

Din sökning på "*" gav 529632 sökträffar

Ghost target classification using scene models in radar

Spökmål har försvårat radarövervakning sedan dess begynnelse, och i stadsmiljö är problemet ännu större. Med hjälp av maskininlärning verkar en lösning vara inom räckhåll. Radar har länge använts för att övervaka stora områden, exempelvis flygplatser eller länders luftrum. Inom övervakningsindustrin har man på senare år även börjat erbjuda mindre radarenheter med kortare räckvidd, då deras styrkoIn surveillance contexts, radars can be used to monitor an area, detecting and tracking moving objects inside it. Monitored areas in urban environments often contain many surfaces that reflect radar waves, which can have the undesired consequence of a single object producing multiple tracks due to multipath propagation effects. This thesis considers a method of identifying if a track is produced b

Continuum damage modeling of delamination in paperboard

This work concerns the creasing and folding of a continuum paperboard material model developed by Eric Borgqvist. Creasing is an operation that induces permanent deformation in the material, undertaken for the folding to be performed along a straight fold line without any in-plane cracks. The material model concerned is complex and involves a high degree of anisotropy, and it has earlier been prov

The internationalization of Chinese development NGOs: Policy-driven or resource-driven?

Paralleling China’s increasing engagement in international development cooperation, Chinese development NGOs have expanded their projects abroad in recent years. Simultaneously, the government is encouraging NGOs to “go out” and foster “people-to-people connections” in countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). This thesis explored the internationalization of Chinese NGOs to un

Mapping the expression of the Tribble family of pseudokinases in neuroblastoma

Neuroblastoma (NB) is a highly heterogeneous childhood cancer where the presence of chemotherapy resistant cancer stem cells (CSCs) contributes to a high relapse rate in high-risk patients. Understanding the mechanisms by which CSCs contribute to therapy resistance could lead to future treatment strategies. The human pseudokinase TRIB3 has been shown to support stemness and play a role in cell cyc

Att offras eller att inte offras

Examensarbetets titel: “Att offras eller att inte offras”. En kvalitativ intervjustudie som undersöker konsumenters uppfattning av scapegoating i form av VD:ns avgång i samband med en kris och dess påverkan på varumärken Seminariedatum: 2021-02-06 Kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i marknadsföring, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Anna Sahlberg Carlsson, Beatrice Molin, Casper Tönning Handl

System för uppföljning och erfarenhetsåterföring av kalkyler

Uppföljning behövs i ett företag för att kunna styra företaget mot de ekonomiska mål som eftersträvas. För att ha en fungerande uppföljningsprocess krävs det att projektet är planerat på ett strukturerat sätt, för att på så vis ge uppföljningen en grund. Rapporteringar och data från tidigare projekt krävs för att analysera och jämföra informationen. Genom att ta vara på erfarenheter och kunskap frA follow up system is necessary for the company to enhance their financial performance. In order to implement such a process, it is necessary to plan and structure projects in a manner that enables a follow up analysis. This requires having reports and data from previous projects in order to be able to analyse and compare the information. Documenting experiences and knowledge from projects and rea

The experiences of racial and gender stereotyping: The case study of Thai women in Sweden

This research project is a case study of Thai immigrant women in Sweden. It concentrates on women who were originally born in Thailand but currently reside in Sweden. The purpose of the research is to explore the life of Thai immigrant women by present their individual experiences and the reason why they chose to migrate to Sweden such as interracial marriage, employment opportunities, and pursuin

New era of automation in Scania’s manufacturing systems

Dagens bil- och lastbilsindustri upplevs ha komplexa produktionssystem med relativt höga tillverkningskostnader, varav en stor del kan kopplas till arbetskostnader vars arbetsmoment utgörs av komplexa och icke ergonomiska monteringsuppgifter. Genom att automatisera sådana uppgifter kan produktiviteten öka samtidigt som arbetskostnader och sjukfrånvaro minskar. Många produkter och monteringsoperatiToday's car and truck industries are perceived as having complex production systems and relatively high manufacturing expenses, such as labour cost, which is usually combined with complex and unergonomic assembling tasks. A shift towards automation is one solution to eliminate such tasks while increasing productivity and lowering labour costs. Many products and assembly operations are designe

Impact of formulation on shelf-life and survivability after freeze-drying on Lactobacillus.reuteri

This study aimed to determine the protective effects of three main lyoprotectants (sucrose, maltodextrin, GOS) and two sub-lyoprotectants (mono sodium glutamate, sodium ascorbate) and their effectiveness on the survival of probiotics Lactobacillus reuteri after freeze drying and during storage. The objective of the freeze-drying method with the formulation is to enhance the storage stability of La

Smart Homes: Design & Development of an Application From a User Centered Perspective

With the growing development and general interest of smart living, made possible through Internet-of-Things, a need for the exploration and studies of how smart homes can be made more accessible has been increasingly more evident. This master’s thesis examines how the interaction with smart home technology can be improved via high accessibility and usability, regardless of any end-users technical

What am I doing? An interview study regarding the experience of managers practice on a distance and the leadership within.

The Covid-19 pandemic moved work from the office to the home, rapidly creating a new working life where remote work became the new normal. In times of change, leadership becomes important, and the managers have to take big responsibility in guiding during new uncertain situations. This thesis aims to explore how first line managers make sense and handle their practice in the new context created by

Avregistrering av gemensamhetsanläggningar

Planerar du att bygga ett gemensamt avlopp med grannarna? Då ska du se upp med utförandetiden. De senaste åren har antalet gemensamhetsanläggningar som behöver avregistreras ökat och den tveklöst vanligaste anledningen är att anläggningen inte färdigställts inom den beslutade tiden för utförande. Att en gemensamhetsanläggning, en gemensamt bildad anläggning bildad för flera fastigheter, exempelviWhen a joint facility is not constructed on time or the payment for the compulsory purchase is absent the joint facility can be de-registered. This topic has not been studied before and the aim of this study is to evaluate how common de-registrations are and to understand what we can learn from practical cases. The study researches the present and historically legislation through a systematic revi

The Effect of Temperature and Fungal:Bacterial Ratio on Kombucha Culture Fermentation

The fermented tea beverage kombucha is a traditional drink that has been consumed for thousands of years in Asia. Over the past decades, it has gained greatly in popularity amongst consumers and researchers also in the rest of the world. Kombucha is produced through fermentation of sweetened tea by a complex community of bacteria, mainly dominated by acetic acid bacteria, and a variety of yeast. D

How Vertical Farming Could Grow Beyond its Niche and Challenge the Regime

As the population is growing and planetary boundaries are being strained, the agro-food industry is facing major challenges. Previous research has proposed the innovation of vertical farming (VF) as a potential solution. This study contributes to the existing VF literature with an examination of the opportunities and obstacles for the implementation and upscaling of VF in Sweden. The VF industry i

Corporate Venture Capital: Examining Relationship between Human Capital and Internationalisation

Companies engaged in Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) continuously scour the globe for new opportunities to grow beyond their current geographic boundaries. However, different regions of the world have various monitoring, governance, and value-adding principles. CVCs should be aware of these variations. Human capital is culturally unique to a company and a potential critical determinant in CVC stra

To what extent may a decline in schooling caused by the covid-19 pandemic affect Kenya’s GDP? A Scenario Modeling Approach using Multiple Linear Regression

This study focuses on the relationship between education and economic growth, specifically the effect a potential decline in schooling caused by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic would have on the economic growth of a country. Using an inductive approach, the study focuses on the Sub- Saharan African countries, especially Kenya, since there is anecdotal evidence that a significant number of students h

Constraints and Enablers for Industrial Symbiosis between SMEs in the Swedish Agri-Food Sector

Research conducted on industrial symbiosis often brings up the importance of trust and collaboration related constraints and enablers if inter-organizational efforts are to be pursued. This is also found in literature related specifically to Sweden and its agri-food sector. There are limited examples of collecting empirical evidence on trust in relation to IS and even less so with a focus on SMEs.

Covid-19 pandemic and Changed Circumstances - The applicability of Article 79 of the CISG to events of force majeure nature with focus on supply contracts in the automotive industry

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic triggered changed circumstances extensively. One aspect of such changes arise from issues in cross-border supply contracts, for example due to incapability of contractual performance because of entry bans and lack of labor force as the employees were set on quarantines. Usually contractual non-performance leads to breacher’s liability for damages, but exceptio


This thesis used the qualitative textual analysis research method to study the blog content and comments of the DiDi Hitch algorithm controversial published by China News on Weibo. The purpose was to explore netizens’ views on gender bias and conflict in artificial intelligence consumption scenarios, as well as the drawbacks of DiDi Travel when adapting to artificial intelligence algorithms. In th