

Din sökning på "*" gav 532881 sökträffar

Utifrån ålder eller behov? – Ålder som organiserande princip för stödinsatser till äldre

Moral economy studies have investigated public opinion as to who should get what and why, and concluded that older people constitute a group that is perceived to deserve and be in need of support from society. A weakness of the approach is that the category of older people is taken for granted and specific age-limits are left unproblematized. The present study investigates views among municipal ne

Recruitment strategies and reach of a digital fall-prevention intervention for community-dwelling older adults

BACKGROUND: To have an impact on the population's health, preventive interventions have to reach a large proportion of the intended population. Digital solutions show potential for providing wider access to fall preventive exercise. However, there is a lack of knowledge about how to reach the target group. The aim of this study was to describe the recruitment process used in the Safe Step randomis

Automated Low-Cost Soil Moisture Sensors: Trade-Off between Cost and Accuracy

Automated soil moisture systems are commonly used in precision agriculture. Using low-cost sensors, the spatial extension can be maximized, but the accuracy might be reduced. In this paper, we address the trade-off between cost and accuracy comparing low-cost and commercial soil moisture sensors. The analysis is based on the capacitive sensor SKU:SEN0193 tested under lab and field conditions. In a

A two-step approach to Lidar-Camera calibration

Autonomous vehicles and robots are typically equipped with Lidar and camera. Hence, calibrating the Lidar-camera system is of extreme importance for ego-motion estimation and scene understanding. In this paper, we propose a two-step approach (coarse + fine) for the external calibration between a camera and a multiple-line Lidar. First, a new closed-form solution is proposed to obtain the initial c

Conditions for Univariate SAGBI Bases

This thesis describes the fundaments of SAGBI theory, including definitions, subduction, SAGBI basis verification and construction. A resultant identity is then used to demonstrate some conditions on univariate SAGBI bases for subalgebras generated by two polynomials.

När historiska händelser får samtidens uppmärksamhet - historikerns roll och relationer till brukare och journalister

Då och då uppmärksammar massmedia så kallade historiska skandaler såsom sterilisering, vanvård inom den sociala barnavården, höga dödstal på sinnessjukhus eller behandling av minoritetsbefolkningar. Sådan massmedial uppmärksamhet bidrar ibland till diskussioner i nutida samhällsdebatt om välfärdsstatens roll, om svek till individer i utsatta positioner och om vägar till upprättelse.I sådana samman

Are Brazilian catchments gaining or losing water? The effective area of tropical catchments

Similar to most countries, the Brazilian water resources management considers topographically delineated catchment as a territorial unit for policy implementation. Yet, previous studies have shown that catchments are not hydrologically isolated, and topographic limits often neglect the groundwater boundaries. Thus, studies on effective catchment areas are promising for shedding light on inter-catc

Multitarget Detection Strategy for Distributed MIMO Radar With Widely Separated Antennas

In this article, we propose a novel solution to detect multiple targets using a distributed multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar under the so-called 'defocused transmit-defocused receive' operating mode. The proposed method employs a grid-based data matching algorithm, aiming to associate the target responses to potential target locations, solving the resulting data puzzle that evaluates th

En Ex-Jobbares Rosa Guide till Tryggare (och Bättre) Bostäder

Enligt WHO är mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer ett av de allvarligaste hoten mot kvinnors hälsa. Medan det finns många aspekter att ha i åtanke i analysen av detta, kvarstår faktumet att det är i hemmet som våldet sker. Varför är det så? Många arkitekter och teoretiker har länge konstaterat hur våra städer är byggda olika väl för olika typer av kroppar, där möjligtvis vissa kroppar stöttas According to the WHO, domestic violence is one of the most dangerous threats to women’s health. Whilst there are more things to consider, truth is that the home is where all of this violent behaviour takes the stage. Why is that? Many architects and theorists have long made out that our cities are differently well-built for different kinds of bodies, where some are possibly better supported than o

Digital self-management of hip and knee osteoarthritis and trajectories of work and activity impairments

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the trajectories of work and activity impairments among people participating in a digital self-management program for osteoarthritis (OA).METHODS: We conducted an observational longitudinal study using data for baseline, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months follow ups from people participating in a digital OA treatment between June 2018 and September 2021. The Work Productivity and Acti

Decision Support for Lake Restoration : A Case Study in Swedish Freshwater Bodies

A considerable number of lakes in Sweden have high phosphorus internal loading from the sediments which cause cyanobacterial blooms every summer. Due to potential risks with such blooms for human health, drinking water supply, and ecosystem services, measures need to be taken to control the phosphorus content. Measures to control the phosphorus input from the surrounding land has been in focus. Ho