Spezifität dieses organ- aber nicht karzinomspezifischen Serummarkers, die bei einer hohen Anzahl von Patienten zu weiterer, dann invasiver Diagnostik führt, ohne dass ein Prostatakarzinom gefunDetection of prostate-specific antigen remains the mainstay in the early detection of prostate cancer. A problem yet unsolved is the lack of specificity of this organ- but not cancer-specific marker, which generates subsequent, invasive procedures in a high number of patients without detecting prostate cancer. While the separate detection of free PSA and the ratio of free to total PSA has signific

IL-1{beta} Induced Transcriptional Up-regulation of Bradykinin B1 and B2 Receptors in Murine Airways.

Hyperresponsiveness to bronchoconstrictor stimuli is a major pathophysiologic feature of asthma, but the molecular mechanisms behind this are not fully understood. The release of TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta during the inflammatory process is believed to play an important role in airway hyperresponsiveness. We have previously demonstrated, using a murine in vitro model of chronic airway inflammation, t

Visibility of the environmental noise modulating population dynamics

Characterizing population fluctuations and their causes is a major theme in population ecology. The debate is on the relative merits of density-dependent and density-independent effects. One paradigm (revived by the research on global warming and its relation to long-term population data) states that fluctuations in population densities can often be accounted for by external noise. Several empiric

Conformation of adjacent self-expanding stents: a cross-sectional in vitro study

We examined the proximal conformation of three commonly used self-expanding stents when the stents were deployed adjacent to one another in a tubular model, simulating a "kissing" stent technique. The stent pairs were evaluated by computed tomogrphy to determine the cross-sectional area excluded by the stents within the model. The mean areas associated with each stent pair were compared and signif

The targeted killing judgment of the Israeli Supreme Court and the critique of legal violence

The targeted killing judgment of the Israeli Supreme Court has, since it was handed down in December 2006, received a significant amount of attention: praise as well as criticism. Offering neither praise nor criticism, the present article is instead an attempt at a ‘critique’ of the judgment drawing on the German-Jewish philosopher Walter Benjamin’s famous essay from 1921, ‘Critique of Violence’.

Short communication: User friendly and 'useworthy' Stress Barometer

The Stress Barometer, which includes stress symptoms, stress types, relationship stress and time stress, was developed as an easy-to-use instrument which provides a visual representation of the stress an individual is experiencing. The purpose of this study was to assess the reliability, validity and usefulness of the Stress Barometer. Reliability was tested using a test-retest procedure on 23 pai

Effect of cooling on vascular smooth muscle response to endothelin-1 in human and rat veins

BACKGROUND: The plasma level of endothelin-1 is locally increased during cooling but the net vasoconstrictor effect will be dependent on temperature effects on the vascular smooth muscle reactivity in response to the polypeptide. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cooling on the vascular smooth muscle response to endothelin-1 in human and rat veins. METHODS: Registration of vas

Characterization of graphite electrodes modified with laccases from Trametes hirsuta and Cerrena unicolor and their use for flow injection amperometric determination of some phenolic compounds

Fungal laccases from Trametes hirsuta and Cerrena unicolor were immobilized on spectroscopic graphite electrodes using physical absorption. The laccase-modified graphite electrodes were mounted as the working electrodes into a wall jet flow through an electrochemical cell and then used for flow injection amperometric determination of different phenolic compounds of relevance both for environmental