Din sökning på "*" gav 534151 sökträffar
New algorithms for prediction of wind effects on cold protective clothing
The European Pre-Standard for protective clothing against cold ENV 342:1998 suggests that the testing of thermal insulation should be made on a moving thermal manikin. In this way the value can be used to match requirements specified by the IREQ-method or as realistic input for prediction of thermal stress in other standards. It is known from prior work that insulation values measured with human s
Investigation of next-to-leading effects in CCFM
The effect of formally next-to-leading contributions to the CCFM evolution equation are discussed.
Cooking of meat and fish in Europe - results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)
Objectives: There is epidemiologic evidence that the consumption of fried, grilled or barbecued meat and fish that are well-done or browned may be associated with an increased cancer risk. These high-temperature cooking methods are thought to be surrogates for mutagens and carcinogens produced in meat and fish, eg heterocyclic amines or polycyclic hydrocarbons. Since data on food cooking methods a
Progressive Traumatic Intracerebral Contusions - Studies of the correlation to the biochemical environment and the coagulation system.
[abstract missing]
High-resolution genome-wide array-based comparative genome hybridization reveals cryptic chromosome changes in AML and MDS cases with trisomy 8 as the sole cytogenetic aberration.
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In utero exposure to persistent organic pollutants in relation to testicular cancer risk
Testicular cancer is the most common tumour type in young men. In Sweden the annual age-adjusted incidence increased significantly by 2.4% during the time period 1984-1993 and during 1994-2003 by 1.4%. Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals during the foetal period has been postulated to be a risk factor. In this investigation we studied the concentrations of chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), p,p'
Lymphocyte function antigen-1 mediates leukocyte adhesion and subsequent liver damage in endotoxemic mice
1 Sepsis is associated with leukocyte activation and recruitment in the liver. We investigated the role of lymphocyte function antigen-1 (LFA-1) in endotoxin-induced leukocyte-endothelium interactions, microvascular perfusion failure, hepatocellular injury and apoptosis in the liver by use of gene-targeted mice, blocking antibodies and a synthetic inhibitor of LFA-1 (LFA703). For this purpose, mic
Patientspecifik kostnadsberäkning i sjukvården - bra bas för att värdera nya behandlingsmetoder
Hammer Film drar österut: En ny betraktelse av The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires
Essä om det brittiska filmbolaget Hammer Film och samarbetet med Hong Kongs filmindustri i början av 1970-talet
Combined high-resolution array-based comparative genomic hybridization and expression profiling of ETV6/RUNX1-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemias reveal a high incidence of cryptic Xq duplications and identify several putative target genes within the commonly gained region
Seventeen ETV6/RUNX1-positive pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemias were investigated by high-resolution array-based comparative genomic hybridization ( array CGH), gene expression profiling and fluorescence in situ hybridization. Comparing the array CGH and gene expression patterns revealed that genomic imbalances conferred a great impact on the expression of genes in the affected regions. The
A Hamiltonian formulation for free surface water waves with non-vanishing vorticity
We describe the derivation of a formalism in the context of the governing equations for two-dimensional water waves propagating over a flat bed in a flow with non-vanishing vorticity. This consists in providing a Hamiltonian structure in terms of two variables which are scalar functions.
Effects of acetabular resurfacing component material and fixation on the strain distribution in the pelvis
A 3D finite element (FE) model of an implanted pelvis was developed as part of a project investigating an all-polymer hip resurfacing design. The model was used to compare this novel design with a metal-on-metal design in current use and a metal-on-polymer design typical of early resurfacing implants. The model included forces representing the actions of 22 muscles as well as variable cancellous b
Quantum interference in organic solid
We demonstrate high contrast quantum interference between one-photon and three-photon absorption pathways in an organic solid at room temperature. Illumination of a thin polymer film activated with fluorescing dendrimer chromophores of large three photon absorption cross section with two simultaneous femtosecond pulses at near-IR frequency. and its third harmonic UV frequency 3. results in a spati
To act as a Union : Explaining the development of the EU's collective foreign policy
Popular Abstract in Swedish Varför lyckas EU-länderna allt oftare agera gemensamt i frågor som rör internationell fred och säkerhet? Genom att först visa hur volymen och innehållet i Unionens gemensamma utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik har expanderat sedan 1970, närmar sig denna studie ovanstående fråga från tre olika vinklar: Är det först och främst gradvisa institutionella förändringar som möjliggjIt is difficult for states to cooperate on issues related to international peace and security. Yet, ever since 1970, the EU member states have succeeded to gradually intensify their foreign policy cooperation and increasingly act in unison towards the rest of the world. This PhD thesis seeks an explanation to this trend. It does so by initially painting a picture of when, in time, the volume and c
Visualization of micropatterned complex biosensor sensing chemistries by means of scanning electrochemical microscopy
Redox hydrogel-based micropatterned complex biosensor architectures, used as sensing chemistries in amperometric ethanol or glucose biosensors, were deposited on gold, graphite or glass. Well-localized immobilization of active hydrogels with variable compositions was achieved by dispensing 100 pl droplets of cocktails containing alcohol or glucose dehydrogenase, redox polymer (PVI(13)dmeOs) and cr
Glial levels determine severity of white matter disease in Alzheimer's disease: a neuropathological study of glial changes.
Favolon B, a new triterpenoid isolated from the Chilean Mycena sp strain 96180
A new biologically active triterpenoid, favolon B (1), was isolated from fermentation broths of Mycena sp. strain 96180. Favolon B showed antifungal activities towards Botrytis cinerea, Mucor miehei, Paecilomyces variotii and Penicillium notatum. No activities were observed against bacteria and yeasts. The structure of favolon B was elucidated by spectroscopic techniques.
Bernadotterna, kung Bergström och Hjalmar Branting
Abstract is not available