Din sökning på "*" gav 534700 sökträffar
Perinatal inflammation relates to early respiratory morbidity and lung function at 12 years of age in children born very preterm
Aim: Very preterm birth may be associated with lung function impairment later in life. It is not known if this is caused by prematurity per se or by associated perinatal events, such as maternal–foetal inflammation and severity of early neonatal lung disease. We assessed these factors in a prospective cohort of very preterm infants followed from birth to middle school age. Methods: In 71 infants w
Detection of Non-Small Lung Cell Carcinoma-Associated Genetic Alterations Using a NanoString Gene Expression Platform Approach
In non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), mutation detection and fusion gene status are treatment predictive and, hence, key factors in clinical management. Lately, alternate splicing variants of MET have gained focus as NSCLC tumors harboring a MET exon 14 skipping event have proven sensitive toward targeted therapy. Reliable methods for detection of genetic alterations in NSCLC have proven to be of
Early anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction does not affect 5 year change in knee cartilage thickness : secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial
Objective: To compare 5-year change in femorotibial cartilage thickness in 121 young, active adults with an acute anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear randomized to a strategy of structured rehabilitation plus early ACL reconstruction (ACLR) or structured rehabilitation plus optional delayed ACLR. Design: 62 patients were randomized to early ACLR, 59 to optional delayed ACLR. Magnetic resonance i
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Lovers of the Rose : Islamic Affect and the Politics of Commemoration in Turkish Museal Display
This chapter explores Hilye-i Şerif, the calligraphic description of the Prophet Muhammad—and its significance in current Turkish politics. With roots in Ottoman literature, art and Prophet devotion, this genre is currently witnessing a striking artistic innovativeness. Under the theme of Aşk-ı Nebi (Love for the Prophet), several public exhibitions have been organised within recent, state-run mevThis chapter explores Turkish museal display as an arena for memory-cultural Islamisation, extending beyond the walls of museums. It probes museums as spaces for exhibiting nationalism, and the burgeoning interest in religion and affect within a new museology. It discusses how Turkish expositions have appropriated aspects of such a new museology in restorative-commemorative expositions of the Otto
Biotechnological production of the European corn borer sex pheromone in the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica
The European corn borer (ECB) Ostrinia nubilalis is a widespread pest of cereals, particularly maize. Mating disruption with the sex pheromone is a potentially attractive method for managing this pest; however, chemical synthesis of pheromones requires expensive starting materials and catalysts and generates hazardous waste. The goal of this study was to develop a biotechnological method for the p
Segregation dynamics of a Pd-Ag surface during CO oxidation investigated by NAP-XPS
The dynamic changes in composition in the near-surface region of a Pd75%Ag25%(100) single crystal were monitored using near-ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (NAP-XPS) during CO oxidation under oxygen rich conditions at a total pressure of 1.1 mbar. Six CO oxidation temperature cycles were investigated at different heating rates and maximum temperatures of 450 °C or 600 °C. It was
Integrated pest and pollinator management – expanding the concept
The objective of integrated pest and pollinator management (IPPM) is to co-manage for pest control and pollination goals. Departing from the well-established concept of integrated pest management, we include pollinator management in a hierarchical decision support system of management actions. We depict this support system as an IPPM pyramid. Priority is given to proactive measures at the base of
A Biomimetic Evolvable Organic Electrochemical Transistor
Biomimicry at the hardware level is expected to overcome at least some of the challenges, including high power consumption, large footprint, two-dimensionality, and limited functionality, which arise as the field of artificial intelligence matures. One of the main attributes that allow biological systems to thrive is the successful interpretation of and response to environmental signals. Taking in
Limited Pluralism in a Liberal Democracy : Party Law and Political Incorporation in South Korea
Formal modes of political incorporation in South Korea rest on a foundation of limited pluralism. The notion that the state should impose rigid boundaries on political representation pervades the country’s democracy. This notion is enshrined in law–in particular in the constitution’s Article 8 and in the Political Parties Act–and is upheld and perpetuated by the judiciary, the election commission,
Enhanced heat transfer research in liquid-cooled channel based on piezoelectric vibrating cantilever
In order to study the variation of vortices and heat transfer enhancement characteristics of piezoelectric vibrating cantilever in liquid-cooled channels, the effects of fluid density and viscosity, mainstream velocity, and excitation voltage on vortices were analyzed. The theoretical and numerical simulation of piezoelectric vortices was carried out by using fluid-solid coupling method. On the ba
Report from the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO) 2020 State-of-the-Art Virtual Meeting
This is a report from the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology State-of-the-Art Virtual Meeting held December 14-16, 2020. The unique 3-day conference offered comprehensive state-of-the-art summaries on the major advances in the treatment of different types of gynecological cancers. Sessions opened with a case presentation followed by a keynote lecture and interactive debates with opinion l
Exploring Paths of Justice in the Digital Healthcare : A Socio-Legal Study of Swedish Online Doctors
Nätläkare, vårdgivare som tillhandahåller sjukvårdstjänster via smartphoneappar, har gått från att vara perifera inslag i den svenska sjukvården till att på allvar utmana det konventionella sättet att bedriva sjukvård. Den tillgänglighet som nätläkare erbjuder är oöverträffad men alla patientgrupper har inte sett sin tillgång till vård förbättras i samma utsträckning tack vare nätläkare.Syftet medOnline doctor services, healthcare provided via smartphone apps, have gone from being peripheral to seriously challenging the conventional Swedish way of providing healthcare services. The accessibility of online doctors is unsurpassed but all patient groups have not gotten better access to healthcare thanks to online doctors.The aim of this study was to investigate how perceptions of the online d
Små socioekonomiska skillnader i antibiotikaanvändning i Sverige
The rule of law as a criterion for Europe
Performance and wear mechanisms of uncoated cemented carbide cutting tools in Ti6Al4V machining
The primary tool material when machining Ti6Al4V titanium alloy is uncoated straight cemented carbide. This study examines the performance of these materials during high-speed finish turning, and uses the advanced microscopy methods of SEM, (S)TEM, XEDS, and SAED to explore the fundamental tool wear mechanisms. The wear modes include a combination of flank wear and rake cratering. Four individual