

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

No difference in body weight decrease between a low-glycemic-index and a high-glycemic-index diet but reduced LDL cholesterol after 10-wk ad libitum intake of the low-glycemic-index diet

Background: The role of glycemic index (GI) in appetite and body-weight regulation is still not clear. Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate the long-term effects of a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet with either low glycemic index (LGI) or high glycemic index (HGI) on ad libitum energy intake, body weight, and composition, as well as on risk factors for type 2 diabetes and isc

Linear Transmitter Design Using Nonlinear Analog Circuits

This dissertation deals with analog techniques at both the architecture and circuit design levels for designing power efficient linear radio-frequency (RF) transmitters. The use of nonlinear analog integrated circuits to implement certain critical signal processing functions for the multiplicative feedback and LINC techniques is investigated with the aim of improving the system performance in term

The Meta-Contrast Technique: relationships with personality traits and cognitive abilities in healthy women.

The relationship between test results from the Meta-Contrast Technique (MCT) and self-reports from Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP), or the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-T), was investigated in 100 healthy women. Additionally, it was investigated whether age and cognitive abilities influenced the reports of picture recognition thresholds in the MCT. The results showed no agreement betw

Luminosity measurement at ATLAS - Development, construction and test of scintillating fibre prototype detectors

We are reporting about a scintillating fibre tracking detector which is proposed for the precise determination of the absolute luminosity of the CERN LHC at interaction point 1 where the ATLAS experiment is located. The detector needs to track protons elastically scattered under mu rad angles in direct vicinity to the LHC beam. It is based on square shaped scintillating plastic fibres read out by

Transition rates of the intercombination UV0.01 multiplet in N II

The transition rates of the intercombination lines 2s2p(3 5)S(2)(0)-->2s(2)2p(2 3)P(1,2) are computed using a systematic configuration interaction method (SCIV3). The calculated lifetime of the upper S-5(2)o, level is in excellent agreement with a recent experiment. The branching ratio of the two lines is very different from earlier, less accurate theoretical values.

A visual self-image of legal authority: 'The temple of law'

The focus of this article is on the legal profession's visual self-image of legal authority. It takes a departure from the themes of visual legal communication and discusses the relationship between text and pictures in the legal domain. The discussion concludes with a reflection on the consequences of the modern pictorial evolution. Bearing this discussion in mind, will the development of the ICT

Försäkringskassans frågor till rehabiliteringsaktörer.

Försäkringskassans handläggare ska avgöra om en individ kan utföra sina arbetsuppgifter eller är i behov av stödåtgärder för att klara sitt arbete. Handläggarna behöver information om i vilken grad sjukdomen eller skadan påverkar funktionsförmågan och möjligheten till arbetsåtergång. De upplever dock ofta att det medicinska underlaget de har tillgång till i form av läkarintyg är ofullständigt. När

Antimicrobial activity of histidine-rich peptides is dependent on acidic conditions.

Synthetic peptides composed of multiples of the consensus heparin-binding Cardin and Weintraub sequences AKKARA and ARKKAAKA are antimicrobial. Replacement of lysine and arginine by histidine in these peptides completely abrogates their antimicrobial and heparin-binding activities at neutral pH. However, the antibacterial activity against Gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) an

Sperm concentration in Latvian military conscripts as compared with other countries in the Nordic-Baltic area

Recent studies of semen quality in men from the general population gave rise to the hypothesis of an East-West gradient in semen quality in the Nordic-Baltic area, with the highest sperm counts in Estonia, Lithuania and Finland, and the lowest in Denmark (30% difference in mean concentration). Genetic, lifestyle-related and environmental factors - alone or in combination - were suggested to be res

The life cycle of Gonyostomum semen (Raphidophyceae)

Gonyostomum semen (Raphidophyceae) is today one of the most common flagellates in humic lakes ill Sweden and appears regularly in 30% of these lakes. The first mass development of this alga was recorded in 1948 in Lake Helgasjon, South Sweden. In this paper the life cycle of Gonyostomum is described for the first time. During the winter Gonyostomum survived as resting cysts on the surface of the b

Nodule detection in digital chest radiography: Part of image background acting as pure noise

There are several factors that influence the radiologist's ability to detect a specific structure/lesion in a radiograph. Three factors that are commonly known to be of major importance are the signal itself, the system noise and the projected anatomy. The aim of this study was to determine to what extent the image background acts as pure noise for the detection of subtle lung nodules in five diff

Negative differential capacitance of quantum dots

The dependence of charges accumulated on a quantum dot under an external voltage bias is studied. The charge is sensitive to the changes of number of filled levels and the number of conducting levels (channels). We clarify that there are two possible outcomes of applying a bias. (a) The number of conducting channels increases, but the number of filled levels decreases. (b) The number of filled lev

Dynamic study of changes in structure and morphology during the heating and sintering of iron powder

Dynamic changes in structure and morphology during the heating of iron powder to high temperatures have been studied in situ in an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM). The results have shown that the presence of lubricants leads to the formation of ferrite needles at about 500ºC. At higher temperatures, the recrystallization of alpha-iron, followed by the nucleation and growth of gam