

Din sökning på "*" gav 534615 sökträffar

Soil microfungi in three Swedish coniferous forests

Microfungi were isolated by the soil washing technique from 5 soil horizons in each of 3 podzolic coniferous forests: Picea abies at Kongalund, S. Sweden, Pinus sylvestris at Ivantjarnsheden and P. abies/P. sylvestris at Nickobacken (both central Sweden). A total of 126 species was identified, of which 45 were found at 3, and 24 at 2 of the sites. Mortierella and Penicillium were the commonest gen

MIMO Channels - Measurements and Analysis

Providing increased transmission speed, quality and an efficient spectrum utilization is crucial for high speed wireless services of today and the future. This thesis is a collection of papers that address an important step in that direction -- the utilization of the spatial domain of the wireless channel. Paper I provides a survey of the most important concepts in channel and radio propagation m

Glutathione S-transferase µ(GST) modifies activities of proteases and levels of cystatin C secreted by mouse retinal explants

Purpose: In one form of human autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa and in retinal degeneration (rd1) mouse, mutation occurs in the genes encoding ß subunit of rod photoreceptor cGMP phosphodiesterase. Therefore, rd1 mutant mouse is an appropriate model for human inherited retinal degeneration studies. Retinal explants are successfully cultured in serum free chemically defined R16 medium to eva

Nuclear Structure far off Stability - RISING Campaigns

Nuclear structure studies at CST attracted recently increased interest for the results of present activities as well as for the future project FAIR. A broad range of physics phenomena can be addressed by high-resolution in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments with radioactive beams offered within the Rare Isotopes Spectroscopic INvestigation at GSI (RISING) project. It combined the EUROBALL Ge-

The Department of English in Lund : Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 3

The Department of English in Lund: Working Papers in Linguistics is an annual volume produced by the English Department at Lund University in Sweden. Its main aim is to publicize research being carried out by staff and post-graduate students in the department, but we are also pleased to include contributions from members of neighbouring departments and universities. The contributions in volume 3

A computational study of an HCCI engine with direct injection during gas exchange

We present a new probability density function (PDF)-based computational model to simulate a homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine with direct injection (DI) during gas exchange. This stochastic reactor model (SRM) accounts for the engine breathing process in addition to the closed-volume HCCI engine operation. A weighted-particle Monte Carlo method is used to solve the resulting PD

Male gynecomastia and risk for malignant tumours--a cohort study

BACKGROUND: Men with gynecomastia may suffer from absolute or relative estrogen excess and their risk of different malignancies may be increased. We tested whether men with gynecomastia were at greater risk of developing cancer.METHODS: A cohort was formed of all the men having a histopathological diagnosis of gynecomastia at the Department of Pathology, University of Lund, following an operation

The Performance of a Multi Cylinder HCCI Engine using Variable Compression Ratio and Fast Thermal Management

Popular Abstract in Swedish Förbränningsmotor är i dagens värld den mest använda kraftkällan för fordon. Förbränningsmotorn har kontinuerligt utvecklats och förbättrats sedan Nicolaus August Ottos och Rudolf Diesels dagar, och kommer att fortsätta att utvecklas långt in i framtiden. Ingen konkurrerande teknik har ännu på allvar utmanat förbränningsmotorns ställning. Det finns en lång rad tänkbara The prime mover in the world today is the Internal Combustion (IC) engine. The development and improvement of the internal combustion engines since Nicolaus August Otto and Rudolf Diesel has continued until today and will continue long into the future. No major competitor to the IC engine has yet emerged. There is a long list of potential competitors but they still have to prove their superiority

Photoelectron escape depth in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x

Photoelectron spectra of Sr and Ca shallow core levels in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O81, (Bi2212) single crystals exhibit a strong attenuation effect because the photoelectron escape depth is very short in this material. This results may have a strong impact on the interpretation of ARPES and STM spectra near the Fermi level since it suggests the electronic states of planes other than CuO play a role in both tun

Patterns of uronosyl epimerization and 4-/6-O-sulphation in chondroitin/dermatan sulphate from decorin and biglycan of various bovine tissues

Dermatan sulphate is a co-polymer of two types of disaccharide repeats: D-glucuronate-N-acetylgalactosamine and L-iduronate-N-acetylgalactosamine. The former can be O-sulphated at C-4 or C-6 of the galactosamine, whereas the latter contains almost exclusively 4-O-sulphated galactosamine. A minor proportion of the L-iduronate may be O-sulphated at C-2. Chondroitin sulphate has no L-iduronate-contai