

Din sökning på "*" gav 526240 sökträffar

Exploring exercise-driven exerkines : unraveling the regulation of metabolism and inflammation

Exercise has many beneficial effects that provide health and metabolic benefits. Signaling molecules are released from organs and tissues in response to exercise stimuli and are widely termed exerkines, which exert influence on a multitude of intricate multi-tissue processes, such as muscle, adipose tissue, pancreas, liver, cardiovascular tissue, kidney, and bone. For the metabolic effect, exerkin

Low adherence to a new guideline for managing febrile infants ≤59 days

Background: Management of young febrile infants is challenging. Therefore, several guidelines have been developed over the last decades. However, knowledge regarding the impact of introducing guidelines for febrile infants is limited. We assessed the impact of and adherence to a novel guideline for managing febrile infants aged ≤59 days. Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study was conduc

Genetic association of glycemic traits and antihyperglycemic agent target genes with the risk of lung cancer: A Mendelian randomization study

AimsTo evaluate the potential causal effect of glycemic traits on lung cancer and investigate the impact of antihyperglycemic agent-target genes on lung cancer risk.MethodsGenetic variants associated with glycemic traits, antihyperglycemic agent-target genes, and lung cancer were extracted from the Meta-Analyses of Glucose and Insulin-related traits Consortium (MAGIC), expression quantitative trai

How to think about freedom of thought (and opinion) in the age of AI

The freedoms of thought (and opinion) are considered as absolute rights within the human rights law framework. Though found in separate provisions within the human rights instruments, the content and contours of these freedoms are largely interchangeable and overlap. The freedom of thought (and opinion) consists of three elements, namely, that thoughts and opinions can be kept private; thoughts ca

MDM2 amplification in rod-shaped chromosomes provides clues to early stages of circularized gene amplification in liposarcoma

Well-differentiated liposarcoma (WDLS) displays amplification of genes on chromosome 12 (Chr12) in supernumerary ring or giant marker chromosomes. These structures have been suggested to develop through chromothripsis, followed by circularization and breakage-fusion-bridge (BFB) cycles. To test this hypothesis, we compared WDLSs with Chr12 amplification in rod-shaped chromosomes with WDLSs with ri

Upplevelser av vardagsaktiviteter i relation till upplevt välbefinnande under föräldraledigheten - en kvalitativ intervjustudie.

Bakgrund: Under föräldraledigheten ändras vardagens aktiviteter där nya rutiner, vanor och upplevelser skapas. Varje aktivitet genererar ett aktivitetsvärde som har betydelse för upplevelsen av välbefinnande. Välbefinnande innefattar fysiska, psykiska och sociala aspekter. Att utforska upplevelsen av aktivitetsvärde samt upplevt välbefinnande under föräldraledigheten, kan öka kunskapen om behovet Background: During parental-leave, occupations change, new routines, habits and experiences are created. Each activity generates an occupational value that is significant for the experience of well-being. Well-being includes physical, mental and social aspects. Exploring the experience of occupational value and perceived well-being during parental-leave, can increase knowledge about the need for o

Kommuners förberedelse för en varmare framtid

Av allt att döma kommer klimatet i världen och Sverige att bli varmare under överskådlig framtid, med konsekvenser som till stor del inte upplevts tidigare i nordliga länder. Mer intensiva och längre värmeböljor kommer att bli ett vanligare fenomen, och med det behöver svenska kommuner vara förberedda för effekterna. I och med att kommunerna ansvarar för mycket av den byggda miljön och informationBy all accounts, the global climate as well as the Swedish climate will become warmer for the foreseeable future, with consequences that have largely not been experienced before in northern countries. More intense and longer heat waves will become a more common phenomenon, and with that, Swedish municipalities need to be prepared for the effects. As municipalities are responsible for much of the b

Återintegrering: en kvalitativ studie om ideella organisationers roll i arbetet med att främja återintegrering av fängelsedömda personer

The recidivism rate following imprisonment is a social problem that is receiving increasing attention in today's societal debate. Rehabilitative efforts for reintegrating prisoners are recognized as crucial in reducing recidivism, a responsibility largely placed on the Swedish Prison and Probation Service. However, their capacity to engage in rehabilitation activities is increasingly restricte

The GALAH survey : tracing the Milky Way’s formation and evolution through RR Lyrae stars

Stellar mergers and accretion events have been crucial in shaping the evolution of the Milky Way (MW). These events have been dynamically identified and chemically characterized using red giants and main-sequence stars. RR Lyrae (RRL) variables can play a crucial role in tracing the early formation of the MW since they are ubiquitous, old (t ≥ 10 Gyr) low-mass stars and accurate distance indicator

Understanding filamentous cyanobacteria and their adaptive niches in Lake Honghu, a shallow eutrophic lake

Freshwater lakes globally are witnessing an escalation in the frequency and intensity of cyanobacterial harmful blooms. However, underlying factors influencing the succession or coexistence of cyanobacteria, especially filamentous ones, remain poorly understood. Lake Honghu, a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance with degrading aquatic ecological quality, served as a case study to elucidate

A novel bio-based water reducer for concrete application : Facile process and techno-economic analysis of xylonate bioproduction from lignocellulosic residues

The xylonate was bioproduced directly from lignocellulosic residues, and the application properties of crude xylonate powder were investigated with a promising potential as a bio-based concrete water reducer. The overall integrated process was evaluated on the view of mass balance and techno-economic analysis using Aspen Plus modeling. 56 g/L of calcium xylonate (XA-Ca) can be obtained within 8 h

Gravitational waves from a scotogenic two-loop neutrino mass model

We propose a framework to account for neutrino masses at the two-loop level. This mechanism introduces new scalars and Majorana fermions to the Standard Model. It assumes the existence of a global U(1)×Z2 symmetry which after partial breaking provides the stability of the dark matter candidates of the theory. The rich structure of the potential allows for the possibility of first-order phase trans

Fungal decomposition and transformation of molecular and colloidal fractions of dissolved organic matter extracted from boreal forest soil

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays a central role in soil carbon (C) dynamics, serving as both a substrate for microbial decomposers and a source of material stabilised via physical protection in molecular aggregates and associations with mineral particles. It is well established that soil microorganisms play a key role in mineral-associated C aggregates; however, their impacts on molecular aggr

Sensorisk modulering för personer med svår psykisk ohälsa

Bakgrund: Personer med svår psykisk ohälsa upplever ofta svårigheter med bearbetning och hantering av sensoriska intryck i sin vardag. Detta kan påverka aktivitetsengagemang, leda till mindre upplevd kontroll i vardagen och ökad ångest. I dagsläget är forskning inom sensorisk modulering begränsad och det saknas evidens om mer omfattande interventioner som den nyligen utvecklade interventionen SensBackground: People with severe mental illness often experience difficulties with processing and managing sensory input in their everyday life. This can affect occupational engagement and lead to decreased sense of control in everyday life and increased anxiety. However, there is limited research on sensory modulation and more extensive interventions such as the newly developed Sensory Awareness Pr

Arbetsterapeuters förhållningssätt till sexuell hälsa och sexualitet inom psykiatrin - En intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Sexuell hälsa och sexualitet är en del av människans vardagsliv och viktigt att lyfta inom psykiatrin då psykiska sjukdomar och ohälsa kan påverka klientens sexualitet och relationer negativt. Syfte: Att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma arbetsterapeuter förhåller sig till sexuell hälsa och sexualitet i arbetet med vuxna klienter inom psykiatrin. Metod: En kvalitativ studie baserad på nio iBackground: Sexual health and sexuality are part of everyday life. In mental health services it is an important topic to address since mental illness can negatively impact the client’s sexuality and relationships. Aim: To explore occupational therapist’s approach to sexual health and sexuality in their work in mental health services with adults. Method: A qualitative study based on nine interview

Unveiling the Myth : Berlusconi's Legacy in Italian Media - Charisma, Populism, & the Erosion of Political Trust

At the beginning of the summer of 2023, a staple figure of Italian culture and politics passed away after living in the public eye for three decades. Everybody in Italy had an opinion on Silvio Berlusconi, a man whose face was easily seen at least once a day on televisions, newspapers and gossip columns. News of his death circulated quickly, and journalists rushed to comment on his political caree

Bottom-Up Visual Doublespeak and Meta Community Guidelines During Modern Conflicts : The case of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022

After the start of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine, content depicting the war atrocities committed by the Russian soldiers flooded social media. Facebook and Instagram kept removing the videos and photographs depicting violence and breaking their community guidelines. This study critically examines the effectiveness of the communication strategy of Ukrainian artists that emerged in resp

When the Formula One engines roar louder than war : a qualitative case study of the UK news framing of the Formula One Grand Prix in Russia and Saudi Arabia regarding sportswashing

When Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the world of sports took the joint decision to exclude them both from hosting events and Russian athletes from competing under the Russian flag. Among the events that were cancelled was the Formula One Grand Prix in Sochi. A month later a missile strike hit an oil refinery 10 kilometres outside of the circuit in Jeddah that wo