

Din sökning på "*" gav 529370 sökträffar

Immunizations with IFNgamma secreting tumor cells can eliminate fully established and invasive rat gliomas.

Immunotherapy of malignant primary brain tumors holds the potential to improve the dismal prognosis after current clinical therapy. Although immunotherapy of experimental gliomas has been demonstrated to have the capacity to cure intracerebral tumors no convincing effects of immunotherapy have been shown in clinical trials. One reason for this could be that some of the models used do not display f

The Principle of Rational Decision-Making: As Applied to the Identification of Normative Conflicts in International Law

The resolution of normative conflicts is a recurring issue for the application of international law, more so now than ever before. To help lawapplying agents to justify decisions resolving a conflict between two norms,international law provides a host of different conflict rules. As several studies reveal, to apply such a conflict rule, law-applying agents often have todraw on political considerat

Comparative sequence analysis of the non-protein-coding mitochondrial DNA of inbred rat strains.

The proper function of mammalian mitochondria necessitates a coordinated expression of both nuclear and mitochondrial genes, most likely due to the co-evolution of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. The non-protein coding regions of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) including the D-loop, tRNA and rRNA genes form a major component of this regulated expression unit. Here we present comparative analyses of t


Discussion about the film ALI (US, Michael Mann, 2001)

An Innovative Systems Approach for Research on Urban Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

This paper presents an innovative research on urban risk reduction and climate change adaptation that combines case studies, grounded theory and systems analysis, which could be used as a template for similar intersectoral and interdisciplinary investigations. Such a ‘case studies–grounded theory–systems analysis approach’ permits a grounded theory to be built from case study data, which is viewed

Tanke och känsla

Regular column on performing arts in the weekly newspaper Arbetaren (The Worker).

Kronofogdekostnader i nytt förenklat tvistemål

En ansökan om betalningsföreläggande avvisas eller avskrivs för att gäldenären inte kan delges. Borgenären ansöker om stämning avseende samma sak. En omtvistad fråga — som rör förenklade tvistemål och tolkningen av 18 kap. 8 a § sjätte stycket rättegångsbalken — är om borgenären i tingsrättsförfarandet kan få ersättning för kostnaden hos Kronofogdemyndigheten. I denna artikel argumenteras för att

Lifetimes and oscillator strengths for ultraviolet transitions in neutral sulfur

A consistent set of f-values for vacuum ultraviolet lines of S I is deduced from a combination of laser lifetime measurements and theoretical branching ratios. The new results are compared with results deduced from absorption by interstellar gas toward zeta Ophiuchi, and good agreement is observed for most transitions.

Livsstil och livsföring i Simmels och Webers klassiska sociologi

Artikeln diskuterar hur begreppen livsstil och livsföring introducerades i sociologin. Bland annat visas på att begreppet livsstil intorducerades på bred front av Simmel i "Philosophie des Geldes" (1900). Avslutningsvis diskuteras några möjliga användningar av begreppen idag.