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Utan poesi - aldrig! : Baudelaire i nuet
Artiklar om Baudelaire i samband med konferens 2007
Daglig fysisk aktivitet på schemat : bättre skolresultat hos pojkarna - Men för flickorna var det ingen skillnad – Bunkefloprojektet följde grundskoleelever under nio år
One aim of the Bunkeflo project is to evaluate if daily school physical activity (PA) is associated with higher final school grades and improved eligibility for upper secondary school. One elementary school extended PA throughout elementary school to 200 minutes/week while control schools continued with in mean 60 minutes/week. We then registered final school grades and eligibility for upper secon
Using neutron crystallography to elucidate the basis of selective inhibition of carbonic anhydrase by saccharin and a derivative
Up-regulation of carbonic anhydrase IX (CA IX) expression is an indicator of metastasis and associated with poor cancer patient prognosis. CA IX has emerged as a cancer drug target but development of isoform-specific inhibitors is challenging due to other highly conserved CA isoforms. In this study, a CA IXmimic construct was used (CA II with seven point mutations introduced, to mimic CA IX active
Recension av fyra psalmbokstillägg (samlingsrecension) : Sång i Guds värld, Svensk psalmbok för den evangelisk-lutherska kyrkan i Finland, Virsikirjan Lisävihko, 100 psalmer, Kirkesangbogen
Ny nordisk psalmproduktion i ett komparativt perspektiv
Lifestyle factors, self-reported health and sense of coherence among fathers/partners in relation to risk for depression and anxiety in early pregnancy
Background: Father's health is important for mothers and unborn/newborn children and knowledge about expectant fathers’ health in relation to lifestyle and psychosocial aspects is essential. Aims: To determine sociodemographic and lifestyle factors, self-reported health and sense of coherence among fathers and partners in relation to their risk for depression and anxiety in early pregnancy. Method
Everywhere divergence of one-sided ergodic hilbert transform
For a given number α ϵ (0, 1) and a 1-periodic function f, we study the convergence of the series Σ∞ n=1f(x+nα)/n, called one-sided Hilbert transform relative to the rotation x → x + α mod 1. Among others, we prove that for any non-polynomial function of class C2 having Taylor-Fourier series (i.e. Fourier coefficients vanish on ℤ-), there exists an irrational number α (actually a residual set of α
Team type, team maturity and team effectiveness in specialist palliative home care : an exploratory questionnaire study
To meet complex needs in persons and families within specialist palliative care, care team members are expected to work together in performing a comprehensive assessment of patient needs. Team type (how integrated team members work) and team maturity (group development) have been identified as components in team effectiveness and productivity. The aim of the study reported in this paper was to ide
Forskning om personlig assistans - en antologi
The Pattern of Straight Chain Hydrocarbons Released by Yucca Flowers (Asparagaceae)
The hydrocarbon pattern in the floral scent of Yucca species was found to comprise a group of unbranched, mid-chain alkanes, alkenes, and an alkadiene. In Y. reverchonii, highly dominant (Z)-8-heptadecene is accompanied by (6Z,9Z)-6,9-heptadecadiene and heptadecane as minor components and by traces of other saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons with similar chain length. Some of these volatiles p
Effect of type 1 diabetes on school performance in a dynamic world : new analysis exploring Swedish register data
This paper investigates if the effect of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) on school performance, documented in prior research, has changed in more recent birth cohorts of children using national Swedish population register data. The issue is of interest because management and treatment of the disease have improved over the last decades and, furthermore, because of changes in the educational grading
The rise of the middle class : The income gap between salaried employees and workers in Sweden, 1830–1935
We present the first comprehensive, long run salary information on Swedish middle-class employees before the twentieth century. Our data include school teachers, professors, clerks, policemen and janitors in Stockholm 1830–1935. We use the new data to compare the annual earnings of these middle-class employees with the annual earnings of farm workers and manufacturing workers. The results show tha
Alternative oxidase-mediated respiration prevents lethal mitochondrial cardiomyopathy
Alternative oxidase (AOX) is a non-mammalian enzyme that can bypass blockade of the complex III-IV segment of the respiratory chain (RC). We crossed a Ciona intestinalis AOX transgene into RC complex III (cIII)-deficient Bcs1lp.S78G knock-in mice, displaying multiple visceral manifestations and premature death. The homozygotes expressing AOX were viable, and their median survival was extended from
Review of 'INFERIOR: how science got women wrong—and the new research that’s rewriting the story'
Assessment of the Food-Swallowing Process Using Bolus Visualisation and Manometry Simultaneously in a Device that Models Human Swallowing
The characteristics of the flows of boluses with different consistencies, i.e. different rheological properties, through the pharynx have not been fully elucidated. The results obtained using a novel in vitro device, the Gothenburg Throat, which allows simultaneous bolus flow visualisation and manometry assessments in the pharynx geometry, are presented, to explain the dependence of bolus flow on
Predictive mapping of urban air pollution using apache spark on a hadoop cluster
Air pollution is one of the major environmental problems in the industrial and populated cities. Predictive mapping of urban air pollution and sharing the generated maps with the public and city officials have positive impacts on society and environment. This article presents a solution based on distributed processing concepts to generate predictive map of air pollution for the next 24 hours. Apac
Final assessment of the MEDEA Early Stage Researcher programme : MEDEA Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 641789
The final assessment of Early Stage Researcher (ESR) activities and development follows the trajectory as previously outlined by the MEDEA Mid-term report presented at the Aarhus meetingJanuary 2017. The herein present follow-up consists of three recent activities: •An ESR group statement of pros/cons/ requested activities (Lund meeting Sep 25th 2018).•Individual ESR web survey ratings of each joi
Temperature and pH Dual-Responsive Core-Brush Nanocomposite for Enrichment of Glycoproteins
In this report, we present a novel modular approach to the immobilization of a high density of boronic acid ligands on thermoresponsive block copolymer brushes for effective enrichment of glycoproteins via their synergistic multiple covalent binding with the immobilized boronic acids. Specifically, a two-step, consecutive surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (SI-ATRP) was employe
GWAS of bone size yields twelve loci that also affect height, BMD, osteoarthritis or fractures
Bone area is one measure of bone size that is easily derived from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans. In a GWA study of DXA bone area of the hip and lumbar spine (N ≥ 28,954), we find thirteen independent association signals at twelve loci that replicate in samples of European and East Asian descent (N = 13,608 – 21,277). Eight DXA area loci associate with osteoarthritis, including rs14
Towards long-Term standardised carbon and greenhouse gas observations for monitoring Europe's terrestrial ecosystems : A review
Research infrastructures play a key role in launching a new generation of integrated long-Term, geographically distributed observation programmes designed to monitor climate change, better understand its impacts on global ecosystems, and evaluate possible mitigation and adaptation strategies. The pan-European Integrated Carbon Observation System combines carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG; CO2, CH4, N