

Din sökning på "*" gav 529825 sökträffar

Yacon as a food ingredient in meat products : A comparison between Soluble and Insoluble Fraction of Yacon

The potential of yacon roots as a food ingredient was evaluated to determine its application in the food industry, especially in the meat industry. The understanding of yacon and its interactions with the sarcoplasmic andmyofibrillar proteins of meat was the key part of this study.The initial part of the work was focused on the properties of the yacon roots on drying as a way to preserve yacon roo

Immigration policy and the modern welfare state, 1880–1920

This article puts contemporary debates about the relationship between immigration policy and the welfare state in historical perspective. Relying on new historical data, the article examines the relationship between immigration policy and social policy in Western Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when the modern welfare state emerged. Germany already had comparably strict immigrati

Impatient Random Walk

We introduce a new type of random walk where the definition of edge repellence/reinforcement is very different from the one in the “traditional” reinforced random walk models and investigate its basic properties, such as null versus positive recurrence, transience, as well as the speed. The two basic cases will be dubbed “impatient” and “ageing” random walks.

Insania Simplex. Empiriska studier av psykisk sjukdom vid förra sekelskiftet.

Målsättning: Sveriges första sinnessjukstadga utfärdades 1858. Vi ville studera patienter med psykisk sjukdom och den vård de fick vid förra sekelskiftet.Patienter och metod: Patienter med psykisk sjukdom (n=503) som vårdades på Kristianstads lasarett 1896-1905 studerades, för att få en bild av diagnoser/diagnostik, behandling och förlopp. För 92 patienter återfanns även journaler vid Lunds hospit

High resolution 100kV electron beam lithography in SU-8

High resolution 100 kV electron beam lithography in thin layers of the negative resist SU-8 is demonstrated. Sub-30 nm lines with a pitch down to 300 nm are written in 100 nm thick SU-8. Two reactive ion etch processes are developed in order to transfer the SU-8 structures into a silicon substrate, a Soft O-2-Plasma process to remove SU-8 residues on the silicon surface after development and a hig

Search for long-lived particles produced in pp collisions at s =13 TeV that decay into displaced hadronic jets in the ATLAS muon spectrometer

A search for the decay of neutral, weakly interacting, long-lived particles using data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented. The analysis in this paper uses 36.1 fb-1 of proton-proton collision data at s=13 TeV recorded in 2015-2016. The search employs techniques for reconstructing vertices of long-lived particles decaying into jets in the muon spectrometer exploiting a two-vert

Future physics opportunities for high-density QCD at the LHC with heavy-ion and proton beams

The future opportunities for high-density QCD studies with ion and proton beams at the LHC are presented. Four major scientific goals are identified: the characterisation of the macroscopic long wavelength Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) properties with unprecedented precision, the investigation of the microscopic parton dynamics underlying QGP properties, the development of a unified picture of particle

W production in an improved parton-shower approach

In the description of the production properties of gauge bosons (W±, Z0, γ*) at colliders, the lowest-order graph normally is not sufficient. The contributions of higher orders can be introduced either by an explicit order-by-order matrix-element calculation, by a resummation procedure or by a parton-shower algorithm. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. We here introduce a method t

Soft-particle spectra as a probe of interconnection effects in hadronic W+W- events

Cross-talk between the W+ and W- sources of hadron production at LEP2 offers a hope to learn about basic properties of QCD, but at the same time threatens high-precision measurements of the W boson mass. Directly visible effects are not expected to be large, however. It is, therefore, important to develop methods to measure the level of interconnection in the data - 'connectometers'. In this artic

An Overview of 5G Requirements and Future Wireless Networks: Accommodating Scaling Technology

In this article, we review the evolution of radio access networks and introduce fifth generation (5G), based on the current plans and expectations, as reported in the 2017 Ericsson Mobility Reports. Standardization is an ongoing effort, and much industry research is devoted to finding a good match of requirements, including balancing system performance, flexibility, and implementation implications

A planetesimal orbiting within the debris disc around a white dwarf star

Many white dwarf stars show signs of having accreted smaller bodies, implying that they may host planetary systems. A small number of these systems contain gaseous debris discs, visible through emission lines. We report a stable 123.4-minute periodic variation in the strength and shape of the Ca II emission line profiles originating from the debris disc around the white dwarf SDSS J122859.93+10403

Unique animal friendly 3D culturing of human cancer and normal cells

Two-dimensional cell culturing has proven inadequate as a reliable preclinical tumour model due to many inherent limitations. Hence, novel three-dimensional (3D) cell culture models are needed, which in many aspects can mimic a native tumour with 3D extracellular matrix. Here, we present a 3D electrospun polycaprolactone (PCL) mesh mimicking the collagen network of tissue. The naturally hydrophobi

Att omförhandla staden

Artikeln behandlar migrerande kvinnors hantering av platserna de kommer till. Utgångspunkten är hur identitetsmässiga förändringar sker relaterat till platser. Empiriskt utgår artikeln från två kvinnoöden av ganska olika karaktär.

Triclosan lacks anti-estrogenic effects in Zebrafish cells but modulates estrogen response in Zebrafish embryos

Triclosan (TCS), an antimicrobial agent widely found in the aquatic environment, is suspected to act as an endocrine disrupting compound, however mechanistic information is lacking in regards to aquatic species. This study assessed the ability of TCS to interfere with estrogen receptor (ER) transcriptional activity, in zebrafish-specific in vitro and in vivo reporter gene assays. We report that TC