

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Current voltage characterization of high-k oxide on InGaAs substrate

Abstract Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) capacitor was fabricated on the InGaAs substrate with Al2O3/HfO2 gate oxide. InGaAs is one of the promising candidates for advanced applications which require the lower power supply and high frequency. The high-k films (Al2O3/HfO2) were formed by atomic layer deposition (ALD) as an alternative to silicon dioxide (SiO2) to proceed the scaling of oxide to low

Vattenskador i småhus - En jämförelse med VASKA och dagens branschregler

Water damages have been an expensive problem for Swedish house owners for many decades and costs society billions of Swedish kronor every year. In an attempt to reduce the number of water damages, and the severe consequences there off, a project called VASKA was launched in Umeå in 1987. In the neighbourhood of Ersmark there were 24 houses built, all following the list of requirements set by VASKA

Time-resolved study of charge photo-generation in polymer-based solar cells with low driving force

Organic polymer-based solar cells recently attracted much attention as an efficient and inexpensive light-to-electricity conversion solution. However, the mechanism behind charge generation processes in organic materials is still not fully understood due to complex nature of carbon-based compounds. Studies of charge generation, recombination and transport processes are essential for revealing the

Krav och arkitektur - Mjukvaruarkitektoniska designbeslut i kravhantering

Uppsatsen berör relationen mellan kravhantering och mjukvaruarkitektur. Att hantera krav inom mjukvara innebär att lösa problem. Kravhantering är komplext då krav kan komma från olika människor från olika nivåer i en organisation samt från den miljö där mjukvaran kommer att verka. Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera vilka konsekvenser kravhantering medför när mjukvaruarkitektoniska designbe

"Bunkaslagsmål" eller naziattack? : en studie om hur journalister anpassade och vinklade den uppmärksammade misshandeln av feministiska demonstranter i Malmö

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur journalister konstruerar och tolkar vissa händelser utifrån mediernas logiker. Genom att studera ett uppmärksammat fall, en misshandel av sex feministiska demonstranter i Malmö den 8:e mars 2014, har det varit möjligt för oss att söka svar på varför vissa händelser blir nyheter samt hur och varför dessa i sin tur vinklas för att locka läsare. Med hjälp av

Kvinnlig homosexualitet: myt och stereotyp i filmen “Blå är den varmaste färgen”

Syftet med denna uppsats var att, genom en undersökning av en specifik populärkulturell medietext, studera hur denna representerar homosexualitet samt vilka myter och stereotyper som via detta uppehålls alternativt ifrågasätts. Den analyserade filmen, ”Blå är den varmaste färgen” (originaltitel: ”La vie d’Adéle”), skildrar ett lesbiskt förhållande mellan två unga kvinnor. För att genomföra analyse

Status and impact of the ability to pay principle in the ECJ's case law concerning tax benefits based on personal and family circumstances

Ability to pay is recognized in most Member States as a constitutional parameter to design fair tax systems and foundations of such principle can be found also in EU primary law. However, our investigation, based on the analysis of the ECJ's case law concerning tax benefits related to personal and family circumstances, will demonstrate that ability to pay can't be considered a general prin

Surface Studies on Industrial Aluminium Alloys

Aluminium alloys are used in a wide range of applications due to their high tensile strength concomitant with low density. Additionally, aluminium alloys form a naturally occurring and passivating oxide layer, which leads to high corrosion and weathering resistance. In industrial manufacturing, aluminium alloys acquire their desired properties through specially designed heating processes. A common

TRIPS and medicines – Prices, Availability and Health: The effect on India, Thailand, South Africa and Brazil

This thesis investigates the TRIPS-agreement signed by all members of the World Trade Organization and how it has affected the price and availability on medicines, and in extension its overall effect on health. This was investigated by conducting four case studies of India, Thailand, South Africa and Brazil. It was found that prices had been affected by TRIPS due to the extension of patent term in

Biokol för rening av kväve och fosfor ur dagvatten i Segeåns avrinningsområde

Stormwater from urban areas contain a number of pollutants, among which nitrogen and phosphorous have been of lesser focus. In this study I aim to investigate if biochar has the potential to fill the role as water filter in urban areas, and to pin point what should be experimentally investigated in order to evaluate biochar in comparison to two contemporary filter systems: bioreactors and chalk fi

Rumslig autokorrelation i kommunal arbetslöshet

Studien ger en analys av kommunal arbetslöshet i Sverige. Syftet är att undersöka om arbetslöshet kan modelleras med en linjär regressionsmodell, eller om den kräver en utvidgad modell med en rumslig komponent. I detta syfte skattas en Durbinmodell – en modell som utvecklar den multipla linjära regressionen med rumsligt vägda variabler. Landet delas i fem regioner (Götaland, Norrland, Svealand, StThe study presents an analysis of municipal unemployment in Sweden. Its aim is to examine whether unemployment can be modeled using linear regression or re-quires an additional spatial component. To do this, a Durbin model – a model that extends multiple linear regression using spatially weighted variables – is employed. The country is divided into five regions (Götaland, Norrland, Svealand, Stock

Minerallagen vs. Folkrätten. Mineralexploatering på bekostnad av samernas rättigheter

Sammanfattning Sverige har upprepade gånger fått kritik av olika FN – organ för att inte följa den internationella folkrätten för de rättigheter som ursprungsbefolkningar har, i Sveriges fall samerna. Kritiken handlar bland annat om samernas bristande inflytande på beslut som angår dem. Gruvnäringen anses vara ett stort problem då gruvnäringens intressen sätts före de samiska rättigheterna samtidiSummary Sweden has repeatedly been criticized by the UN for not following international human rights law for indigenous peoples, in the case of Sweden, the Saami. The criticism include the Saami people's lack of influence on decisions affecting them. The mining industry is considered to be a major problem because of its big impact on the Saami culture and the swedish mineral-law gets critic be

Subject-to-tax clauses in Swedish double tax conventions concluded between 2004 - 2014

The thesis deals whit double tax conventions and double non-taxation. The thesis aim is to analyse the Swedish double tax conventions concluded between 2004 and 2014 in order to find out whether the double tax conventions contain a subject-to tax clause. In totally 11 conventions were analysed and subject-to-tax clauses were found in two conventions. The benchmark for the research is the model for

Beyond a Paycheck - Employment as an Act of Consumption for Gen Y Talents

Purpose: This master thesis aims at bridging the distinct notions of production and consumption by investigating how well-established consumption frameworks gain significance in the employment world. Therefore, we ask how Gen Y talents experience their jobs as commodities and act as consumers in the workplace as a reaction to this comodification. The purpose of this paper is to gain a general unde

getResults - Design och utveckling av en app för bättre träning

Idag finns det många applikationer till smartphonen ute på marknaden vars syfte är att underlätta träning. Applikationer öppnar upp för möjligheten att för logg, redovisa övningar och progression. Samtidigt visar det sig att majoriteten av gymmedlemmarna fortfarande använder papper och penna vid bokföring av träningsresultat. Syftet med detta exjobb är att designa en applikation med ett användarväToday there are many applications for the smartphone on the market whose purpose is to facilitate the training. Applications open up the possibility to log, reporting exercises and progression. Meanwhile, it turns out that the majority of the gym members are still using pen and paper when logging training results. The purpose of this thesis is to design an application containing an user friendly i

Svenska museers attityder till offentlig respektive icke-offentlig finansiering

The culture proposal "Time for culture" emphasizes that the financial responsibility should not only be dependent on public funding, but private funders and non profit agencies should also take increased financial responsibility. The increasing demand for financial independency, has created a new position for cultural institutions. This has led to this study that wants to find out how th

När ett varumärke blir kapat

A brand is an immeasurable asset to organizations, which through substantial resources, develops and executes market communications that help facilitate the image the organization wants to establish. This thesis will be a case study into the company Fjällräven with the purpose of examining their brand identity. Further the thesis will explore how Fjällräven’s brand identity is challenged by a cont

Brandteknisk riskvärdering, Akademiska Barnsjukhuset I Uppsala

This report is a fire safety evaluation of Uppsala University Children’s hospital which is the largest part of the course Fire safety evaluation VBR054 at Lund University. The report is focused on identifying the current risks. This was accomplished by using various computer programs, experiments and hand calculations. Different measures were developed in order to minimize the risks.

Unemployment and alcohol-related health in Sweden

A large number of studies have explored the relations between unemployment and alcohol-related health, but so far there is no consensus among the results. This paper contributes to the literature by exploring how unemployment is related to overall alcohol consumption as well as to the rates of alcohol poisoning, alcohol addiction and alcohol-related liver disease. A fixed effects model is used on