

Din sökning på "*" gav 531159 sökträffar

Lp-PLA2 activity and mass for prediction of incident abdominal aortic aneurysms : A prospective longitudinal cohort study

Background and aims The pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) shares several common pathways with atherosclerosis. Prospective clinical plasma biomarker studies in AAA have been hampered by the need for very large cohorts and long follow-up time. Methods We analyzed a prospective longitudinal cohort of middle-aged individuals from the cardiovascular cohort of the Malmö Diet and Cancer st

Time Alone or Together? Trends and Trade-offs Among Dual-Earner Couples, Sweden 1990–2010

In recent decades, the dual-earner couple has become increasingly normative, potentially reducing the time couples and families spend together. The authors investigated how coupled individuals allocated time together, alone, with children, and as a family, exploring changes between 1990 and 2010 in Sweden using three waves of the Swedish Time Use Survey (N = 9,544). Ordinary least squares and deco

Medication in older hip fracture patients. Falls, fractures, and mortality.

Background and aim: Due to an increasingly ageing population, the number of hip fracture patients, often with multiple chronic diseases and multiple pharmacotherapy, is set to rise. The high risk of adverse outcomes that hip fractures lead to in older individuals is well described, including high first-year mortality. This thesis aim to improve our knowledge of older hip fracture patients’ treatme

Think H2O! – An educational partnership to raise students’ awareness of the water challenges

Think H2O! – An educational partnership to raise students’ awareness of the water challenges Introduction: To secure future access to safe water is one of the most important sustainability challenges, on local and global level. Water is a cause of conflict and cooperation in an increasingly complex world. This crucial challenge requires a transdisciplinary approach (Segalàs & Tejedor, 2013) a

Scaling up social capital - A prerequisite for community based adaptation in the Lake Victoria basin?

The capacity of communities to reduce negative impacts of climate change on their lives and livelihoods is a function of socio-economic conditions, infrastructure, government accountability and institutional responsiveness and not the least social capital. Africa’s most densely populated region, the Lake Victoria basin (LVB), home to over 30 million people, is one example of a likely future climat

Empirical Text Mining for Genre Detection

In this paper, we report on a preliminary study we carried out for identifying patterns that characterize the genre type of Greek texts. In the course of our study, we address four distinct genre types, we record their observable stylistic elements and we indicate their exploitation for automatic genre-based document classi-fication. The findings of our study demonstrate that texts contain lexical

The Accuracy and Precision of Position and Orientation Tracking in the HTC Vive Virtual Reality System for Scientific Research

The advent of inexpensive consumer virtual reality equipment enables many more researchers to study perception with naturally moving observers. One such system, the HTC Vive, offers a large field-of-view, high-resolution head mounted display together with a room-scale tracking system for less than a thousand U.S. dollars. If the position and orientation tracking of this system is of sufficient acc

No time to talk! Teachers' perception of workplace communication

Teachers’ perception of organizational communication was assessed with a tailored questionnaire sampling 401 primary and lower secondary school teachers from two municipalities in Sweden (response rate 61 %). Overall, the teachers were satisfied with the workplace communication climate, the communication structure, and collegial communication, while time for communication, was reported deficient. Teachers’ perception of organizational communication was assessed with a tailored questionnaire sampling 401 primary and lower secondary school teachers from two municipalities in Sweden (response rate 61 %). Overall, the teachers were satisfied with the workplace communication climate, the communication structure, and collegial communication, while time for communication, was reported deficient.

The effect of local land-use changes on floristic diversity during the past 1000 years in southern Sweden

The relationship between land-use and floristic diversity in the landscape, for the last millennia, is analysed from two small lakes in southern Sweden. Pollen analysis and the Local Vegetation Estimates (LOVE) model are used to quantify land-cover at local scales with 100-year time windows. Floristic richness is estimated using palynological richness, and we introduce LOVE-based evenness as a pro

Entropy solutions of a scalar conservation law modeling sedimentation in vessels with varying cross-sectional area

The sedimentation of an ideal suspension in a vessel with variable cross-sectional area can be described by an initial-boundary value problem for a scalar nonlinear hyperbolic conservation law with a nonconvex flux function and a weight function that depends on spatial position. The sought unknown is the local solids' volume fraction. For the most important cases of vessels with downward-decreasin

Zircon growth during progressive recrystallization of Gabbro to Garnet Amphibolite, Eastern Segment, Sveconorwegian orogen

The interpretation of whether a dated metamorphic zircon generation grew during the prograde, peak or retrograde stage of a metamorphic cycle is critical to geological interpretation. This study documents a case at Herrestad, in the eastern part of the 1±0 Ga Sveconorwegian Province, involving progressive metamorphic recrystallization of gabbro to garnet amphibolite and associated behaviour of Zr-

See and tell : Differences between expert and novice teachers’ interpretations of problematic classroom management events

Experience in the classroom influences how teachers interpret classroom events. This article investigated differences between expert and novice teachers' interpretations of authentic, problematic classroom events. Two types of videos presented problematic events, displaying either unrelated problems, such as disengaged, off-task students, or interrelated problems leading to a flagrant disruption.