

Din sökning på "*" gav 529663 sökträffar

Mobile Devices In the Distributed IoT Platform Calvin

Development towards a connected world where anything can talk to anything is ongoing. Calvin is a research project at Ericsson that simplifies the development of peer-to-peer applications for the Internet of Things. Calvin is created in order to let the developer of an application for the Internet of Things focus on the implementation instead of having to worry about underlying protocols, hardware


This thesis project is a reconsideration of the Red Sands Forts in Thames Estuary, offshore from London. This happens through the proposal of a bio-lighting tubed net connecting the different towers of the famous old towers left from the second world war. The project deals with the past, actual and different future interpretations of the projects falling onto these structures, showing several inte

Investing in activism and harnessing expertise - Gendered and postcolonial constructs of civil society in the Women, Peace and Security agenda

In recent years, the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda have paid a higher degree of attention to the gaps in implementation and lack of financing that have characterized the agenda since the adoption of UNSCR 1325 in 2000. This development has also included more attention given to implementation through civil society organizations, and the establishment of a new financing instrument – Global

Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(phenylene oxide) Functionalized with various Imidazolium Cations via Alkyl Spacer units

Anjonbytarmembran bestående av polyfenylenoxid funktionaliserad med följande imidasolgrupper, 1-metylimidasol (MeIm), 1,2,4,5-tetrametyl-1H-imidasol (TMeIm), imidaso[1,2-a]pyridin (ImPyr), 1-metylbensimidasol (MeBim) och 1-metyl-mesitylbensimidasol (MeMesBim), via en alkyl kedja tillverkades och analyserades med avseende på följande egenskaper; anjonisk ledningsförmåga, vattenabsorption, katjonaggAnion exchange membranes consisting of a Poly(phenylene oxide) polymer backbone functionalized with various imidazolium cations, 1-methylimidazole, 1,2,4,5-tetramethyl-1H-imidazole, imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine, 1-methylbenzimidazole and 1-methyl-mesitylbenzimidazole, via alkyl spacer units were prepared and analyzed for anion conductivity, water absorption properties, cation aggregation, thermal stabil

How do potential users perceive the adoption of new technologies within the field of Artificial Intelligence and Internet-of-Things? - A revision of the UTAUT 2 model using Voice Assistants

The following study investigates the perception potential users have when considering the adoption of voice assistants (VAs). VAs are considered to possess characteristics linkable to both, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet-of-Things (IoT). This thesis aims to provide a deeper understanding of the determinants influencing the adoption of the new VA technology using the Unified Theory o

What is all the fuzz about? A FMCG brand portfolio case study of formalisation in the front end of innovation

Title: What is all the fuzz about? A FMCG brand portfolio case study of formalisation in the Front End of Innovation. Date of the seminar: 23 May 2017 Course: ENTN39 Master ́s Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation Internship and degree project (Master ́s thesis 15 ECTS) Authors: Mink Kempen and My Magnusson Supervisor: Joakim Winborg Examiner: Ass. Professor Sotaro Shibayama Keywords: De

Exploring moral distress – a study of how nurses struggle to do what feels morally right

Moral distress in nursing is a widely-acknowledged phenomenon that has been linked to decreased patient care, burnouts and job turnover. Thereby, it is often described by quantitative studies which lack insights in feelings and perceptions of affected nurses. Our thesis approached the phenomenon differently by interpreting narratives. These were identified through a qualitative study in cooperatio

"Raising our voice, claiming our space" : in pursuit of a sustainable solid waste management system in Quito, Ecuador

Ecuador, in its endeavor to overcome the sustainability issues caused by the lack of adequate solid waste management (SWM), introduced an ambitious governance model seeking to stop environmental degradation and include waste recyclers into the system. In Quito, Ecuador´s capital, population growth, lack of waste separation at source, and space constraints for the final disposal of municipal solid

Defensivt och proaktivt gränsdragningsarbete : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorer formar sitt arbete

The mission of healthcare social workers can be very inexplicit, both for other professions inside the walls of the hospital and for the healthcare social workers themselves. The aim of this study was to look into how the mission of healthcare social workers is shaped through the proceedings around the initial contact with their patients. The chosen method was qualitative semi-structured intervi

Sprudlande idéer i närvaro av vem och hur? Om personlighet och kreativitet i grupp

I den här studien undersöktes hur personlighetsdrag och sociala processer i grupp förhöll sig till kreativitet som en samarbetsprocess. I tidigare forskning har fokus ofta riktats mot psykologin om individers kreativitet. Idag behövs i stället ett fokus på hur användbara idéer kan utvecklas på arbetsplatser och i grupper. Gruppmedlemmars olika personligheter är en central aspekt av gruppers strukt

Håller du inte mitt liv i din hand, Gud? K.E. Løgstrup, ondskan och lidandet

This paper aims to examine the experience of evil and suffering. In our daily lives we experience different kinds of evil and suffering, some that we cause ourselves and others and some that we cannot understand. We ask ourselves questions such as, why does this happen to me? And who can I count as responsible for this? In this paper the theologian K.E. Løgstrups thoughts on evil, suffering and ho

Tysk Tabulatur - ett arbete om notationen av lutmusik och transkriptioner av tabulatur

Ett arbete om musik för luta skriven och publicerad under 1500-talet i Tyskland i en tabulatur som har fått namnet tysk tabulatur och som skiljer sig från de andra tabulaturerna för luta. I uppsatsen undersöks olika sätt att använda den tyska tabulaturen och hur musiken ska läsas. I arbetet kommer olika tabulaturer av tyska lutenister att jämföras och hur denna musik kan spelas på en klassisk gitaA work about music for the lute written and published in Germany during the 16th century in a tablature which is called German tablature, which is different from the other tablatures for the lute. In this essay various ways of using the German tablature and how to read the music will be examined. Different tablatures by German lutenists will be compared and also how the music can be played on a cl

Machine learning in the design phase of the construction

Dagens samhälle digitaliseras i en allt snabbare takt i samband med tekniken utvecklas och möjligheterna blir flera. En teknik som på allt senare tid har börjat få uppmärksamhet är maskininlärning, men vad är det och hur kan det användas inom byggbranschen? Vad maskininlärning betyder är att man låter en algoritm gå igenom stora mängder av data för att lära sig om ett specifikt problem. Detta görMachine learning has the potential to improve processes and revolutionizeeconomies on a global level and that is also true for the construction indus-try. Machine learning has started to get attention in recent years as computerpower have increased and the cost has reduced. The purpose with machinelearning is train an algorithm to process large quantities of data for essentialinformation. This can

Denotation, konnotation och stil – Om metaforöversättning i David Mitchells Cloud Atlas

David Mitchells roman Cloud Atlas (2004) består av sex sammanlänkade berättelser som alla är skrivna i en egen separat stil och genre. I denna magisteruppsats behandlas översättningsarbetet av utvalda avsnitt ur två av romanens berättelser, The Pacific Journal of Adam Ewing och The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish. Efter en inledande analys av verket som helhet diskuteras sedan de valda avsnitt

The Technology-Adjusted Balance of Emissions Embodied in Trade: Assessing Global Carbon Emission Displacement from 1995 to 2009

Increasing global production fragmentation allows for emission displacement, which may counteract advanced nation’s domestic reductions of production-related carbon emissions. Consequently, input-output analysis has become a common tool to measure countries’ carbon footprint and emission trade balances based on national consumption instead of domestically produced CO2 emissions. Nevertheless, trad

Cross-border M&A Performance Involving Emerging Markets: Impact of Cultural and Institutional Distance

The number of cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions involving an emerging economy as either acquirer or target is steadily increasing. Cultural and institutional distance thereby are important issues for cross-border M&A value creation, since countries involved in the deal can be very different in terms of their cultural embedding (norms, values, beliefs) and/or their institutional domain (for

Gränsöverskridande spel i Sverige och EU - Kan internets friska vindar blåsa omkull de statliga korthusen?

Den inre marknaden i EU karaktäriseras av ett antal friheter. Onlinespel faller under etableringsfrihet och friheten att tillhandahålla tjänster. Medlemsstaterna har med stöd av ett fördragsundantag, tenderat att vilja förbehålla sig rätten att erbjuda speltjänster inom respektive land. Internets framfart har dock lett till ett paradigmskifte på spelområdet där nu öppnare licenssystem ersätter monThe European internal market is characterised by a number of freedoms. Online gambling is the subject of the freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services. Member states tend to invoke an exception of the free movement, granting them exclusive rights to provide gambling services. The growth of the internet and its impact on the gambling industry has however created a shift in paradigm.

Share price reaction to dividend announcement; An event study on the Signaling Model from the Stockholm Stock Exchange

This study examines the dividend announcement effect on the common stock price by a signaling hypothesis approach on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The event study shows a positive significant cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR) of 1,54 % for positive dividend announcement in the analyst model. For negative- and neutral announcement, the reaction is non-significant. Although, negative dividen

A Floating Currency Macro Term Structure Model

During the last decade there has been many advances in the field of research focusing on term structure models that include macroeconomic risks. The fact that such risks adds to the predictive power of risk premia is evident. However, there is no such models that includes exchange rate dynamics and accounts for these potentially latent effects on the yield curve. This thesis presents a discussion