Din sökning på "*" gav 528945 sökträffar
Balance in standing on inclined surfaces with different friction
Working and walking environments often involve standing positions on different surfaces with inclination and different friction. In this study, standing balance of thirteen participants during sudden and irregular external perturbation to calf muscles while standing was investigated. The aim of the study was to evaluate the combined effect of surface inclination and friction on standing balance. T
Anställd och förälder?
Pierre Bourdieu as Sociologist of the Intellectual Field and Critic of 'Globalisation'
Kön, minne och diaspora
Tight binding models derived from k-dot-p theory
Do certain groups of older people benefit the most from the use of powered wheelchairs?
The occurrence of the not-yet-seen in education - linearity, becoming & difference
In comparison with the past, the fact that the future does not yet exist makes it a difficult object to study (von Wright 1993 ). Because of its inevitable elusiveness space is given for expectations, misgivings, and valuations (Alm 2008), but also for dreams, creativity, and imagination. Above all, the future could be seen as a potential source of change in relation to the already existing presen
Design, synthesis and function of novel polymers and membranes for hydrogen fuel cells
Processes in Optical Diesel Engines - Emissions Formation and Heat Release
Popular Abstract in Swedish Dieselmotorn, uppkallad efter sin uppfinnare Rudolf Diesel, patenterades 1892 och har sedan dess bidragit väsentligt till utvecklingen av samhället. Den viktigaste användningen är som kraftkälla i fordon och detta användningsområde ökar fortfarande. Andelen dieselmotorer i nyregistrerade personbilar i Västeuropa har nyligen passerat 50 %. För kommersiella fordon som lasThis project deals with questions related to generic diesel combustion research and optically accessible engines are used to study the combustion process. Images of the combustion are analyzed together with in-cylinder pressure and exhaust gas emission measurements. The results can be divided into two main categories: one about evaluations of optically accessible engines and one about studies of e
Interaktion och lärande när öst möter väst? Ett pedagogiskt utvecklingsprojekt om lärande och undervisning i Second Life
Demonisering ger ingen debatt
A reply to Håkan Arvidsson (debate on Danish and Swedish democracy).
Physiological and Metabolic MR Imaging in gliomas
Simulating BVOC emissions from a boreal wetland ecosystem
Pitfalls in the assessment of disability in individuals with low-grade gliomas.
An XML Representation of DAE Systems Obtained from Modelica Models
This contribution presents an XML format for representation of flat Modelica models. The purpose is to offer a standardized model exchange format which is based on the DAE formalism and wich is neutral with respect to model usage. Many usages of models goes beyond what can be obtained from an execution interface offering evaluation of the model equations. Several such usages arises in the area of
Haptic access to 3D objects on the web
Making a web browser haptically accessible, makes it possible also for visually impaired persons to access graphical properties such as the layout of a web browser. With haptic interaction, it will also be possible to access 3D objects (VRML or X3D fil
Postural Control and Vestibulospinal Function in Patients Selected for Cochlear Implantation
Self-assembly and properties of semiconductor nanowires
The Potential for Innovation in the Swedish Food Sector
Popular Abstract in Swedish Innovationer är livsviktiga för de flesta företags långsiktiga tillväxt och överlevnad. Det gäller även livsmedelssektorn i Sverige som här har undersökts med avseende på tre grupper av aktörer: handel, livsmedelsproducenter och förpackningsleverantörer. Målsättningen var att undersöka om det finns ett gap mellan hur dessa olika aktörer ser på innovation och hur de genoThe food sector in Sweden, comprised of retailers, food manufacturers and packaging suppliers, has been investigated, guided by two research questions: What does “innovation” mean to the different actors (i.e. is there a gap in opinions)? How is innovation performed and what are the key issues? But before this research of the present, the past was studied (the author’s licentiate) to identify and