

Din sökning på "*" gav 533280 sökträffar

Numerical solution for derivative models using finite difference methods and how this can be used with Monte Carlo simulation

Derivative models often come in the form of stochastic differential equations. From these equations a partial differential equation (PDE) can be derived. By discretizing the PDE the numerical solution is obtained on a form where the value of the derivative can be seen as a probabilistic weighting of future values. These probabilities can be used to simulate trajectories of the under- lying assets.

Correlated Structure-Property Investigation of Ultrathin InAs Nanowires

III-V semiconductors are a profound part of the optoelectronics industry and new developments in alloy compositions and architectures are constantly emerging. Lowdimensional semiconductors, such as nanowires (NWs) have shown to have improved characteristics in certain areas such as enhanced light absorption and can furthermore be integrated on Silicon (Si) plattforms and are thus predicted to be a

Unpacking followership in a management consultancy

Purpose – The purpose behind our study was to understand how individuals socially construct followership in a management consultancy. We did this through exploring the relations between consultants and their selected leaders, as well as through exploring how they related to the notion of followership. Literature review – We selected theory that was relevant with respect to our research question a

Derivation of an Algorithm for the Analysis of Images of DNA molecules prepared with Denaturation Mapping

Denaturation mapping is a powerful and fast method for optically analyzing DNA molecules.It can be used to characterize DNA molecules on a scale of a few hundred base pairs which is sufficient for applications. Denaturation mapping requires a sufficiently high optical resolution of the imaging system used, which typically translates to an expensive, bulky microscope. For point-of-care testing or u

Evaluation of applicant quality for a recruitment company using machine learning

It is important to the recruitment company that only quality candidates, and the candidates most likely to receive an offer of employment get short-listed to go through the carriers selection process. It is this second phase of the recruitment process, the short-listing of potential candidates, that will be the focus of this thesis. Data has being gathered by the recruitment company through an i

Securitizing the Environment? A discourse analysis of key United Nations documents on climate change

Over the course of the last few years climate change has been increasingly framed in terms of security, frequently featuring in discussions and publications of various security actors and institutions. This development generated a vigorous debate within academia as to whether a securitization of climate change in global politics has occurred. By drawing upon Copenhagen School’s Securitization Theo

Benefits of passive solar shading devices in Swedish climate scenarios. Integrated daylight and energy study.

Modern well-insulated and highly glazed buildings experience increased overheating, even in cold climates. Buildings hold the biggest share of the world’s energy use, and current climate crisis can exacerbate future need for cooling. The study strives to analyse passive solar shadings on a south-oriented façade, having predetermined that external and internal shadings’ main function is solar heat

A study of the forecasting, presentation and verification of clear air turbulence.

The project’s purpose is based on how physics is applied in reality for flight safety, efficiency and sustainability purposes. The forecasting and verification of clear air turbulence(C.A.T.) is studied further to understand the demand of high-resolution forecasts by civilaviation. This was done by literature studies and interviews with pilots and meteorologists in Sweden. An alternative way of pr

Strategic Thinking is Context Dependent

Strategic thinking is a complex field that consists of more than the concept of strategy. Strategic thinking is important to business success, to maintain a competitive advantage, to strategic planning, and management decision-making. However, this is not an exhaustive list of reasons why strategic thinking is relevant. Research in the science and professional fields have failed to agree on one fi

Ferroelectric Gate-Stack on InAs

Allt fler personer har tillgång till en dator och en telefon idag. Dessa föremål har blivit en central roll i dagens samhälle och utbudet ökar. Över åren så har elektroniken blivit billigare och mer kraftfull vilket har lett till alla personer nu har tillgång till dessa föremål. En nyckel del till det är evolutionen av transistorn. Transistorn har funnits i många år men när den uppfanns så var denModern electronics are becoming more powerful and energy efficient for every new process generation. A key component in electronics is the transistor, which has made this trend possible. For many years the transistor has simply been scaled down.However, that is not possible any longer. To continue improving the transistor, new structures and materials need to be researched. A promising topic in th

Socker eller honung - vilket är mest miljövänligt?

Den söta sanningen – en jämförelse av miljöpåverkan från socker respektive honung Studien handlar om miljöpåverkan från sockerproduktion och honungsproduktion, ett ämne som påverkar allt från biodiversitet till partikelutsläpp. Några miljöaspekter har valts ut för att undersökas på djupet och ge svar på frågan om vilket sötningsmedel som är mest miljövänligt egentligen. Miljöpåverkan från ekologHoney is generally considered to be a healthier option than white sugar, and humans can replace sugar with honey and still maintain a healthy diet. While effects on the body caused by sugar and honey have been investigated, the environmental impact of organic sugar and organic honey has not yet been investigated and compared. The purpose of this study was to perform an overview of the environmenta

No title

In this study I address the phenomenon of precarious labour among young knowledge- and cultural workers in southern Scandinavia. Based on seven semi-structured interviews I investigate how precarious labour can be perceived as a liminal state of in-betweenness and ambiguity, which affects the individual in different areas of life. By causing a constant sense of temporality the effects span financi

Birgittinsk vägledning. Yta och djup i predikningar för Petri kedjors fest

In Rev.IV:137, Christ told St. Birgitta that pilgrims to Vadstena could receive the same plenary indulgence as the one granted to the church San Pietro in Vincoli in Rome. The privilege was highly disputed, but in Vadstena the pilgrims crowded anyway on the feast of St. Peter in Chains on August 1, a feast where the deliverance from the captivity of sin was pivotal. This study is based on extant s

Den nya digitala köpprocessen - En kvantitativ uppsats om web- och showrooming ur millennials konsumentperspektiv

Examensarbetets titel: Den nya digitala köpprocessen - En kvantitativ uppsats om web- och showrooming ur millennials konsumentperspektiv Seminariedatum: 2020-01-16 Kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i Marknadsföring på Kandidatnivå, Företagsekonomi, 15 HP Författare: Emelie Jartelius, Therese Johansson och Johanna Åkesson Handledare: Clara Gustafsson Fem nyckelord: Webrooming, showrooming, omnichannel,

Kön och genus i grundskolans kursplaner: En kritisk diskursanalys med fokus på musikämnet

Grundskolan i Sverige har sedan 1962 haft den form den har idag och innehållet har styrts av läroplaner och kursplaner. De har förnyats och omformulerats under åren och Sverige har hittills haft fem olika läroplaner. I denna uppsats har jag undersökt diskursen gällande kön och genus med fokus på musikämnet i läroplaner och kursplaner. Jag har även undersökt en del kringmaterial. Jag har gjort en kSince 1962, compulsory school in Sweden has had the framing it has today, governed by curricula and syllabi. They have been renewed and rearticulated during the decades and Sweden has, to this date, had five different curricula. In this study I have examined the discourse in these curricula and syllabi focusing on sex and gender, with music as a school subject being the center of the study. I have

”Krisen är inte bara ett hot – den är redan över oss” : en studie om hur IPCC:s klimatrapport framställs i svenska nyhetsartiklar

Denna uppsats handlar om hur en forskningsrapport från FN:s klimatpanel IPCC gestaltas i nyhetsartiklar i svensk media. Syftet med den här undersökningen var att studera hur klimatförändringar, och tillika en vetenskaplig rapport om dessa, gestaltas i nyhetsrapporteringen idag. Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ textanalys av 32 stycken nyhetsartiklar från tolv olika nyhetsredaktioner, med artikla

Applicering och utvärdering av en konsekvensanalysmetod för beroenden

Enligt svensk lag är kommuner skyldiga att identifiera potentiella hot och säkerställa samhällets motståndskraft mot dessa hot. En viktig del av arbetet är att beakta samhällsviktiga verksamheter och de beroenden som finns mellan dem. Framförallt är det viktigt att identifiera vilka av beroendena som är kritiska. Ett kritiskt beroende mellan verksamheter innebär att om en verksamhet slutar fungeraDependencies between critical infrastructures are often complex by nature, which makes it hard to assess both their criticality and their impact level. These are the overarching reasons behind the development of a newly proposed KE-method at Lund University (at CenCIP) in cooperation with the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) in 2018/19. The purpose of the method is to map, analyze and visu