Din sökning på "*" gav 533081 sökträffar
Motion Perception and the Moving Observer
Eye-movement data quality over time and the influence of awareness of being eye-tracked
Detection of oculomotor events using random forest
Social presence influence saccadic control
Impact of dune vegetation on wave and wind erosion : A case study at Ängelholm Beach, South Sweden
På flera platser i Södra Sverige avlägsnas dynvegetation från sanddyner utmed kusten för att öka biodiversiteten i sandiga miljöer. På dessa platser sker även morfologiska förändringar, eftersom dynerna inte längre stabiliseras av vegetationen. I den här fallstudien utvärderas effekten av vegetationsborttagning på dynerosion från vind och vågor. Analys av volym- och arktäckningsförändringar visar At several places in South Sweden, dune vegetation is removed from coastal dunes with the purpose to increase biodiversity in sandy habitats. At these sites, also morphological changes take place as the dunes are no longer stabilized by vegetation. In this case study at Ängelholm Beach in South Sweden, the effect of vegetation removal on dune erosion by wind and waves is evaluated. Analyses of vol
Historiska stormhändelser som underlag vid riskanalys : Studie av översvämningarna 1872 och 1904 längs Skånes syd- och ostkust
Den 13 november 1872 inträffade en extrem översvämning i kustområdena kring Södra Östersjön. Högt vattenstånd i kombination med höga vågor ledde till att cirka 300 personer omkom och fler än 15 000 blev hemlösa. Utmed Skånes kust omkom minst 23 personer, över 100 bostadshus förstördes och hundratals kustfiskare förlorade sin inkomstkälla då båtar och fiskeredskap slogs sönder och drogs ut i havet.On November 13, 1872 an extreme flood occurred in the coastal areas surrounding the South Baltic Sea. An extreme storm surge in combination with high waves caused the death of about 300 people and more than 15,000 people lost their homes. Along the coast of Scania, southern Sweden, at least 23 people were killed and more than 100 houses were destroyed. Hundreds of fishermen lost their source of in
A model to simulate long-term beach-dune evolution due to interacting longshore and cross-shore sediment transport processes is developed and tested. The work builds on a cross-shore model (CSM) previously developed at Lund University and includes changes to the equations describing aeolian transport and morphological evolution. The modifications are mainly based on existing conceptual geomorpholo
Evolution of color vision
Research conducted in recent years has documented the widespread presence of various forms of color vision in species from across the animal kingdom, helped to develop an understanding of the basic biological mechanisms that underlie this sensory capacity, and provided some insights into the utility of color vision in the natural world. This chapter draws information from all these various sources
Whole-classroom eye tracking
Earliest accumulation of β-amyloid occurs within the default-mode network and concurrently affects brain connectivity
It is not known exactly where amyloid-β (Aβ) fibrils begin to accumulate in individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Recently, we showed that abnormal levels of Aβ42 in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can be detected before abnormal amyloid can be detected using PET in individuals with preclinical AD. Using these approaches, here we identify the earliest preclinical AD stage in subjects from the ADNI
Measures of clustering and heterogeneity in multilevel Poisson regression analyses of rates/count data
Multilevel data occur frequently in many research areas like health services research and epidemiology. A suitable way to analyze such data is through the use of multilevel regression models. These models incorporate cluster-specific random effects that allow one to partition the total variation in the outcome into between-cluster variation and between-individual variation. The magnitude of the ef
MiR-16 and miR-103 impact 5-HT4 receptor signalling and correlate with symptom profile in irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gut-brain disorder involving alterations in intestinal sensitivity and motility. Serotonin 5-HT4 receptors are promising candidates in IBS pathophysiology since they regulate gut motor function and stool consistency, and targeted 5-HT4R selective drug intervention has been proven beneficial in subgroups of patients. We identified a single nucleotide polymorphism
Occupational mobility during South Africa's industrial take-off
In the absence of historical income or education data, the change in occupations over time can be used as a measure of mobility. This paper investigates intergenerational occupational mobility using a novel genealogical dataset for settler South Africa, spanning its transition from an agricultural to an early industrialised society (1800-1909). We identify fathers and sons for whom we have complet
A sediment extraction and cleanup method for wide-scope multitarget screening by liquid chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry
Previous studies on organic sediment contaminants focused mainly on a limited number of highly hydrophobic micropollutants accessible to gas chromatography using nonpolar, aprotic extraction solvents. The development of liquid chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC–HRMS) permits the spectrum of analysis to be expanded to a wider range of more polar and ionic compounds present in sedi
Lägre momsskattesats på reparationer och omsättningströskel
Repulsion in Low Temperature β-Ensembles
We prove a result on separation of particles in a two-dimensional Coulomb plasma, which holds provided that the inverse temperature (Formula presented.) satisfies (Formula presented.). For large (Formula presented.), separation is obtained at the same scale as the conjectural Abrikosov lattice optimal separation.
Challenges of pheromone-based mating disruption of Cydia strobilella and Dioryctria abietella in spruce seed orchards
Seed orchards function as the primary source of high-quality seeds for reforestation in many European countries, but their seed yields can be severely reduced due to seed- and cone-feeding insects. We evaluated various parameters of pheromone-based mating disruption for control of the moths Cydia strobilella and Dioryctria abietella, which are major pests in European Picea abies seed orchards. We
Peace through Tourism : A Brief History of a Popular Catchphrase
Speeding up the Atmosphere : Experimental oxidation studies of ambient and laboratory aerosols using a flow reactor
Forskningen i denna avhandling handlar i hög grad om att försöka härma kemin i jordens atmosfär. Den sista mätningen till denna avhandling gjordes för bara några veckor sedan, under ett fruktmellanmål tillsammans med mina barn. Jag bestämde mig för att testa ett otroligt påstående som säger att om jorden krymptes ihop till ett äpple är atmosfären lika tunn som äpplets skal. D.v.s.:tjocklek(äppleskApart from gases, the air we breath consist of tiny, so called, aerosol particles. A cubic metre of air in a relatively clean environment can consist of several billion aerosol particles. The impact of these particles on human health and on climate is significant. According to WHO, particles affect more humans than any other pollutant, and is closely related to mortality and morbidity. Further, it