

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

Elevated arsenic exposure and efficient arsenic metabolism in indigenous women around Lake Poopó, Bolivia

Elevated concentrations of inorganic arsenic, one of the most potent environmental toxicants and carcinogens, have been detected in well water around Lake Poopó, Bolivia. This study aimed to assess human exposure to arsenic in villages around Lake Poopó, and also to elucidate whether the metabolism and detoxification of arsenic in this population is as efficient as previously indicated in other An

Enzymatic synthesis and polymerisation of β-mannosyl acrylates produced from renewable hemicellulosic glycans

We show that glycoside hydrolases can catalyse the synthesis of glycosyl acrylate monomers using renewable hemicellulose as glycosyl donor, and we also demonstrate the preparation of novel glycopolymers by radical polymerisation of these monomers. For this, two family 5 β-mannanases (TrMan5A from Trichoderma reesei and AnMan5B from Aspergillus niger) were evaluated for transglycosylation capacity

Transition metal pincer complexes with a central sp 3 -hybridized carbon atom

This chapter covers transition metal complexes with phosphorus-based pincer ligands with a central sp3-hybridization. It primarily focusses on progress in the last 4 years. The ligand types covered in this chapter include those based on straight alkyl chains but also complexes based on cyclohexane, dibenzobarrelene, cycloheptatriene, and diarylmethane scaffolds.

A recommender geoportal for geospatial resource discovery and recommendation

Geoportals have been widely implemented by national spatial data infrastructures (NSDI) to provide users with the ability to search for geospatial resources over the Internet. This paper proposes an approach that can improve the functionalities of the conventional geoportals by adding recommendation capabilities to the execution mechanisms of geoportals. The geoportals with recommendation capabili

Mid-term assessment of the MEDEA Research School activities : MEDEA Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 641789

A wide range of research school activities of the MEDEA ESR training programme were monitored through observations and repeated structured individual interviews with participating Early Stage Researchers (ESRs; i.e. doctoral students). In the early stage of the project, instructional video presentations of participating laboratories and key scientific principles turned out helpful for the early st

Early Silurian δ 13 C org excursions in the foreland basin of Baltica, both familiar and surprising

The Sommerodde-1 core from Bornholm, Denmark, provides a nearly continuous sedimentary archive from the Upper Ordovician through to the Wenlock Series (lower Silurian), as constrained by graptolite biostratigraphy. The cored mudstones represent a deep marine depositional setting in the foreland basin fringing Baltica and we present high-resolution data on the isotopic composition of the section's

A missing link in immigrant entrepreneurship: family functions and opportunity creation processes

This paper employs an inductive case study to explore the relevance of the family functions in the opportunity creation process by immigrant entrepreneurs. We employ the perspective of the opportunity creation process and the family functions for theory building purposes. We conducted four cases of immigrant entrepreneurs who established businesses in Sweden and that have their origins in Lebanon

Socialarbetare om automatisering i socialt arbete : En webbenkätundersökning

Denna rapport belyser vad det finns för kunskap om automatisering och vilkaåsikter som socialarbetare har om automatisering av socialt arbete. Rapportenbaseras på en enkätundersökning som genomfördes under hösten 2018 till ettslumpmässigt urval av medlemmar i Akademikerförbundet SSR. Sammanlagtgenererade webbenkäten 523 svar. Resultaten visar att det finns många socialarbetare som inte är helt öve

In situ detection of cancerous kidney tissue by means of fiber ATR-FTIR spectroscopy

The crucial goal of kidney-sparing surgical resection of a malignant tumor is complete removal of the cancerous tissue. The exact border between the cancerous and normal tissues is not always possible to identify by naked eye, therefore, a supplementary intraoperative diagnosis is needed. Unfortunately, intraoperative pathology methods used nowadays are time consuming and of inadequate quality ren

Courses for doctoral supervisors – an arena for learning and development (keynote presentation, abstract)

ETH Zurich Symposium on Doctoral supervision (Keynote talk, abstract))https://www.ethz.ch/en/doctorate/symposium-doctoral-supervision.htmlIn this session, we will describe how Lund University’s courses for doctoral supervisors have evolved over time and how they have been key for learning and development on the individual, collective and organisational level. The courses provide a unique arena that allows supervisors to share and investigate experiences, practices and circumstances that normally are hidden, sometimes deep within dep

Embankment dam seepage evaluation from resistivity monitoring data

Methods for monitoring seepage are important for dam safety of embankment dams. Increased seepage may be associated with internal erosion in the dam, and internal erosion is one of the main reasons for dam failures. Internal erosion progresses inside the dam, and is difficult to detect by conventional methods. Therefore, there is a need for new or improved methods. The resistivity method is a non-

Organ Specific Killing af a Dispensable Organ or a Cell Population in an Organ - a Successful Design for Cancer Therapy - a Hypothesis

Purpose: This article hypothesizes that designing cancer therapies based on the organ specific toxicity of the normal tissue of the organ from which the tumors originated could be worthwhile. A prerequisite for successful therapy is that the individual can recover from damage done to the organ or cells.Results: Therapeutic examples are given for lymphoma, kidney cancer, melanoma and leukemia.Concl

Field measurements of the Mobility and Vibrations induced by human walking on a wooden floor

Lightweight constructions of timber material are cost effective and demands relatively short production duration. One of the main drawbacks of lightweight structures, however, is related to the sound transmission. More and more complains arise against this type of structures, related to the propagation of low frequency vibrations induced by human activities. Most problems are caused by human walki

Geoelectrical resistivity monitoring for localizing gas at Landfills

In order to assess the potential of electrical resistivity for imaging gas migration at landfills, two relatively well-known sites - one bioreactor landfill and a conventional landfill - have been monitored successively. A three-dimensional resistivity image could be constructed every two hour on both sites. Meteorological parameters were monitored at the same time, with one measurement taken ever

It’s a long walk : Lasting effects of maternity ward openings on labour market performance

Studies showing that large-scale public health interventions in early life have lasting economic consequences are still scarce and rarely disclose the mechanisms. Being born in a hospital versus having a traditional birth attendant at home represents the most common early life policy change worldwide. Knowing the consequences of this policy is also important given the ongoing enlargement of matern

MHC polymorphism in a songbird : Fitness, mate choice, and sexual conflict

I mitt forskningsprojekt har jag studerat generna i ’the major histocompatibility complex’ (MHC). Generna i detta komplex kodar för molekyler som uttrycks på cellytan och dessa molekyler är avgörande för immunförsvarets förmåga att upptäcka och bekämpa patogener (sjukdomsalstrande mikroorganismer, som virus, bakterier och parasiter). Det övergripande syftet i min forskning har varit att undersöka Sex differences in immune responses have been observed across a wide range of animal species, with the generaltendency that males have weaker immune responses than females. These differences are at least partly caused by immune-regulating effects of sex hormones, and have been associated with an increased prevalence of autoimmune disorders in females and with a general tendency for males to be par