Din sökning på "*" gav 535050 sökträffar
A Game Theoretic Approach for Load Balancing in Computational Grids
Load balancing is a very important and complex problem in computational grids. A computational grid differs from traditional high-performance computing systems in the heterogeneity of the computing nodes, as well as the communication links that connect the different nodes together. There is a need to develop algorithms that can capture this complexity yet can be easily implemented and used to solv
Konstnärlig belysning ur bilförarperspektiv
Chromosomal aberrations in benign and malignant Bilharzia-associated bladder lesions analyzed by comparative genomic hybridization.
BACKGROUND: Bilharzia-associated bladder cancer (BAC) is a major health problem in countries where urinary schistosomiasis is endemic. Characterization of the genetic alterations in this cancer might enhance our understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms of the disease but, in contrast to nonbilharzia bladder cancer, BAC has rarely been the object of such scrutiny. In the present study, we aimed t
Transport of 222Rn using the regional model REMO : a detailed comparison with measurements over Europe
The 222Rn concentration simulated by the regional atmospheric modelREMOover Europe and western Siberia is compared to in-situ records in Europe, and discussed in the context of site effects for stations that are also part of a CO2 observing network. The REMO model has a limited spatial domain, forced at its lateral boundaries with meteorological fields of the European Centre for Medium-RangeWeathe
Molecular mechanisms of synaptic transmission and plasticity in spinal sensory pathways
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det är normalt, och oftast inget man reflekterar över, att en vävnadsskada (exempelvis ett hudsår) är förknippad med förhöjd smärtkänslighet. Denna delas in i två fenomen: hyperalgesi, en förhöjd upplevelse av smärtsamma stimuli, och allodyni, som innebär att ett vanligtvis milt stimulus, exempelvis lätt beröring, upplevs som smärtsamt. Hyperalgesi och allodyni är normaAn intense, potentially tissue-damaging (noxious) stimulus may lead to enhanced pain sensation of subsequent noxious stimuli (hyperalgesia) and to the perceiving of innocuous stimuli as painful (allodynia). This is thought to result to a large extent from strengthening of synapses established by primary afferent fibers onto spinal cord dorsal horn neurons. Here we investigated, using the postembed
Probing sd-fp Cross-shell Interactions via Terminating Configurations in 42Sc,43Sc
An experimental study of the lower fp-shell nuclei Sc-42,Sc-43 was performed via alpha pn and alpha p evaporation, respectively, from Ne-20 + Si-28 and Mg-24 + Mg-24 fusion-evaporation reactions. The experiments were conducted with the Gammasphere and Microball detector arrays. The level schemes of both nuclei have been extended considerably. Terminating states associated with the f(7/2)(n) and d(
DNA-ploidy in advanced gastric carcinoma is less heterogeneous than in early gastric cancer
This analysis of DNA-ploidy heterogeneity in advanced gastric carcinomas is consistent with the hypothesis of the emergence of a single aneuploid cell clone as a crucial mechanism in the progression from early gastric carcinoma to advanced gastric cancer. The prognostic value of DNA-ploidy in gastric cancers has been a matter of controversy. Tumour DNA-ploidy heterogeneity, the presence within the
Carola Nordbäck, Samvetets röst. Om mötet mellan luthersk ortodoxi och konservativ pietism i 1720-talets Sverige
Review of a book on pietism in Sweden in the 1720s.
BTKbase: XLA-mutation registry
X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is an immunodeficiency caused by mutations in the gene coding for Bruton's agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase (Btk). A new edition of the database (BTKbase) of Btk mutations has been compiled containing 282 patient entries representing 175 unique molecular events.
Geometrical treatment of contact pressure and tensile stress distribution in crossing fibres
A nonsurgical technique for blood access in extracorporeal affinity adsorption of antibodies in rats.
Monoclonal antibodies for targeting cytotoxic conjugates to tumor cells are currently being evaluated together with extracorporeal affinity adsorption. The aim of the adsorption was to reduce undesired side effects in normal organs and to increase the tumor-to-normal tissue ratios. This technique is also applicable to several other therapeutic areas such as immune-mediated disorders, that is, auto
Utvärderingskunnande – nya kompetenskrav för socialtjänsten?
Abstract not available
Lunnomidinium scaniense Lindstrom, gen. et sp nov., a new suessiacean dinoflagellate cyst from the Rhaetian of Scania, southern Sweden
The dinoflagellate cyst Lunnomidinium scaniense gen. et sp. nov. is present in the lower part of a thin sequence of Rhaetian sedimentary rocks exposed in the Lunnom Coal and Clay Pit in NW Scania, southern Sweden! It occurs in diverse, Rhaetian palynomorph assemblages, dominated by spores and pollen, but with rare specimens of the dinoflagellate cysts Rhaetogonyaulax rhaetica (Sarjeant) Loeblich a
Bioelectrocatalysis of plant peroxidases immobilized on graphite in aqueous and mixed solvent media
The bioelectrocatalytic function of two plant peroxidases, horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and a newly purified royal palm tree-leaf peroxidase (RPTP), was studied on graphite electrodes in aqueous buffer solutions, over the pH range 7.0 - 3.0, and in aqueous buffer solutions, at pH 6.0, containing different amounts of a polar organic cosolvent, i.e., ethanol and acetonitrile. The kinetics of direct
Biopop. Biovetenskapens popularisering i medierna.
Hur biomedicinsk forskning populariseras för att anpassa till en bredare allmänhet. Det handlar om att skapa en positiv upplevelse och få allmänhetens gillande för en kontroversiell medicinsk teknik.
Endobronchial biopsy positive sarcoidosis: relation to bronchoalveolar lavage and course of disease
Sixty-two patients with newly diagnosed sarcoidosis were examined with fibreoptic bronchoscopy, endobronchial biopsies and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) were analysed. Epithelioid granulomatosis in endobronchial biopsies were found in 28 (45%) of the patients (BPOS). The patients in this BPOS group showed higher inflammatory activity in BAL fluid compared to those with negative biopsies (BNEG), wit
Towards Autonomous PID Control
[abstract missing]
The early interaction between the Caribbean plateau and the NW South American Plate
The determination of accurate and precise ages for the timing of collision between oceanic plateaus and continental crust requires an understanding of how the indenting and buttressing plates respond to the collision. We present geochronological, thermochronological, geochemical and isotopic analyses of magmatic rocks from the Ecuadorian Andes, which relate to the collision of the Late Cretaceous
Regulation of lipolytic activity by long-chain acyl-coenzyme A in islets and adipocytes
Intracellular lipolysis is a major pathway of lipid metabolism that has roles, not only in the provision of free fatty acids as energy substrate, but also in intracellular signal transduction. The latter is likely to be particularly important in the regulation of insulin secretion from islet beta-cells. The mechanisms by which lipolysis is regulated in different tissues is, therefore, of considera