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Fuktpåverkan på material : kritiska fuktnivåer (en informationsskrift)
Words, Deeds and Values : The Intelligentsia in Russia and Poland during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Fiona Björling Introduction Andrzej Xalicki Polish conceptions of the intelligentsia and its calling Steven J. Seegel Cartography and the collected nation in Joachim Lelewel’ Lelewel’s geographical imagination: a revised approach to intelligentsia S. I. Michal´cenko xxx V. B. Evarouskij (Evorovskij) xxx Michail Dolbilov Stereotypes of the Pole in Russian public discourse: the case of Russific
Design of PI Controller by Minimization of IAE
My first teacher in systematic botany Gunnar Degelius 1903 - 1993.
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Evasion of phagocytosis through cooperation between two ligand-binding regions in Streptococcus pyogenes M protein.
The M protein of Streptococcus pyogenes is a major bacterial virulence factor that confers resistance to phagocytosis. To analyze how M protein allows evasion of phagocytosis, we used the M22 protein, which has features typical of many M proteins and has two well-characterized regions binding human plasma proteins: the hypervariable NH2-terminal region binds C4b-binding protein (C4BP), which inhib
Disentangling the Hercules stream
Using high-resolution spectra of nearby F and G dwarf stars, we have investigated the detailed abundance and age structure of the Hercules stream. We find that the stars in the stream have a wide range of stellar ages, metallicities, and element abundances. By comparing to existing samples of stars in the solar neighborhood with kinematics typical of the Galactic thin and thick disks, we find that
Opponentrecension av Martin Bengtsson, Klostren och reformationen. Upplösningen av kloster och konvent i Sverige 1523-1596 ( 2003)
En resa till naturen på reklamens villkor
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen handlar om naturföreställningar i resereklam och bland re-senärer. Syftet var att analysera hur natur framställs i reklambilder för resor, vad reklamens framställning av natur har för betydelse för vad resenärer vill uppleva och upplever i samband med sin resa samt med vilka argument och bilder resenären själv väljer att återskapa upplevelserna av sin resa It is commonly believed that we live in a culture that is increasingly permeated by visual images. One category of images that we encounter everyday in different media, and that constitutes a large and growing part of media content, is advertisements. Advertisements also have a specific purpose and the images represent, make meaning of, and convey sentiments about phenomena. In this dissertation,
Att vara hemma borta - bondgårdens kommodifiering och hotellets privatisering
Den amerikanska bidragsreformen efter tio år
Den amerikanska bidragsreformen 1996 var den mest omvälvande socialpolitiska händelsen i USA sedan 1930-talet. Ändå har det talats ganska tyst om den – i Sverige. I denna artikel diskuteras utfallet av reformen med hjälp av några nyutkomna böcker, dels Howard Kargers och David Stoesz’ stora lärobok om amerikansk socialpolitik, dels Jeffrey Groggers och Lynn Karolys ambitiösa utvärdering av utvärde
Piecewise Linear Quadratic Optimal Control
The use of piecewise quadratic cost functions is extended from stability analysis of piecewise linear systems to performance analysis and optimal control. Lower bounds on the optimal control cost are obtained by semidefinite programming based on the Bellman inequality. This also gives an approximation to the optimal control law. An upper bound to the optimal cost is obtained by another convex opti
SLF:s exkursion till Hälsingland 18-20 augusti 2006.
Pheromone mating disruption of the pine sawfly Neodiprion sertifer : is the size of the treated area important?
Few attempts to control forest insects by means of pheromone mating disruption have been reported. The first such experiments with the European pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae), resulted in nearly complete trap catch reduction, but no effects on population density or sex ratio were noted. Unmated females lay eggs, which develop into males only. Therefore, if mating disru
Basal Kroppskännedom - bedömning, behandling och mötet med patienten.
Basal kroppskännedom är en metod som används allt flitigare i nordisk sjukgymnastik. Basal kroppskännedom handlar om grundläggande rörelseförmåga, rörelsebeteende och kroppsmedvetande. Det handlar om hållning, balans och koordination, och om muskulära spänningar i kroppen.
Donatorsframställningar inom Sydostskånes medeltida kalkmåleri I
Auto-Tuning, Adaptation and Expert Control
Round Trips to Heaven : Otherworldly Travelers in Early Judaism and Christianity
Popular Abstract in Swedish Himmelsfärdsskildringar återfinns i en rad religiösa texter från vår tideräknings början. Dessa berättelser har kommit att utgöra ett återkommande tema i religionshistorisk forskning om antikens religioner. Den här boken handlar om några tidiga judiska och kristna himmelfärdstexter. De flesta av dem utgör en del av den apokalyptiska litteraturen. Himmelfärdsmotivet harIn the beginning of the Common Era, a number of religious texts were written recounting heavenly journey adventures. These narratives have come to constitute a recurring theme in research regarding ancient religions. Round Trips to Heaven features several early Jewish and Christian heavenly journey texts. Most of them are included in the apocalyptic literature. During the earlier research, the he
Modulation of angiogenesis in adult rat brain - effect of aging, stress, environmental enrichment and antidepressant treatment
Neurogenesis and angiogenesis are stimulated by a number of antidepressant treatments, and cellular plasticity has emerged as a phenomenon with great relevance to the etiology and treatment of depression. In paper I we characterize how ECS-induced endothelial cell proliferation leads to vascularization of the adult rat hippocampus. In the molecular layer of the hippocampus a series of 10 ECS-treat