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Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka urvalet av litterära texter i spanska som akademiskt ämne i Sverige under perioden 2000-2017 med fokus på genus. Hypotesen är att universitetet i sin egenskap av litteraturförmedlande institution gynnar konsekrerade verk av manliga författare, och att studenterna i hög grad låter sig orienteras av lärarnas urval. En undersökning av litteraturlistor från spaEl objetivo de este estudio es examinar la selección literaria de español como asignatura académica en Suecia del periodo 2000-2017 con enfoque en la cuestión de género. La hipótesis es que la universidad, en su calidad de institución transmisora, privilegia la literatura consagrada, de autor masculino, y que los estudiantes en alto grado se dejan orientar por la selección de los docentes. El estu
Ovarian borderline tumor presenting as ovarian torsion in a 17-year-old patient : a case report
Background: Ovarian torsion is a gynecological surgical emergency whose diagnosis remains a challenge. Torsion occurs most frequently in women of reproductive age. It is usually associated with the presence of benign masses in the ovary, as malignant tumors are less frequent and less prone to undergo torsion. Case presentation: We report the case of a 17-year-old Caucasian patient who presented to
Downgrading asylum standards to coerce solidarity: Sweden as a case in point
This is an analysis of the recently proposed amendments in the Swedish asylum legislation under the prism of intra-EU solidarity. The main issue raised is the extent to which an EU state may downgrade protection and block entry in its territory to asylum seekers and refugees without proper identification documents with the motivation that this might evoke more EU solidarity and responsibility.
Insektsfynd vid Biologiska institutionens bioblitz i Lund i juni 2018
A 24-hour bioblitz was performed by employees in the immediate surroundings of the Biological Institute in the city of Lund, South Sweden, on the 15th of June 2018. It produced 928 taxa, 411 of which were insects. Six species of Hymenoptera Parasitica were new to Sweden: Tumidiclava bimaculata (Blood), Lathromeris germanica (Girault), Aprostocetus crassiceps Graham, Quadrastichus anysis (Walker), Insect finds during the bioblitz of the Department of Biology in Lund in June 2018A 24-hour bioblitz was performed by employees in the immediate surroundings of the Biological Institute in the city of Lund, South Sweden, on the 15th of June 2018. It produced 928 taxa, 411 of which were insects. Six species of Hymenoptera Parasitica were new to Sweden: Tumidiclava bimaculata (Blood), Lathromeris ge
Frågornas pris : På väg mot nobelprisen
Annealed Glass Failure Modelling : A Weakest-Link Approach with Statistical Analysis
Glas är ett genomsiktligt material som används i byggnader för att utforma miljöer som är ljusa och upplevs som öppna. Modernt byggnadsglas används i konstruktioner som utsätts för betydande laster jämfört med ett traditionellt fönsterglas. Som exempel kan nämnas trappsteg, balustrader, golv, tak och väggpaneler där glasets geometriska utformning kan vara mer eller mindre komplex. Det finns ett beNovel and increased use of glass in building construction has been made possible, as a result of methods of mass production introduced during the 20th century and advanced computational structural analyses. With modern use of glass structures, a range of demands emerge which need to be addressed in the strength design process. The aim of the thesis work has been to develop experimentally verified
Pregnancies, ventricular arrhythmias, and substrate progression in women with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in the Nordic ARVC Registry
AIMS: Women with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) are at relatively lower risk of ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) than men, but the physical burden associated with pregnancy on VA risk remains insufficiently studied. We aimed to assess the risk of VA in relation to pregnancies in women with ARVC. METHODS AND RESULTS: We included 199 females with definite ARVC (n = 121) and muta
Absorption of blocking activity from human tumor‐bearer sera by staphylococcus aureus, cowan I
Staphylococcus aureus, strain Cowan I, contains a cell‐wall substance, protein A, which combines with the Fc part of IgG in most mammalian species. It can therefore be used as a solid‐phase immunoabsorbant for elimination of the reacting immunoglobulins. Since it has been shown that Cowan I could absorb out the blocking activity of sera from rats bearing isografts of polyoma‐virus‐induced sarcomas
Napoleons fälttåg 1812. En rysk mardröm
“The Spirit of 1914” : A Redefinition and a Defense
The received wisdom has long been that people in Europe reacted with great enthusiasm as war was approaching in August, 1914. However, scholars who have investigated the matter have found little evidence of enthusiasm. There was no unique “spirit of 1914,” and people in general were not happy about the prospect of war. This revisionist thesis is now the new orthodoxy and should as such be subject
Restoring the rule of law within the EU. In judges we trust
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Soils, sinks, and smallholder farmers: Examining the benefits of biochar energy transitions in Kenya
Besides reducing fuel demands and indoor air pollution, pyrolytic cooking stoves produce a by-product (biochar) that can improve soil fertility and serve as a sink for carbon sequestration. Most smallholder farmers in Africa depend on wood for fuel, suffer from exposure to smoke and soils in their cultivated farms are deteriorating. Biochar (bio-charcoal) production has potentials to reduce energy
Ultrasound Assisted Alkaline Pre‐treatment Efficiently Solubilises Hemicellulose from Oat Hulls
The establishment of sustainable bioeconomies requires the utilization of new renewable biomaterials. One such material currently seen as a waste product is oat hulls. Oat hulls exhibit a great potential for the production of dietary fibres due to their exceptionally large hemicellulose content (35%). Their recalcitrant structure however requires a suitable pre-treatment method to access and proce
Radical trachelectomy
Radical trachelectomy is the cornerstone' of fertility-sparing surgery in patients with early-stage cervical cancer wishing to preserve fertility. Growing evidence has demonstrated the oncologic safety and subsequent favorable pregnancy outcomes in well-selected cases. In the absence of prospective trials, the decision on the appropriate surgical approach (vaginal, open, or minimally invasive surg
The Alzheimer's Association international guidelines for handling of cerebrospinal fluid for routine clinical measurements of amyloid β and tau
The core cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Alzheimer's disease (AD) biomarkers amyloid beta (Aβ42 and Aβ40), total tau, and phosphorylated tau, have been extensively clinically validated, with very high diagnostic performance for AD, including the early phases of the disease. However, between-center differences in pre-analytical procedures may contribute to variability in measurements across laboratories.
Exogenous LL-37 but not homogenates of desquamated oral epithelial cells shows activity against Streptococcus mutans
Objective: The antimicrobial peptide hCAP18/LL-37 is detected in desquamated epithelial cells of human whole saliva, but the functional importance of this pool of hCAP18/LL-37 is not understood. Here, we assess the impact of homogenates of desquamated oral epithelial cells and exogenous, synthetic LL-37 on two oral bacteria: S. mutans and S. gordonii. Material and methods: Desquamated epithelial c
Southeast Asia’s Roles in Inter-Korean Affairs
Southeast Asia’s significance to the Korean peninsula is growing. South Korea has deepening trade, investment and assistance relationships in the region, while ASEAN’s non-judgmental approach to diplomacy is useful in dealing with Pyongyang. Beyond hosting summits between American and North Korean leaders, Southeast Asia is in a position to mediate North Korea’s greater international engagement an