

Din sökning på "*" gav 534286 sökträffar

Exploring energy justice concerns in the energy transition of Kosovo - a qualitative analysis of governance and challenges in the implementation of renewable energy technologies

The advancement of global warming and climate change are viewed as catalysts for the energy transition, which is not only technological, but also embedded in broader socio-ecological and political dynamics. Decarbonizing Kosovo, a country heavily reliant on coal production, presents major challenges. Using qualitative interviews with stakeholders of the energy transition, this thesis examines the

The BECCS Doughnut: A strong sustainability framework for assessing implementation strategies for Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)

Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) is a largely promoted, but also heavily contested solution to the problem of climate change. Whilst removing carbon from the atmosphere, it potentially leads to detrimental side effects. This thesis provides guidance for NGOs, industry and policymakers in Germany and the wider EU context on how to assess the sustainability of BECCS implementation p

Patterns in child stunting by age : A cross-sectional study of 94 low- and middle-income countries

Child stunting prevalence is primarily used as an indicator of impeded physical growth due to undernutrition and infections, which also increases the risk of mortality, morbidity and cognitive problems, particularly when occurring during the 1000 days from conception to age 2 years. This paper estimated the relationship between stunting prevalence and age for children 0-59 months old in 94 low- an

Reassessing the management criteria of growing seal populations: The case of Baltic grey seal and coastal fishery.

The unintended consequences of marine mammal recoveries have created complex issues for resource managers to solve. In the Baltic Sea, the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) population has increased rapidly during recent decades, and the conflict between seal conservation and fishery has escalated. Although the magnitude of economic losses varies depending on the type of fisheries, there is strong evi

‘La nuit porte conseil’ : An intersectional analysis of women’s political participation on social media in Mali

The world is digitalizing, and human rights such as political participation are increasingly being exercised online. To understand the role social media have in women’s political participation in Mali, this thesis investigates how intersectional power relations shape opportunities for online political participation, and how women harness the properties of the digital public sphere to enhance polit

Interdisciplinary analyses of the remains from three gallery graves at Kinnekulle : tracing Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age societies in inland Southwestern Sweden

In this paper, we investigate the Scandinavian Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age of Kinnekulle in southwestern Sweden. The above-mentioned periods in the study area are poorly understood and the archaeological record consists of a few stray finds and a concentration of 20 gallery graves. This study focuses on three of the gallery graves where commingled skeletons from successive burials were rec

Det är svårt att ta hand om någon som man inte tycker om. En kvalitativ studie om självomhändertagande hos personer med självskadebeteende

Forskning har funnit att psykiatripatienter med självskadebeteende har en lägre förmåga att ta hand om sig själva. Självomhändertagande i en klinisk kontext är ett relativt nytt och obeforskat ämne. Tidigare studier har inte undersökt hur personer som självskadar upplever självomhändertagande. Med syftet att undersöka hur personer med självskadebeteende som får specialistpsykiatrisk vård upplever Research has found that psychiatric patients with deliberate self-harm are less able to self-care. Self-care in a clinical context is a relatively new and under-researched topic. Previous studies have not explored how people who self-injure experience self-care. In order to investigate how people who self-injure and receive specialist psychiatric care experience self-care, and what it means for th

Omsättning och leverans av varor i harmoniseringens tid - En mervärdesskatterättslig analys av leasingtransaktioner, säkerhetsöverlåtelser och avbetalningsköp

Den svenska mervärdesskattelagen, ML, stadgar att mervärdesskatt ska beta-las vid omsättning av vara. Ett exempel på när sådan omsättning föreligger är enligt 2 kap. 1 § 1 p. då en vara överlåts mot ersättning. Mot bakgrund av att mervärdesskatterätten i hög utsträckning är unionsrättsligt harmoniserad ska ML tolkas i ljuset av mervärdesskattedirektivet. I direktivet används inte be-greppet omsättThe Swedish Value Added Tax Act provides that VAT must be paid whenever there is a turnover of goods. An example of such turnover is, according to Chapter 2, Section 1(1), when goods are transferred against payment. How-ever, given that VAT law is largely harmonized under EU law, the Swedish Value Added Tax Act must be interpreted in the light of the VAT Directive. The concept of turnover is not u

Till barnets bästa? En kvalitativ undersökning av familjehemsvård och den yttre sekretess som råder mellan kommuner

The purpose of the study is to investigate how the secrecy that prevails between municipalities, more precisely between social administrations, can be an obstacle in the case of a family home placement. Four theories have been used in this study to analyze the results: Michael Lipsky's grassroots bureaucracy, Attachment theory by Bowlby, trauma-informed care by Boswell and Batch, and emotions

Carbon dioxide flooding to reduce postoperative neurological injury following surgery for acute type A aortic dissection : a prospective, randomised, blinded, controlled clinical trial, CARTA study protocol - objectives and design

INTRODUCTION: Neurological complications after surgery for acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD) increase patient morbidity and mortality. Carbon dioxide flooding is commonly used in open-heart surgery to reduce the risk of air embolism and neurological impairment, but it has not been evaluated in the setting of ATAAD surgery. This report describes the objectives and design of the CARTA trial, in

Incorporation of sparingly soluble species in mesostructured surfactant-polymer films

Recently we have investigated the formation of novel thick, solid, mesostructured films of polymer/surfactant mixtures which form spontaneously at the air-solution interface. Here we report studies of the effect of adding a series of sparingly soluble species to the precursor solution, to alter the mesostructure of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide/polyethylenimine films and to investigate the incorp

Att hjälpa utan att stjälpa - Ofrivillighetsbedömningen vid våldtäktsbrott när målsäganden har en psykisk funktionsnedsättning

Aktuell uppsats undersöker de rättsliga utgångspunkterna och bedömningarna av ett ofrivilligt deltagande i våldtäktsfall där målsäganden har en psykisk funktionsnedsättning. Målsäganden som har psykiska funktionsnedsättningar (i uppsatsen: intellektuell- och neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar) har större svårigheter att uttrycka sig och förstå andra människors kommunikationer, vilket gör This essay examines the legal framework and the legal assessments regarding involuntary sexual acts in rape cases when the plaintiff has a mental disability. People with mental disabilities (here: intellectual- and neuropsychological disabilities) have greater difficulties expressing themselves and understanding other people, which puts them at greater risk of being sexually abused. Both Swedis

Thin films of polyethylenimine and alkyltrimethylammonium bromides at the air/water interface

We have prepared and analyzed thin film structures formed by polyethylenimine and alkyltrimethylammonium bromide (CnTAB) surfactants at the air/water interface, using both surface and bulk sensitive techniques. In initial experiments it was observed that hexagonal arrays of rodlike micelles surrounded by the polymer were formed at the solution surface, with the principal axis of the micelles runni

Effect of micelle composition on the formation of surfactant-templated polymer films

Surfactant-templated polymer films prepared from polyethylenimine (PEI), cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), and octaethylene glycol monohexadecyl ether (C16E8) were examined and the effect of increasing the percentage of nonionic surfactant in the micelles measured using both surface and bulk-sensitive techniques. It was found that there is a strong interaction between CTAB and C16E8, although

Soap and sand : Construction tools for nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is the science of making and using very small structures. As the scales of the constructions become smaller, the existing methods of making these structures - lithography, etching and micromoulding - although constantly improving, will reach physical limits. To overcome the limitations and create smaller, designed and ordered structures, a so-called 'bottom-up' approach must be used

Individuella avtalsvillkor vid verksamhetsövergång

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka individuella anställningsvillkor i förhållande till reglerna om verksamhetsövergång i 6 b § LAS. De övergripande frågorna är i vilken utsträckning individuella villkor övergår och hur skyddet för villkoren ser ut. Därtill behandlas gränsen mot de kollektivavtalade villkoren och när kollektivavtalets villkor får företräde vid en övergångssituation. Särskilt behandlThe purpose of this essay is to examine individual employment conditions in relation to the rules on transfer of undertakings in 6 b § Employment Protection Act (LAS). The overall questions are to what extent individual conditions are transferred and to what extent these conditions are protected. In addition, the border against the collectively agreed terms and conditions and when the terms of the

”Det skedde en förändring som faktiskt blev en del av mig”: Patientperspektiv på den terapeutiska förändringsprocessen vid PFPP hos patienter med personlighetssyndrom, kluster C

Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur förändringsprocessen upplevs vid panikfokuserad psykodynamisk korttidsterapi vid komorbid personlighetssyndrom, kluster C. Studiens urval bestod av 16 deltagare från forskningsprojektet POSE som uppfyllde kriterier för personlighetssyndrom, kluster C. Data analyserades utifrån tematisk analys och genererade tre huvudteman: Ovisshet, Den terapeutiska fristaden oThe aim of this study was to examine the subjective experience of the process of change, in the context of panic-focused psychodynamic short-term psychotherapy with comorbid personality disorder, cluster C. The sample consisted of 16 participants meeting criteria for personality disorder, cluster C. The participants constituted a subsample of the research project POSE. Data was analyzed using them

The pursuit of a sustainable energy culture at Taplow Court : A space of faith where British heritage and Japanese Buddhism coincide

As efforts to decarbonise energy systems have failed, attention turns to addressing disproportionate energy consumption through behavioural adjustments. Given the influence of religion on worldviews and behaviour, this thesis inductively and intimately examines the energy-related practises of the UK headquarters of the Buddhist organisation Soka Gakkai International. In its ethnographic approach,

Techno-economic analysis and simulation of low temperature district heating networks

The continuous increase in global energy consumption has led to a greater focus on the energy required for heating buildings. This thesis presents a techno-economic model for analysing low-temperature district heating networks coupled with a geothermal heat source. The model was used to analyse an existing system in Denmark with 15 connected single-family detached houses. Each of the houses has a