

Din sökning på "*" gav 534719 sökträffar

”Under konungens enskilda styrelse” : Statschefen, kungahuset, hovet och ordensväsendet i konstitutionellt och rättshistoriskt perspektiv

Boken är en rättshistorisk utredning utförd åt Förtjänstutredningen och utgör en bilaga till SOU 2021:74. I texten finns en historisk översikt över statschefens funktion och ställning, särskilt vad gäller övergången från 1809 års till 1974 årsregeringsform. Vidare behandlas kungahuset och några liknande begrepp samt successionsrätten och husmakten. Tyngdpunkten ligger på en analys av den historisk

Non-attracting regions of local minima in deep and wide neural networks

Understanding the loss surface of neural networks is essential for the design of models with predictable performance and their success in applications. Experimental results suggest that sufficiently deep and wide neural networks are not negatively impacted by suboptimal local minima. Despite recent progress, the reason for this outcome is not fully understood. Could deep networks have very few, if

Associations Between Ambient Particle Radioactivity and Blood Pressure: The NAS (Normative Aging Study)

BACKGROUND: The cardiovascular effects of low-level environmental radiation exposures are poorly understood. Although particulate matter (PM) has been linked to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and elevated blood pressure (BP), the properties promoting its toxicity remain uncertain. Addressing a knowledge gap, we evaluated whether BP increased with higher exposures to radioactive components

Translation and validation of Assessment of Work Performance (AWP) into the Icelandic language and culture

BACKGROUND:Evidence-based services in vocational rehabilitation call for valid and reliable assessments of work performance for intervention planning and safe return to work for individuals with illness or injuries. Assessments that are easy to use, culturally adapted, and in a language professionals and clients understand is important for their utility. Translation and adaption of assessments to

Tax avoidance and state ownership : The case of Sweden

We propose a simple theoretical model for how a company with both private and state shareholders decides on its optimal tax policy. The model predicts that even in the absence of state shareholding, a company will not always pick a tax policy that minimizes taxes. Conversely, majority state ownership will generally not result in zero tax avoidance. Using panel regressions on the entire population

Strengthening antimicrobial resistance diagnostic capacity in rural rwanda : A feasibility assessment

Introduction: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global public health threat. Worse still, there is a paucity of data from low-and middle-income countries to inform rational antibiotic use. Objective: Assess the feasibility of setting up microbiology capacity for AMR testing and estimate the cost of setting up microbiology testing capacity at rural district hospitals in Rwanda. Methods: Laborator

Measuring party positions in Europe : The Chapel Hill expert survey trend file, 1999-2010

This article reports on the 2010 Chapel Hill expert surveys (CHES) and introduces the CHES trend file, which contains measures of national party positioning on European integration, ideology and several European Union (EU) and non-EU policies for 1999−2010. We examine the reliability of expert judgments and cross-validate the 2010 CHES data with data from the Comparative Manifesto Project and the

Anti-Elite/Establishment Rhetoric and Party Positioning on European Integration

This article addresses the relationship between the salience of anti-elite/establishment rhetoric for political parties and party positions on European integration. Anti-establishment rhetoric is a feature of populism, which is increasingly influential in contemporary European politics. For populist parties across the continent, in several ways the European Union (EU) represents the pinnacle of el

New Wine in Old Bottles : Explaining the Dimensional Structure of European Party Systems

In Europe, noneconomic political issues are seen as secondary but significant aspects of political competition. There is uncertainty, however, about the sources of the varying relationships between economic and cultural politics. This article explains the variance in the correlation of the economic and cultural dimensions in different party systems through the impact of historical religious confli

Party Responsiveness to Public Opinion in Young Democracies

Are political parties in young democracies responsive to the policy preferences of the public? Compared to extensive scholarship on party responsiveness in established democracies, research on party responsiveness in young democracies is limited. We argue that weaker programmatic party–voter linkages in post-communist democracies create incentives for parties to respond to their supporters rather

Congruence and Party Responsiveness in Western Europe in the 21st Century

Research on party responsiveness in established democracies suggests that parties follow shifts in the preferences of either the general electorate or party supporters. Drawing on theoretical models of party competition and research on party-voter congruence, we argue in this article that in the 21st century Western European mainstream parties respond to their partisan constituents. Parties adjust

Measurements of differential cross-sections in four-lepton events in 13 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector

Measurements of four-lepton differential and integrated fiducial cross-sections in events with two same-flavour, opposite-charge electron or muon pairs are presented. The data correspond to 139 fb−1 of s = 13 TeV proton-proton collisions, collected by the ATLAS detector during Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider (2015–2018). The final state has contributions from a number of interesting Standard Mo

From second sound to music : A special composition inspired by advanced physics

He II or superfluid helium, which already plays an important role in the cooling of superconducting magnets and superconducting radiofrequency cavities, has now also inspired music. Composer Michael Edward Edgerton, a professor at Lund University’s Malmo Academy of Music in Sweden has written an innovative piece, “Der Rufer,” for a percussion quartet based on phenomena found in He II including: an

Antibiotic resistance ABCF proteins reset the peptidyl transferase centre of the ribosome to counter translational arrest

Several ATPases in the ATP-binding cassette F (ABCF) family confer resistance to macrolides, lincosamides and streptogramins (MLS) antibiotics. MLS are structurally distinct classes, but inhibit a common target: the peptidyl transferase (PTC) active site of the ribosome. Antibiotic resistance (ARE) ABCFs have recently been shown to operate through direct ribosomal protection, but the mechanistic d

Single-molecule investigations of the stringent response machinery in living bacterial cells

The RelA-mediated stringent response is at the heart of bacterial adaptation to starvation and stress, playing a major role in the bacterial cell cycle and virulence. RelA integrates several environmental cues and synthesizes the alarmone ppGpp, which globally reprograms transcription, translation, and replication. We have developed and implemented novel single-molecule tracking methodology to cha