

Din sökning på "*" gav 531134 sökträffar

Fish and Trips in the Baltic Sea - Prices, Management and Labor Supply

The essay discusses different aspects of the market for fish from the Baltic sea. The first chapter introduces the subject and discusses how the essay relates to fishery economics and gives a background of the development of the fisheries in the Baltic Sea. Prices of different attributes of Baltic cod is the topic of the second chapter. The results show that larger sized and better quality cod h

Exploring Application Service Provision: Adoption of the ASP concept for provision of ICTs in SMEs.

The paper provides an exploratory empirical survey of Application Service Providers (ASPs) and their clients. The research question is: what do Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) base their decision on when adopting the ASP concept? The concept, ASP, consists of software vendors, and an ASP enterprise, which act as a third part firm in a business model. For its clients it forms a strategy t

Euclidean Reconstruction from Image Sequences with Varying and Unknown Focal Length and Principal Point

The special case of reconstruction from image sequences taken by cameras with skew equal to 0 and aspect ratio equal to 1 has been treated. These type of cameras, here called cameras with Euclidean image planes, represent rigid projections where neither the principal point nor the focal length is known, it is shown that it is possible to reconstruct an unknown object from images taken by a camera

“Think with your Senses – Feel with your Mind”: Cognitive and Affective Domains in Knowledge Creation and Sharing.

On a recent trip to Venice, an advertising hoarding was spotted which read ‘Think with your senses, feel with your mind!’ This reminded the authors to think about the relationship between cognitive aspects of individual and organizational knowledge on one hand and feelings/emotions – the affective domain – on the other. When using knowledge within an organizational context, an individual cannot di

EGIS+ European level developments of flexible learning models within geographical information systems (GIS) for vocational training

This paper deals with experiences from a successful previous pilot project under the Leonardo da Vinci programme implemented during the time period 2002-2006. That project E-GIS www.e-gis.org, is the basis for eGIS+ in the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP). Ten partners from six European countries; Bulgaria, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Portugal participated in E-GIS. During the

Language, News and Volatility

I use Google News TM to study the relation between news volumes and stock market volatilities. More than nine million stock market-related news stories in English and (Mandarin) Chinese are collected and the dynamics of the news volume and the stock market volatility is compared in both the Anglophone world and the Sinophone world. I find that the stock market volatility and the number of publicly

The need for large local FPGA-accessible memories

Advanced Principles Group (APG) has developed a Reconfigurable Computing Board (RCB) based on the Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGA family, potentially capable of 1.5 - 2.0 TeraOps of compute power, 100 Gbps I/O on front panel, 4 Gbps I/O on backplane, as well as containing more than 4 GBytes of on-board memory. Computationally complex applications such as Software-Defined Radio, Synthetic Aperture Radar,

Pictoriality in early picture comprehension

Studies on the emergence of the picture sign in small children Pictures take part in every day life for as well adults as for children. In interaction with children, pictures are often used to facilitate communication, but the child does not understand pictures as adults do; that is as signs. In my studies I try to approach an understanding of the child’s emergence of the picture sign. Empirical

No title

Abstract in Danish Denne artikel rejser spørgsmålet om grunderne til neuropsykiatriens dominans inden for feltet mentala forstyrrelser. I kapitlets første del søges orsagerne i neuropsykiatriens videnskablige inhold. Diskussionen vil især dreje sig om neuropsykiatrins klassifikations- og førklaringssystem. Det vil bland andet framgå, at neuropsykiatriens fenomenologisk baserede klassifikationer (D

Snell, Johann

A comprehensive article in the Swedish National Biography of the printer Johannes Snell, born and active in Northern Germany, but temporarily working in Denmark in 1482 and in Sweden 1483-84, where he printed the first books of these countries. Returned to Lübeck and still noticed in 1519.

A Hymn Corrupt Beyond Redemption?

A critical edition of a hymn of the Epiphany (inc. "Maria candens lilium") in the manuscript AM 76, 8o of the Arnemagnæan collection, University of Copenhagen. The text has no known parallels and is in a corrupt state. Conjectures and interpretations are offered, as well as a translation of a tentatively emendated textual shape.