

Din sökning på "*" gav 534275 sökträffar

Prostate specific antigen based biennial screening is sufficient to detect almost all prostate cancers while still curable

PURPOSE: We evaluated whether biennial screening with prostate specific antigen (PSA) only is sufficient to detect prostate cancer while still curable. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In Goteborg, Sweden 9,972 men 50 to 65 years old were randomized to PSA screening. During 1995 and 1996 these men were invited for a first PSA screening and invited during 1997 and 1998 for a second screening. The screening p

Morphogenesis in the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora - an extensive plasticity of infection structures

st nematode-trapping fungi are dependent on specific hyphal structures on or in which nematodes can be trapped mechanically or by adhesion. These structures are a prerequisite for the ability of the fungus to invade a host and are thus crucial for survival as well as virulence. The diversity of trapping structures is large and highly dependent on the environment of the fungus. Within one single sp

Shaping variables in service level agreements at application level

In a web service environment, such as Parlay X, contracts are agreed between the involved participants to guarantee a reasonable measure of Quality of Service (QoS). A common policy adopted is for contracts to involve only one parameter which places a limit on the number of incoming operation calls. This constraint is expressed as the maximum number of operation calls per second that a source is a

Abnormal uterine Doppler is related to vasculopathy in pregestational diabetes mellitus

Background - The aim of the study was to evaluate the relation between maternal placental Doppler velocimetry, levels of the maternal glucose, and clinical signs of vasculopathy in pregnancy complicated by pregestational diabetes mellitus. Methods and Results - A retrospective study of 155 pregestational diabetic women between the 22nd and 40th weeks of pregnancy, categorized in White classificati

Cardiotonic bipyridine amrinone slows myosin-induced actin filament sliding at saturating [MgATP]

Previously reported effects of amrinone on skeletal muscle function suggest that the drug reduces the rate constant of myosin cross-bridge dissociation. We have used the in vitro motility assay to further elucidate the mechanism underlying this effect and to aid these studies a new, improved,. lament tracking software was developed in the Matlab(TM) environment. The experiments were carried out at

Genetic control of tolerance to type II collagen and development of arthritis in an autologous collagen-induced arthritis model.

T cell recognition of the type II collagen (CII) 260-270 peptide is a bottleneck for the development of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), an animal model of rheumatoid arthritis. We have earlier made C3H.Q mice expressing CII with glutamic acid instead of aspartic acid at position 266 (the MMC-C3H.Q mouse), similar to the rat and human CII epitope, which increases binding to MHC class II and leads

Introduction of total hip arthroplasty in Lithuania - Results from the first 10 years

Background Hip replacement as a routine procedure was introduced in Lithuania in 1991. At Klaipeda Hospital, one of the 2 hospitals at which this was begun, the arthroplasties were followed prospectively from the start. This study concerns the 10-year results from a country with no previous experience of hip replacement. The results are compared with those from a hospital with considerable experie

Direktlimmat trägolv på betongunderlag - Teoretiska beräkningar av fuktbelastning från undergolvet

Syftet med projektet är att teoretiskt utreda två frågeställningar med direktlimmat trägolv på betongunderlag. Första frågeställningen är i vilka fall det behövs ett extra fuktskydd under trägolv från AB Gustaf Kährs, för att undvika skador orsakade av byggfukt i underlag av normal husbyggnadsbetong. Andra frågeställningen är vilken ekvivalent uttorkningstid som behövs för byggfuktfri betong innan

Solutions and their ambiguities for structure and motion problems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett centralt problem inom området datorseende är att utifrån bara ett antal bilder av föremål, återskapa formen av föremålet som avbildats. Samtidigt vill man även återskapa hur kameran rört sig mellan de olika bilderna tagits. Detta är det så kallade struktur och rörelse-problemet. I avhandlingen löses detta problem för olika typer av kameror samt olika typer av objektThis thesis revolves around the problem of solving the structure and motion problem in computer vision. This is the problem of reconstructing the world, the structure, from images taken by a number of cameras undergoing an unknown motion. Much of the thesis is centred on the problem of finding initial estimates of the structure and the motion using a small set of image data. These initial estimate

Effects of phasic and tonic activation on contraction dynamics in smooth muscle

Responses to isotonic quick releases of rabbit urinary bladder strips and rat portal veins activated by AC-stimulation and K+-high medium were studied. The AC stimulation was adjusted to give the same tension as th K+-contractures. Releases were performed at peak of the contractions (which was attained after 1.5-4.5 s AC-stimulation or 2-3 min in K+-high solution). The length response consisted of

The impact of forest residue removal and wood ash amendment on the growth of the ectomycorrhizal external mycelium

Intensive harvesting of forest residues for energy production may lead to the depletion of organic matter and mineral nutrients in the forest floor. In order to restore nutrient content wood ash has been suggested as a fertiliser. Ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi arc involved in the nutrient uptake of forest trees and this study investigates the influence of intensive harvesting and wood ash fertilisati

Pinch grafting in hospital and primary care: a cost analysis

The cost of treating venous leg ulcers with pinch grafting was evaluated for 58 consecutive patients: 29 in hospital care and 29 in primary care. The mean age was 76.8 and 74.3 years and the mean ulcer size 15.1 and 13.5 cm2, respectively. The operation technique, pinch grafting, was the same for all patients but primary care patients were not immobilised postoperatively. Healing rate within 12 we

Does nest site availability limit the density of hole nesting birds in small woodland patches?

By providing nest boxes, previous studies have shown that nest sites are in short supply and limit the populations of several small passerines, including the Great Tit Parus major, the Blue Tit P. caeruleus, and the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. Can this influence their distribution over a range of small woodland patch sizes in a heterogeneous landscape? To investigate this, a study was cond