Din sökning på "*" gav 532128 sökträffar
Coherentism, Reliability, and Bayesian Networks
Recension: Åsa Andersson: Inte samma lika. Identifikationer hos tonårsflickor i en multietniks stadsdel
Nya avhandlingar: Öst är Väst men Väst är bäst
Statlig omsorgsförsäkring ett bättre alternativ
Review of Why there is something rather than nothing (Bede Rundle, Oxford UP)
No title
Abstract in Danish Kronikk om trend til sammenkoblede artikler i ph.d. afhandlinger i stedet for monografier, især om kriterier for 'publicerebare' artikler i indhold.
Studier i svensk språkhistoria
Recension av B. Gräslund, Arkeologisk datering
Scandinavia and the Hanseatic League
Antiken - en okänd historia
Injuries of the hand and forearm in young children caused by steam roller presses in laundries.
Abstract is not available
Making Sense of the ‘Agency Programme’ in post-Lisbon Europe: Mapping European Agencies
The institutional landscape of the EU has been transformed through the establishment of agencies and changes brought by the Lisbon Treaty. This article seeks to contribute to our conceptual and empirical understanding of European agencies post-Lisbon. It maps the current European agencies according to timing of establishment, size, functions, governance structures and financial arrangements, and d
Cross-Sectional Area and Strength Differences of Fiberwire, Prolene, and Ticron Sutures.
PURPOSE: Flexor tendons should be repaired with suture material strong enough to permit early motion and small enough for the resulting knot to allow unimpeded tendon glide and healing. This study sought to define differences in cross-sectional area and knotted tensile strength among Fiberwire, Prolene, and Ticron sutures. METHODS: Five strands, each of 3-0 and 4-0 Prolene, Ticron, and Fiberwire s
Cholestatic liver damage is mediated by lymphocyte function antigen-1-dependent recruitment of leukocytes.
BACKGROUND: The role of specific adhesion molecules in cholestasis-induced leukocyte recruitment in the liver is not known. Therefore, the aim of our experimental study was to evaluate the role of lymphocyte function antigen-1 (LFA-1) in cholestatic liver injury. METHODS: C57BL/6 mice underwent bile duct ligation for 12 hours. Mice were pretreated with an anti-LFA-1 antibody or control antibody. S
Fantomaten: The PHANToM för handikappade barn
The PHANToM är en uppfinning från MIT, Massachussets Institute of Technology, som möjliggör kommunikation mellan en människa och en dator med hjälp av känsel. The PHANToM är utvecklad som ett allmänt känselgränssnitt. På CERTEC har vi sett möjligheten att
Att ge plats åt demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter i den islamiska traditionen. Muhammad Abid al-Jabiris filosofiska projekt
Prevalence of exclusively and concomitant pelvic fractures at magnetic resonance imaging of suspect and occult hip fractures.
Pelvic fractures may occur together with hip fractures as a result of low energy trauma. It is unclear whether they do require special attention. There are conflicting results in the literature about the prevalence of both concomitant hip and pelvic fractures as well as exclusive pelvic fractures. It has been reported that hip fractures and obturator ring fractures are mutually exclusive. To retro