Din sökning på "*" gav 531352 sökträffar
High-frequency switching and Kerr effect - nonlinear problems solved with nonstationary time domain techniques
A time domain method building on the concept of wave splitting is used to study direct wave propagation phenomena in weakly nonlinear media. The starting point is the linear wave equation with time-dependent coefficients. This means that the studied nonlinear medium in some sense has to be approximated with a nonstationary medium which changes while the wave passes through. For the nonstationary e
Looking for the "common sense" or what a compost heap tells us about the environment
Real-Time Visualisation of Large Fibre Networks
ENKÄT: Vem är Sveriges mest oförtjänt bortglömda författare?
Flanktransmission genom kontinuerliga grundplattor
Electrical Properties of Top-gate GaSb/InAs Core/Shell Nanowire Field Effect Transistor
Surface Reconstruction from the Projection of Points, Curves and Contours
Djupinlärning trots dålig pedagogik eller ytinlärning trots god pedagogik?
Pedagogiska meriter : ett rundabordssamtal om bedömning
Teoretikern som etnograf. Om förhållandet mellan teori och praktik i professionsinriktade utbildningar
Aged Security, Power, and Violence
Studies of single-particle and many-body effects in deep-level spectra of simple metals
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Zeros of Sampled Systems
The zeros of the discrete-time system obtained when sampling a continuous time system are explored. Theorems for the limiting zeros for large and small sampling periods are given. Conditions which guarantee that the sampled system has stable zeros are also presented.
Neural evidence for a slow time constant in language processing
Trafikbuller och hälsa i Skåne
Can Eudaimonism Serve as a Framework for a Theory of Rights?
In this paper I consider whether eudamonism—i.e. the thesis that the ultimate aim of human life and conduct is the attainment of happiness and that the achievement of this goal is closely linked to the acquisition and exercise of moral virtue and tranquillity of the soul—could serve as a framework for a theory of rights. I argue that the eudaimonist’s chances to ground a theory of rights from with
"Man måste ligga steget före" Måltidsarbetets planering och organisering i barnfamiljen.
”Vad ska vi äta ikväll?” är en frekvent förekommande fråga i många hushåll. I familjer med yngre barn är måltiden ofta en särskilt prioriterad aktivitet. Det handlar inte bara om att säkerställa att barnen får i sig mat, många andra ideal cirkulerar kring måltiden. Gemenskap ska skapas, barn ska uppfostras och en näringsriktig, varierad och inte allt för kostsam måltid ska serveras. Samtidigt mata
Ideologiska drakar...
Wear and Loosening in Cemented Hip Arthroplasty
The mechanisms of loosening in total hip arthroplasty (THA) and the role of polyethylene (PE) wear debris in this process is unclear. Radiographic measurements showed that THA with 32 mm heads have about 3 times greater volumetric wear than those with 22 mm heads. If PE debris were the main cause of loosening, then there should be an obvious difference in revision rates between the prostheses with