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Carrier frequency effects on path loss
To study the carrier frequency effects on path loss, measurements have been conducted at four discrete frequencies in the range 460-5100 MHz. The transmitter was placed on the roof of a 36 meters tall building and the receive antennas were placed on the roof of a van. Both urban and suburban areas were included in the measurement campaign. The results show that there is a frequency dependency, in
Accelerated Monte Carlo models to simulate fluorescence spectra from layered tissues
Two efficient Monte Carlo models are described, facilitating predictions of complete time-resolved fluorescence spectra from a light-scattering and light-absorbing medium. These are compared with a third, conventional fluorescence Monte Carlo model in terms of accuracy, signal-to-noise statistics, and simulation time. The improved computation efficiency is achieved by means of a convolution techni
Acute confusion in orthopaedic care. With the emphasis on the patients' view and the episode of confusion.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Personer, särskilt äldre, som vårdas på sjukhus kan under vårdtiden utveckla ett tillfälligt förvirringstillstånd (akut konfusion, ACS). Tillståndet är ofta förenat med obehag för patienten och efteråt ber de ibland vårdarna om ursäkt för sitt beteende. Det är därför angeläget att vårdarna har en uppfattning om hur de skall förhålla sig till patientens förvirrade beteenThe aims of this thesis were to investigate factors of significance for the development of acute confusional state (ACS), the confusional episodes, the lived experiences of having been confused in elderly patients admitted for emergency or elective surgery in orthopaedic care. A further aim was to investigate the nurses’ view of the ACS and the encounter with patients who developed ACS. A case stu
Religiositet bland migranter : Sverige-chilenares förhållande till religion och samfund
Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling studeras förändringar i individers religiositet i samband med migration och vad som orsakar sådana förändringar. Det huvudsakliga materialet för studien består av intervjuer med sverige-chilenare boende i Malmö-Lundområdet, vilka berättat om vad som skett med deras religiositet efter ankomsten till Sverige. I arbetet ingår även en brevenkät till sveriThe purpose of this study is to examine changes related to migration in the religiosity of individuals and what lies behind such changes. The study is foremost based on interviews with 23 Swedish-Chileans who have lived in Sweden for an extended period of time and who were adults when they immigrated to Sweden. The interviews are thematic life stories. Each one of the individuals narrates his or h
Absolute wavelength shifts - A new diagnostic for rapidly rotating stars
Accuracies reached in space astrometry now permit. the accurate determination of astrometric radial velocities. without any use of spectroscopy. Knowing this true stellar motion, spectral shifts; intrinsic to stellar atmospheres can be identified, for instance gravitational redshifts and those caused by, velocity fields on stellar surfaces. The astrometric accuracy is independent. of any spectral
Complex karyotypic changes, including rearrangements of 12q13 and 14q24, in two leiomyosarcomas
Cytogenetic investigation of short-term cultures from two leiomyosarcomas revealed complex karyotypic changes in both cases. The first tumor, a subcutaneous leiomyosarcoma of the knee, had the karyotype 70-80,XY, +X, +Y, +1, +1, +2, +2, +3, +3, +4, +4, +7, +7, +8, +8, +9, +10, +15, +15, +16, +16, +18, +19, +20, +21, +21, +22, +22,t(?;5)(5;21)(?;q35p11;q11), t(?;5)(5;21)(?;q35p11;q11), +del(11)(q22
Few middle-aged women with severe mental symptoms use psychotropic drugs: The women's health in Lund area ( WHILA) study
Aims: In a population of middle-aged women a survey was carried out to ascertain the prevalence of mental symptoms and psychotropic drug use, and further to investigate whether severe mental symptoms are associated with social situation, alcohol consumption, smoking, and physical health. Methods: All women (n510,766) aged 50-59 years and living in the Lund area were invited to the WHILA study, a h
En värld av sten : stenhuggarnas organisation i medeltidens Östergötland
The dissertation deals with how fine-dressed stone can serve as a historical source material. The aim is to show how the working of stone can be used to study the organization of mason's during medieval ages in östergötland. The purpose has also been to put light on a historical source material threatened to disappear thorugh weathering.
A techno-economical comparison of three processes for the production of ethanol from pine
This study comprises a technical and economic comparison of three different processes for the production of fuel ethanol from pine. The processes were based on the same technical and economic assumptions. The main difference between the processes lies in the front end of each process, i.e. in the pretreatment of the raw material and in the hydrolysis of the hemicellulose and cellulose to sugars. T
Structural study of adsorption of isonicotinic acid and related molecules on rutile TiO2(110) II: XPS
The adsorption of monolayers of the pyridine-carboxylic acid monomers (isonicotinic acid, nicotinic acid, and picolinic acid) on rutile TiO2(1 1 0) has been studied by means of X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. An investigation of the O 1s spectra shows that the molecular carboxylic groups are deprotonated and, hence, that the molecules bind to the surface in a bidentate mode. Moreover, the bindin
Hjärtats skrifter : en brevkulturs uttryck i korrespondensen mellan Anna Louisa Karsch och Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärtats skrifter är en undersökning av brevet som kommunikationsform under 1700-talet. Brevkulturen i 1700-talets Tyskland betraktas som ett av startskotten för vad som brukar kallas den moderna tiden. I denna studie granskas brevkulturens funktion och betydelse för det epistemiska skifte som äger rum under senare hälften av 1700-talet. Undersökningens utgångspunkt ärThis dissertation examines the correspondence of the 18th-century German authors Anna Louisa Karsch and Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim. The main emphasis of the present study is to demonstrate how readings of Karsch's and Gleim's correspondence shed light on epistolary culture. Particular attention is paid to the notion of epistolary culture as a relatively unrestrained ?experimental setting? for bou
Measurement of inclusive jet production in deep-inelastic scattering at high Q(2) and determination of the strong coupling
Inclusive jet production is studied in neutral current deep-inelastic positron-proton scattering at large four momentum transfer squared Q(2) > 150 GeV2 with the H1 detector at HERA. Single and double differential inclusive jet cross sections are measured as a function of Q(2) and of the transverse energy E-T of the jets in the Breit frame. The measurements are found to be well described by calcul
Att forma sitt rum : fullskalemodellering i participatoriska designprocesser
Architects design work sometimes originates from a simplified view of human demands and needs, which may result in environments that do not fulfill the users requirements. This thesis refers to five different case studies where the affected users were involved in the creation of their dwellings or working environment. The issue of the thesis is that participatory design creates environments which
Endimensionell läcklägessökning i volymer med tryckgradient : tillämpat på byggnader
En byggnads täthet kan kontrolleras genom att man utför en provtryckning, under vilken läckflödet genom en provtryckningsfläkt mäts. Rapporten innehåller matematiska modeller för en vidareutveckling av provtryckningsmetoden som utnyttjar den tryckgradient som tryckskillnaden inne/ute skapar.
Bengt Ankarloo, Satans raseri
Beviskravet i brottmål
Implementing Anticorruption in the PRC: Patterns of Selectivity
Evaluation of the visual pathway with ERG, mfERG and mfVEP in inherited eye disorders
This thesis will describe the clinical phenotypes, with emphasis on electrophysiology, in patients with different hereditary eye diseases and to further evaluate and modify the mfVEP technique for clinical use. Bothnia Dystrophy is a tapetoretinal disorder with a mutation in the RLBP1 gene. Early in the disease the fundus may have a normal appearance. The full-field ERG demonstrates an absence of