

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

The Role of Cornerstone Investors in IPOs: A Study on Long-run Performance and Survival

The primary goal of this thesis is to understand the role of cornerstone investors in the long-run performance and survival of IPO firms issued during 2014-2023 in the Swedish market. While the phenomenon of cornerstone investors is relatively new, the trend has been increasing exponentially globally. We use several dimensions of cornerstone metrics to explain the dynamics of IPO performance and s

Home is wherever your private equity firm takes you

Title: Home is wherever your private equity firm takes you - A quantitative analysis comparing cross-border and domestic* transaction multiples in PE acquisitions of Nordic companies Seminar date: 30 May 2024 Course: NEKN02, Master Essay – Finance Programme, 15 ECTS Authors: Clarissa Nowak, Sofia Sjöholm Advisor: Jens Forssbaeck Keywords: Private Equity, Buyouts, Cross-Border, Valuation, Nord

ESG Rating and Financial Performance: A Comparison Between State-Owned and Non-State-Owned Sectors in the Chinese Stock Market

Following the adoption of the "double carbon" policy in China, the concept of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) has gained considerable attention within the Chinese market, significantly impacting investor decision-making. This thesis examines the impacts of ESG principles on the overall financial performance of investment portfolios. Through the classification of Chinese A-lis

Pricing Climate Transition Risk: An Analysis of the Global Syndicated Loans Market

Climate transition risk pricing in capital markets has emerged as a critical area of research. Using a comprehensive dataset of syndicated loans spanning the years 2010 to 2020, combined with greenhouse gas emission and financial data for borrowers and lenders from three different sources, we conduct an extensive cross-sectional regression analysis to assess how greenhouse gas emissions are priced

The Relationship Between the Rights Issue Terms and Post-Issue Stock Price Development in The Short, Medium and Long Term

This thesis investigates the relationship between the terms of rights issues and the subsequent stock price development in the short, medium, and long term within the Nordic markets. Focusing on rights issues conducted by companies in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland from 2014 to 2024, the study employs an event study methodology to analyze market reactions. Key variables examined include

A Study on the Relationship Between Bitcoin and Stock Market Volatility under Different Policy Environments — Comparison Between Chinese and US Markets

The increasing integration of Bitcoin with traditional stock markets makes understanding its impact on stock market volatility crucial. This paper constructs a GARCH-MIDAS model using data from the Shanghai Composite Index, the S&P 500 Index, and Bitcoin to investigate Bitcoin's influence under different regulatory environments. The results show that Bitcoin has a significant negative rela

Cumulative Wisdom or Compounding Complexity: The learning curve among serial acquirers. (Sweden)

This thesis investigates the performance dynamics of serial acquirers in the Swedish market, specifically focusing on their ability to realize cost synergies over time. Through an empirical analysis of Swedish firms engaging in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) between 2010 and 2019, we aimed to determine whether serial acquirers exhibit improved synergy realization in subsequent acquisitions com

The Effect of German Yield Curve Inversion on the German, Dutch, and Swiss Stock Markets

This study examines the relationship between the German yield curve and stock market performance in Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland by extending the Fama-French Five Factor Model with Carhart's Momentum factor and a yield curve factor. Three hypotheses are tested: the positive relationship between changes in the yield curve and excess stock returns, the lagged effect of yield curve c

Minimal Solutions to Generalized Three-View Relative Pose Problem

For a generalized (or non-central) camera model, the minimal problem for two views of six points has efficient solvers. However, minimal problems of three views with four points and three views of six lines have not yet been explored and solved, despite the efforts from the computer vision community. This paper develops the formulations of these two minimal problems and shows how state-of-the-art

Maximal subgroups of multi-edge spinal groups

A multi-edge spinal group is a subgroup of the automorphism group of a regular p-adic rooted tree, generated by one rooted automorphism and a finite number of directed automorphisms sharing a common directing path. We prove that torsion multi-edge spinal groups do not have maximal subgroups of infinite index. This generalizes a result of Pervova for GGS-groups.

Covid-19 diagnoses and vaccinations among people with intellectual disabilities compared to the general population (IDcare)

Background: People with intellectual disabilities (ID) experience barriers to health care, which may have been particularly relevant during the Covid-19 pandemic.Methods: In this register-based study, we identified all people living in Skåne (southernmost region of Sweden) on January 1st, 2014. People with ID (F7) or Down Syndrome (Q90), or service and support for people with ID or autism spectrum

Spatio-temporal characterization of intense ultrashort laser pulses

When ultrashort pulses pass through common optical elements such as gratings and thick lenses, they can pick up spatio-temporal couplings (STCs) - nonseparable chromatic aberrations. The main cause of this phenomenon is the inherent feature of ultrashort pulses—their broadband spectrum. STCs increase pulse duration and reduce the intensity at the focus, which will be detrimental for many applicati

Status of the MAX-II storage ring

The MAX-II storage ring is a third generation synchrotron light source recently commissioned in Lund, Sweden. A description of the ring is presented along with an evaluation of the performance during commissioning. The status and most recent results of the early stages of operation are also presented.

Applications of p-deficiency and p-largeness

We use Schlage-Puchta's concept of p-deficiency and Lackenby's property of p-largeness to show that a group having a finite presentation with p-deficiency greater than 1 is large, which implies that Schlage-Puchta's infinite finitely generated p-groups are not finitely presented. We also show that for all primes p at least 7, any group having a presentation of p-deficiency greater than 1 is GolodS

Gud. Efterord av Titti Mattsson

i Ferdinand von Schirachs pjäs GUD diskuterar författaren livets avslut. Frågor som behandlas är Vem tillhör våra liv? Vem beslutar om vår död? Vem är vi? Vem vill vi vara? I Mattssons efterord skriver hon om dessa frågor utifrån ett juridiskt perspektiv.

From ashes to analysis: Investigating conflict and vegetation fires in Iraq

A quarter of the Earth’s vegetated surfaces have seen an extension in the fire weather season since 1979, with areas in the Middle East still seeing an increase in burned areas although the global average burned area is decreasing. As fires emit 1.6-2.8 Pg carbon annually, the link between fires and climate has been vigorously studied in western and tropical areas, leaving a research gap for arid

Breast cancer diagnosis using extended-wavelength diffuse reflectance spectroscopy : comparing tumor subgroups

Optical imaging utilize light to analyze biological tissues in detail, non-invasively and without harmful radiation. Examples include ultrasound optical tomography and photoacoustic imaging; both use a limited number of wavelengths. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, another optical technique, covers a continuous wavelength range, but without generating an image. This study focuses on extended-wave