

Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar

LIDAR technique for Remote Gas Analysis in Solid Scattering Media

LIDAR techniques are used to measure gases in solid scattering media remotely, by analyzing the differential absorption observed in the multiple scattering light. The gas exchange (O-2/N-2) in polystyrene foam is monitored. (C)2008 Optical Society of America

Evidence-Based Timelines for Project Retrospectives-A Method for Assessing Requirements Engineering in Context

Effective requirements engineering (RE) can support efficient development of successful products. However, assessing and improving how RE supports its context, i.e. the development life cycle, is non-trivial since many different roles and factors are involved over a long period of time. Project retrospectives may support project teams in reflecting on how requirements are agreed upon and communica

How can p53 induce differentiation of leukemic cells?

Popular Abstract in Swedish p53 Ñett protein som kan fŒ leukemiceller att bli mera mogna Vid akut leukemi ansamlas omogna blodceller med nedsatt fšrmŒga till utmognad och programmerad celldšd. Detta leder till frŒnvaro av normala blodceller, vilket Šr huvudorsaken till de infektioner och blšdningsrubbningar som utgšr leukemins frŠmsta symptom. Akut leukemi har hittills framfšr allt behandlats medThe terminal differentiation of leukemic cells is closely connected to their death. The concept of differentiation therapy originates from the idea that forced maturation of leukemic cells could induce cell death without the side-effects that are provoked by ordinary chemotherapy. The tumour suppressor protein p53 is a transcription factor, and can induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of maligna

Bacteriological Hygiene in the Production of Pasteurised Milk

Critical contamination sites and sources for the Gram-negative psychrotrophs (GNP) of the taxa Pseudomonas, Enterobacteriaceae and Aeromonas, and the Gram-positive spore-forming (GPS) species Bacillus cereus, have been traced in the production line of pasteurised milk. Samples of raw and pasteurised milk from different sampling sites along the line were collected. After incubation at 7°C until the

Biskop Sarapion av Thmuis böner

Sarapion av Thmuis böner från 300-talets Egypten är en av de äldsta bevarade samlingarna med böner från den tidiga kyrkans gudstjänstliv. Samlingen innehåller biskopens böner för begravningsgudstjänst, eukaristifirande, dopfirande, ämbetsvigningar och olika välsignelseakter. Dessa böner är en viktig källa till vår kunskap om den tidiga kyrkans gudstjänstliv och teologi i det nedre Egypten.

Today's Sounds for Yesterday's Films : Making Music for Silent Cinema

Music is a vital instrument in attracting new audiences to silent cinema as well as renewing the interest of an already-initiated public. In this collection, chapters by practitioners as well as scholars capture the magic experience of silent film with music, and discuss from varying points of view how music meets this resurfaced film art.

Traceability Research at Packaging Logistics

Research at the division of Packaging Logistics, Lund University, has been performed in numerous areas, ranging from organisational learning and sustainability to process integration and service development. One of these is the new and complex research area of traceability. When it comes to food scandals, from the mad cow disease at the end of the 90s to the more recent incident where glass has b

Power System Security Assessment - Application of Learning Algorithms

The last years blackouts have indicated that the operation and control of power systems may need to be improved. Even if a lot of data was available, the operators at different control centers did not take the proper actions in time to prevent the blackouts. This depends partly on the reorganization of the control centers after the deregulation and partly on the lack of reliable decision support s