

Din sökning på "*" gav 526776 sökträffar

Design of Product Service Systems at the Base of The Pyramid

Abstract in UndeterminedThe Base of the Pyramid (BoP) consists of about two-fifths of the world population. This population can be categorized as poor with income of less than 2 dollars per day. It is important to alleviate poverty. One of the promising approaches to tackle the wicked problem of poverty is business development combined with poverty alleviation. In this approach, integrated solutio

Möjligheter och utmaningar med ämnesintegrerad kommunikationsträning

At Lund University two projects were conducted with the aim to strengthen and systematise students’ communication training in science and engineering education. The core of the projects was a course on communication teaching, addressing the content teachers. During the course the participants developed, implemented, evaluated and reported on a communication component in their courses. In parallel,

Pedagogical Patterns- a method to capture best practices in teaching and learning

In this paper we describe a concept that can be used to capture best practices in teaching and learning and for sharing knowledge between educators – The Pedagogical Pattern concept. We present the emergence and work of the Pedagogical Patterns Project. Its goal was initially to document solutions to teaching and learning problems in Computer Science, especially in the field of object-oriented pro

No title

No abstract. Titel i svensk översättning: Skattesystem och finansieringspolitik i Sverige.

Of Red Threads and Green Dragons: Austrian Sociotechnical Imaginaries about STI cooperation with China

In this chapter, we address intersections of Science and Technology Studies (STS) and International Relations Theories (IR) by looking at how Austrian science, technology & innovation (STI) policy makers and related stakeholders envision and enact a close relationship between China and Austria in the field of green technologies. Analytically, we draw on the concept of ‘sociotechnical imaginari

Kundupplevd kvalitet i tjänsteverksamheter: En analys och kritik av den företagsekonomiska dialogen

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kundens subjektiva upplevelse eller uppfattning har kommit att bli en närmast självklar utgångspunkt för dagens diskussioner om hur man bör definiera och mäta kvalitet på tjänster. Begreppet kundupplevd tjänstekvalitet har etablerats som något av ett axiom både inom näringslivet och inom företagsekonomisk forskning. I denna studie gör författarna en kritisk analys av beThe contemporary discussion about how to define and measure the quality of services is dominated by a subjective perspective and quality is usually grounded in the customers perception. This conceptualisation of quality (perceived service quality) is well established in business and research. In contrast, this study is an argument for an intersubjective perspective grounded in language and demonst

Diktens värde versus penningens. Om en ekonomikritisk strömning i romantisk och modernistisk diktning

Föreläsningen ägnas den hos romantiska och modernistiska författare omhuldade föreställningen att dikten – och i vidare mening konsten, estetiken – utgör en särskild realitet och ett autonomt värdesystem som är annorledes än, jämförbart med, och i konflikt med ekonomins värdesystem. Grunden för denna tradition av romantisk ekonomikritik, och den därmed förknippade s.k. dubbla värdediskursens inter