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Programme structures, learning outcomes, and student assessment - did the Bologna process make any difference?
Drömfabriker. Mediala förhoppningar och skräckvisioner
Sveriges politiska historia mellan 1100 och 1250
The article, presented within an anthology, traces the history of the kingdom of Sweden during the twelfth century and the first half of the thirteenth century, with a special focus on the Cistercian Abbey of Varnhem.
Lignin extraction from kraft black liquor by ultrafiltration
Extn. of lignin from kraft black liquor is one method of lowering the large energy surplus in pulp mills. The lignin can be used as a bio-fuel to replace fossil fuels in heat or power generation, and the lignin-depleted black liquor can be reused in the cooking operation. As kraft black liquor lignin has a fairly high mol. wt., ultrafiltration can be used to selectively fractionate lignin from coo
Spirit of Christ Inculturated- A Theological Theme Implicit in Shusaku Endo's Literary Works
Popular Abstract in Swedish Shusaku Endo (1923-1960) är en romersk-katolsk, japansk romanförfattare. Från 1950-1953 studerade han fransk litteratur I Lyon, Frankrike. När han återvänt från Lyon, började Endo en karriär som författare. Hans tidiga verk omfattar bl a White Men, Yellow Men (1954) Wonderful Fool (1959), The Women in the Bible (1960),Foreign Studies (1965). Denna studie analyserar hanShusaku Endo (1923-1996) is a Roman Catholic, Japanese novelist. From 1950 to 1953, he studied French literature in Lyon, France. Returning from Lyon, Endo began his career as a novelist. His early works include: White Men, Yellow Men(1954), A Wonderful Fool(1959), The Women in the Bible(1960), Foreign Studies(1965), etc. The present study analyses his work from the perspective of the inculturati
Tekniköverföring från processindustrin
Choosing Open Source ERPs: What are the Reasons?
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems attract a high attention and open source software does it as well. The question is then if, and if so, when do open source ERP systems take off. The paper describes the status of open source ERP systems. Based on literature review of ERP system selection criteria based on Web of Science articles, it discusses reported reasons for choosing open source or p
Characters of rank two hyperbolic Lie algebras as functions at quasiregular cusps.
High Order Modulation in Faster-than-Nyquist Signaling Communication Systems
Regressionsanalysens grunder
Ekosystem, världssystem och "miljörättvisa": Om hållbarhetens globala fördelningsaspekter
Modelling and Experimental Investigations on Thermal Radiation in Combustion Environments
Popular Abstract in Swedish Värmestrålning är högst relevant i förbränningsmiljöer. I dessa miljöer är förbränningsgaser och partiklar den huvudsakliga källan till värmestrålning. Förbränningsmiljön är komplex att beskriva. Analys av turbulenta flöden, kemiska reaktioner och transport av energi måste göras för att fullständigt beskriva miljön. Att kunna beskriva dessa fenomen är en viktig del i föThermal radiation is an important physical phenomenon in combustion environments. For the understanding of existing- and the design of new combustion environments computational modelling is a useful tool as it can describe the different transport phenomena. This thesis has focused on studying thermal radiative property models of the participating media, gases and particles. Two specific combustion
Att värdera sjukvård
A Case Study on Benefits and Side-Effects of Agile Practices in Large-Scale Requirements Engineering
In the software industry, there is a strong shift from traditional phase-based development towards agile methods and practices. This paper reports on a case study aimed at investigating if, and how, agile Requirements Engineering (RE) can remedy the challenges of traditional RE, and what new challenges agile RE may pose. The results from an initial case study with 9 practitioners from a large soft
Soot sensors for efficient combustion and low emissions - SootSensII
Nanosized soot particles are a serious health hazard in urban air. Upon inhalation they can penetrate deep into the lungs and their fat solubility makes possible their accumulation in other organs such as the brain. For this reason legislation has continuously reduced the allowable emission levels and raised requirements for reporting the status of the exhaust system (OBD, on board diagnostics) in
Att mötas och bemötas – En utvärdering av Kriscentrum för kvinnor i Lund
Innovationspolitik och innovationssystem
The Role of F0 and Duration in Perception of Female and Male Speaker Age
Single word stimuli from twelve female and twelve male natural speakers of various ages and from two synthetic voices were acoustically analyzed for duration and F0. Listening experiments were carried out to test if spectral features or F0 and duration provide the more dominant age cues and to test if listeners are equally good at estimating the age of female and male speakers. Results of the list
The interaction between epistemicity and social rank on an online bulletin board
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the close interaction between epistemic and evidential stance verbs on the one hand and social hierarchy and power on the other. It is hypothesized that there is a correlation between the degree and intensity of stance verbs and the social context in which they are generated. The data for the study comes from an online bulletin board, in which members ar