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Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med studien har varit att, genom huvudsakligen kvalitativ beskrivning, studera narrativ sekvens, d v s berättelsen, i exolingvala samtal mellan infödd och icke infödd (svensktalande studenter) talare av franska. Den teoretiska ramen sträcker sig från textlingvistik (Revaz, Adam, Bronckart etc.) till konversationsanalys (Labov, Sacks, Norrick, Laforest, Kerbrat-OrThe aim of this study is to examine, through a mainly qualitative description, the narrative in exolingual conversations in French between non-native speakers (NNS) (Swedish students) and native speakers (NS). The theoretical frame ranges from text linguistics (Revaz, Adam, Bronckart etc.) to conversation analysis (Labov, Sacks, Norrick, Laforest, Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Bres, Norrby etc.). The study

In search of the talkative public: Media, deliberative democracy and civic culture

Theories of democracy consider communicative interaction among citizens central, In recent years the idea of deliberative democracy has galvanised elements of political theory with perspectives on communication. This concept emerges to a large extent from the Habermasian trajectory and links currents from theories of civil society and citizenship. It has thus a rather forceful normative dimension.

Time-Updating Discrete-Time `Analytic' Signals

The discrete-time 'analytic' signal finds numerous applications in a wide range of fields, and call be efficiently implemented using the fast Fourier transform (FFT). A computationally efficient sliding window time-update of the discrete-time 'analytic' signal, not requiring the FFT, is proposed.

Intermediate phases observed during decomposition of LiBH4

Lithium tetrahydridoboranate is among the materials with the highest hydrogen content and has great potential as a possible H-2-storage material, although, the release and uptake of H-2 is not fully understood. In this work, LiBH4 was studied by in situ synchrotron radiation powder X-ray diffraction (PXD) and solid state CP/MAS NNIR both at variable temperatures. This study revealed two new phases

Increasing the degree of automation in a production system: Consequences for the physical workload

In spite of the continuous development of production systems work-related musculoskeletal disorders is still a large problem. One reason might be the difficulties in quantifying the ergonomic effects of interventions. In this paper ergonomic consequences of technical and organisational changes were quantified in a plant for producing slats for parquet flooring. Muscle activity, work postures and m

Electric dipole strength below the giant dipole resonance

Recent experimental findings and theoretical approaches to the electric dipole (El) strength distribution below the particle emission threshold at shell closures are revisited. Results from photon scattering experiments are discussed and compared to predictions within the quasiparticle-phonon nuclear model. An analysis of the fine structure of the El strength is presented. Recent studies of the E1

Chemiluminescence of 1,2-dioxetane. Reaction mechanism uncovered

The thermal decomposition of 1,2-dioxetane and the associated production of chemiluminescent products, model for a wide range of chemiluminescent reactions, has been studied at the multistate multiconfigurational second-order perturbation level of theory. This study is in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental observations with respect to the activation energy and the observed in

Epicardial right atrial free wall mapping in chronic atrial fibrillation. Documentation of repetitive activation with a focal spread--a hitherto unrecognised phenomenon in man

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown that atrial fibrillation of recent onset in man is based on a varying number of simultaneously present activation waves reentering either themselves or each other. In the present study, right atrial activation during chronic atrial fibrillation in man was studied. METHODS AND RESULTS: In 16 patients with chronic atrial fibrillation multiple epicardial record

Prediction from a random time point

In prediction (Wiener-, Kalman-) of a random normal process $\{X(t), t \in R\}$ it is normally required that the time $t_0$ from which prediction is made does not depend on the values of the process. If prediction is made only from time points at which the process takes a certain value $u,$ given a priori, ("prediction under panic"), the Wiener-prediction is not necessarily optimal; optimal should

Maternal drug use in early pregnancy and infant cardiovascular defect

The purpose of the paper is to identify maternal drug use that may be associated with an increased risk for cardiac defects in the offspring. A case-control study was performed with cases (cardiovascular defects without known chromosome anomalies) being identified from three Swedish health registers (n = 5015) and controls being all infants born in Sweden during the period 1 July 1995-2001 (n = 57

Ultrasonic Methods for 2D Arterial Wall Movement Measurements

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar är den största enskilda orsaken till en för tidig död i västvärlden. För att öka kunskapen om dessa sjukdomar är det viktigt att finna mätmetoder, gärna icke-invasiva, som kan användas för att studera tidiga yttringar av hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Förändringar av de mekaniska egenskaperna i artärerna kan vara en sådan tidig yttring. För att få etCardiovascular diseases constitute the major cause of morbidity and mortality in the Western World. To increase our knowledge of cardiovascular diseases, it is important to find methods, preferably non-invasive ones, to study very early manifestations of vascular disease. Changes in the mechanical properties of the arteries can be an early manifestation of vascular disease. Further, changes in the