Din sökning på "*" gav 529430 sökträffar
An intonational typology of Swedish
Urban sustainable development from a place-based and a system-based approach: Case study Malmö
This paper discusses urban sustainable development by comparing two approaches: a place-based sustainability approach which focuses the direct and often production based impacts on a region, and a system-based approach which reveals the indirect and consumption based effects of globalised patterns of production, consumption and trade. Malmö, a small/middle-sized city in Sweden, is used as a case s
On LTE channel estimation architectures
Maktutredningen - Från klasskamp till lojalitet
A Study on Evaporative Resistance of Two Skins Designed for Thermal Manikin Tore Under Different Environmental Conditions
Energy Policy Instruments and Innovation: How can tradable permit schemes influence innovation processes?
Svensk jämlikhet – en historisk betraktelse över kvinnorörelsens kollektiva identitet
Optimisation of reflector and module geometries for static, low-concentrating facade-integrated photovoltaic systems
Cataract patients in a defined Swedish population 1986-1990
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denne populationstudie om kataraktkirurgi strakte sig over en pre- og peroperativ fase med indsamling af data i perioden 1986-1990. Den postoperative dataindsamling i denne redegørelse dækker perioden 1986-1992. Epidemiologiske forhold belyses i det første og syvende arbejde. Anatomiske og især refraktive forhold bliver belyst i den andet og tredje publikation. Det fjerThere has been a striking increase in the number of cataract operations in the referral region of the Lund Health Care District during 1986 through 1990, in 1990 reaching 3.6 per 1000 inhabitants. Different preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative variables and observations were registered and analysed for 5878 consecutive cataract cases operated in the period studied. Women predominate in t
The cosmic origin of carbon and manganese
The Transmission of Greek Collections of the Apophthegmata Patrum
Indoor air quality in submarines
The next generation of conventional submarines will be submerged for several weeks, creating a need for regenerative air purification methods and new air monitoring instruments. Submarine air is a complex mixture of compounds, where the most obvious contaminant is metabolically produced carbon dioxide. Normal eight-hour occupational exposure limits are not applicable on a submarine, instead specia
The non-existence of risk attitude
A Robust Sampled Regulator for Stable Systems with Monotone Step Responses
Correlation attacks on stream ciphers and related decoding problems
No title
Short note on the relationship between Denmark and Sweden