

Din sökning på "*" gav 534776 sökträffar

The association between length of stay in the emergency department and short-term mortality

The detrimental effects of increased length of stay at the emergency department (ED-LOS) for patient outcome have been sparsely studied in the Swedish setting. Our aim was to further explore the association between ED-LOS and short-term mortality in patients admitted to the EDs of two large University hospitals in Sweden. All adult patients (> 18 years) visiting the ED at the Karolinska University

A Theoretical Model for Urban Walking Among People With Disabilities

This paper is an attempt to advance research on walking at a neighborhood level of analysis for people with disabilities by proposing a theoretical model that combines the knowledge of two disciplines: traffic planning and environmental psychology. The aim is to provide guidance for a discussion and a plan for future interdisciplinary investigations by proposing a model that accounts for the dynam

Deep Comprehension, Automatic translation and Generation of Weather Reports (Weathra)

Weather forecasts were early noted to be a domain where automatic translation was possible (Kittredge, 1973). Everybody in the field knows that there is a computer in Montreal translating forecasts routinely be- tween French and English (METEO). The weather domain has proven to be a fruitful domain for further research as witnessed e.g. by the system for generating marine forecasts presented by Ki

Allotted chambers as defenders of democracy

In this paper, we identify a problem—the problem of which actors should serve as defenders of democracy—and propose a solution to that problem—the creation of randomly selected citizen bodies, or allotted chambers (hereafter ACs).1 Having in place institutions that are tasked with democratic self-defense, is, we argue, a critically important pillar of democratic government, but its importance has

The rediscovery of an Adoration of the Shepherds by Jacques Jordaens: : a multidisciplinary approach combining dendroarchaeology and art history

The implementation of multidisciplinary research approaches is an essential prerequisite to obtain comprehensive insights into the life and works of the old masters and their timeline in the production of the arts. In this study, traditional art history, cultural heritage, and natural science methods were combined to shed light on an Adoration of the Shepherds painting by Jacques Jordaens (1593–16

Improved Age- and Gender-Specific Radiation Risk Models Applied on Cohorts of Swedish Patients

The aim of this study is to implement lifetime attributable risk (LAR) predictions for radiation induced cancers for Swedish cohorts of patients of various age and sex, undergoing diagnostic investigations by nuclear medicine methods.METHODS: Calculations are performed on Swedish groups of patients with Paget's disease and with bone metastases from prostatic cancer and diagnosed with bone scintigr

The state of science on severe air pollution episodes : Quantitative and qualitative analysis

Severe episodic air pollution blankets entire cities and regions and have a profound impact on humans and their activities. We compiled daily fine particle (PM2.5) data from 100 cities in five continents, investigated the trends of number, frequency, and duration of pollution episodes, and compared these with the baseline trend in air pollution. We showed that the factors contributing to these eve

Expanding Field-Archaeology Education : The Integration of 3D Technology into Archaeological Training

This contribution analyses and discusses the use of 3D technology in education and learning. Basing the discussion on a case study performed during two seasons of a field school for 1st-year archaeology students, we explore how to expand traditional didactic programs by developing and testing a web-based system for educational purposes. We examine how these technologies can be used as educational

Acoustophoresis in polymer-based microfluidic devices : Modeling and experimental validation

A finite-element model is presented for numerical simulation in three dimensions of acoustophoresis of suspended microparticles in a microchannel embedded in a polymer chip and driven by an attached piezoelectric transducer at MHz frequencies. In accordance with the recently introduced principle of whole-system ultrasound resonances, an optimal resonance mode is identified that is related to an ac

Entrepreneurial learning in extra-curricular start-up programs for students

AbstractPurpose: This study focuses on extra-curricular start-up programs for students at higher educational institutions. It explores the social and situated learning experiences of students who participate in start-up programs, as well as how the processes and outcomes of entrepreneurial learning are potentially shaped by this context.Design/Methodology: The study follows multiple cohorts of stu

Vad jag tänker på när jag tänker på fönster : Hur boende upplever och använder sina fönsteröppningar

Är fönsteröppningar självklara? I så fall borde vi kunna svara påfrågan varför, men det är inte helt lätt. Bokens huvudbudskap är attfönsteröppningen tycks spela en nyckelroll för trivseln i hemmetinte minst för att den påverkar flera aspekter av boendekomfort.Boken vänder sig till de som på olika sätt påverkar ljus- ochmörkerförhållanden i bostäder och därigenom indirekt boendeshälsa och välbefin

Aligning Video-And Structured Data for Imaging Optimisation

Imaging optimisation can benefit from combining structured data with qualitative data in the form of audio and video recordings. Since video is complex to work with, there is a need to find a workable solution that minimises the additional time investment. The purpose of the paper is to outline a general workflow that can begin to address this issue. What is described is a data management process


The present study focuses on introducing the concept of optimisation and proposing a model, including evaluation of image quality, to be used in the clinical routines where image-guided intervention is being performed. The overall aim of the study was to develop a model for evaluating the use of imaging in X-ray-guided interventional procedures and its possible implications on optimisation of radi