

Din sökning på "*" gav 532093 sökträffar

Level structure of 92Rh: Implications for the Two-proton Decay of 94mAg

The 21+ isomer in 94Ag has recently been reported to have a two-proton decay branch to 92Rh. We have populated 92Rh through the 40Ca(58Ni,alphapn) reaction at 240 MeV, and have performed detailed spectroscopic measurements of the levels, finding new states and measuring angular distributions of gamma rays. We find no evidence for the states reported to be populated by the two-proton decay of 94Agm

Substrates of semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase co-operate with vanadate to stimulate tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin-receptor-substrate proteins, phosphoinositide 3-kinase activity and GLUT4 translocation in adipose cells

It has been shown that the combination of benzylamine or tyramine and low concentrations of vanadate markedly stimulates glucose transport in rat adipocytes by a mechanism that requires semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) activity and H(2)O(2) formation. Here we have further analysed the insulin-like effects of the combination of SSAO substrates and vanadate and we have studied the signal

Radiographic measurements of the cranio-vertebral region. Designed for evaluation of abnormalities in rheumatoid arthritis

A new method of measuring vertical dislocation of the C1 and C2 vertebra in rheumatoid arthritis is presented based on the distance from the lower end plate of C2 to the palato -occipital or McGregor 's line. In a normal material the distance was found to be 34 mm or more in men and 29 mm or more in women. A value below these limits should be regarded as vertical dislocation. In the same normal ma

Cyst formation and glial response in the brain lesions of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats

The brain lesions in spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone rats (SHRSP) are characterised by multifocal microvascular damage, breakdown of the blood-brain barrier, massive extravasation of plasma constituents and severe brain oedema, with consequent spongy and cystic tissue destruction in the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia as well as loosening of the white matter. In this paper we analyse in

Comparison of lung volume reduction surgery and physical training on health status and physiologic outcomes - A randomized controlled clinical trial

Study objectives: In 1996, researchers in Sweden initiated a collaborative randomized study comparing lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) and physical training with physical training alone. The primary end point was health status; secondary end points included survival and physiologic measurements. Design: After an initial 6-week physical training program, researchers' patients were randomized to

Order of magnitude bounds for expectations of A2-functions of generalized random bilinear forms

Let Φ be a symmetric function, nondecreasing on [0,∞) and satisfying a Δ2 growth condition, (X 1,Y 1), (X 2,Y 2),…,(X n ,Y n ) be arbitrary independent random vectors such that for any given i either Y i =X i or Y i is independent of all the other variates. The purpose of this paper is to develop an approximation of valid for any constants {a ij }1≤ i,j≤n , {b i } i =1 n , {c j } j =1 n and d. Our

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Artikeln bygger på gästföreläsningar i Heidelberg och Helsingfors. Den är en förstudie till ett av Vetenskapsrådet stött projekt om tillämpningen av de tyska raslagarna vid hindersprövning på pastorsämbetena i Sverige. Tillämpningen byggde på en internationell privaträttslig konvention från 1902. I Nederländerna, med samma rättsläge, tillämpades raslagarna endast på tyska medborgare, men i Sverige

Depletion of enterochromaffin-like cell histamine increases histidine decarboxylase and chromogranin A mRNA levels in rat stomach by a gastrin-independent mechanism.

BACKGROUND: Gastrin activates histidine decarboxylase (HDC) and increases HDC and chromogranin A (CGA) mRNA levels in histamine-producing enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells in the rat stomach. We have studied how histamine depletion by subcutaneous infusion of the HDC inhibitor alpha-fluoromethyl-histidine (alpha-FMH) affects how ECL cells respond to hypergastrinemia in terms of HDC and CGA mRNA le

Antiamoebins, myrocin B and the basis of antifungal antibiosis in the coprophilous fungus Stilbella erythrocephala(syn. S-fimetaria)

Antiamoebins I, III and XVI as well as several others in minor amounts were produced by four strains of the coprophilous fungus Stilbella erythrocephala (syn. S. fimetaria) in its natural substrate and in liquid culture. The total antiamoebin concentration in dung was 126-624 mu g g(-1) fresh weight, with minimum inhibitory concentrations against most other coprophilous fungi being at or below 100

Modeling dune response by overwash transport

A numerical model is presented that simulates sediment transport and profile response produced by overwash of dunes by wave runup. Transport formulas are derived for the different regions of the subaerial portion of the beach covering the swash zone, beach and dune crest, and region landward of the crest. After calculating the distribution of the cross-shore sediment transport rate, profile respon

Angular gelfand-tzetlin coordinates for the supergroup UOSp(k(1)/2k(2))

We construct Gelfand-Tzetlin coordinates for the unitary orthosymplectic supergroup UOSp(k(1)/2k(2)). This extends a previous construction for the unitary supergroup U(k(1)/k(2)). We focus on the angular Gelfand-Tzetlin coordinates, i.e., our coordinates stay in the space of the supergroup. We also present a generalized Gelfand pattern for the supergroup UOSp(k(1)/2k(2)) and discuss various implic

Increased growth and recruitment of piscivorous perch, Perca fluviatilis, during a transient phase of expanding submerged vegetation in a shallow lake

1. In this study, we examine how a 7-year period of expanding submerged stonewort (Chara spp.) vegetation during a shift from turbid to clear water in a shallow lake influenced individual growth and population size structure of perch (Perca fluviatilis). We expected that a shift from phytoplankton to macrophyte dominance and clear water would improve feeding conditions for perch during a critical

The role of UV-B radiation in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems—an experimental and functional analysis of the evolution of UV-absorbing compounds

We analysed and compared the functioning of UV-B screening pigments in plants from marine, fresh water and terrestrial ecosystems, along the evolutionary line of cyanobacteria, unicellular algae, primitive multicellular algae, charophycean algae, lichens, mosses and higher plants, including amphibious macrophytes. Lichens were also included in the study. We were interested in the following key asp