

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Time-range FDA beampattern characteristics

Current literature show that frequency diverse arrays (FDAs) are able of producing range–angle-dependent and time-variant transmit beampatterns, but the resulting time and range dependencies and their characteristics are still not well understood. This paper examines the FDA transmission model with an emphasis on analyzing the beam auto-scanning characteristics and the equivalence with the MIMO be

BLINDED BY THE RETRO, What sound aesthetics reminiscent of the 1980’s reveal in the personas of The Weeknd and Charli XCX

This essay examines the effect of eighties synth-pop influences on modern day pop music production. The study analyzes retro aesthetics in the music of Charli XCX and The Weeknd, with the aim to gain a deeper understanding of the effect the 1980’s have on mainstream pop music. Synthesizers, drum-machines, rhythm, vocals, effects and timbre of these songs are analyzed to reveal how retro sound aest

Lunds universitet studenters klubbkultur “Spelar musiken roll på Lunds nationer?”

In Lund, a club culture has been evolving among the city's university students, which has had a great importance on the university life. It is not uncommon for students to go out to a nightclub several times a week, particularly to Student Nations clubs. I have therefore chosen to investigate clubculture in Lund university, through participant observation and interviews. I have also decided to

Universell utformning i praktiken : förståelse, genomförande och samskapande

Avhandlingen är en sammanläggning av fyra artiklar om universell utformning i praktiken. Att designa för alla människor är en vägledande princip som Sveriges riksdag och regering beslutat om som del av implementeringen av FN:s konvention om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning. Avhandlingen bidrar med kunskap om förståelse, genomförande och samskapande gällande universell utformning. The thesis is a compilation of four articles and deals with Universal design in practice. This concept for designing for all is according to the Swedish Parliament and Government a guiding principle for the society. It is part of the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The thesis contributes with knowledge about the understanding, implementation and co-c

Development of a Smart Wireless Multisensor Platform for an Optogenetic Brain Implant

Implantable cell replacement therapies promise to completely restore the function of neural structures, possibly changing how we currently perceive the onset of neurodegenerative diseases. One of the major clinical hurdles for the routine implementation of stem cell therapies is poor cell retention and survival, demanding the need to better understand these mechanisms while providing precise and s

OMICs Signatures Linking Persistent Organic Pollutants to Cardiovascular Disease in the Swedish Mammography Cohort

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) development may be linked to persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including organochlorine compounds (OCs) and perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). To explore underlying mechanisms, we investigated metabolites, proteins, and genes linking POPs with CVD risk. We used data from a nested case-control study on myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke from th

Disentangling electron-boson interactions on the surface of a familiar ferromagnet

We report energy renormalizations from electron-phonon and electron-magnon interactions in spin minority surface resonances on Ni(111). The different interactions are identified, disentangled, and quantified from the characteristic signatures they provide to the complex self-energy and the largely different binding energies at which they occur. The observed electron-magnon interactions exhibit a s

Requirements and software engineering for automotive perception systems : an interview study

Driving automation systems, including autonomous driving and advanced driver assistance, are an important safety-critical domain. Such systems often incorporate perception systems that use machine learning to analyze the vehicle environment. We explore new or differing topics and challenges experienced by practitioners in this domain, which relate to requirements engineering (RE), quality, and sys

The effect of surface topography on the ball-rolling ability of Kheper lamarcki (Scarabaeidae)

The most effective way to avoid intense inter- and intra-specific competition at the dung source, and to increase the distance to the other competitors, is to follow a single straight bearing. While ball-rolling dung beetles manage to roll their dung balls along nearly perfect straight paths when traversing flat terrain, the paths that they take when traversing more complex (natural) terrain are n

Mot en konnektiv etik : etik och moral i en ny digital kontext

Sedan urminnes tider har frågor om etik och moral haft stor inverkan på människors liv. I den globaliserade och digitala värld vi idag lever i är dessa fortfarande aktuella, men har kommit att förändras. Då vi har gått från att befinna oss i en kollektiv till en konnektiv kontext, och vår kommunikation inte längre enbart sker ansikte mot ansikte, har nya etiska och moraliska frågor uppkommit. Den

On the statistical assumption on the distance moduli of Supernovae Ia and its impact on the determination of cosmological parameters

Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) are considered the most reliable standard candles and they have played an invaluable role in cosmology since the discovery of the Universe's accelerated expansion. During the last decades, the SNe Ia samples have been improved in number, redshift coverage, calibration methodology, and systematics treatment. These efforts led to the most recent “Pantheon” (2018) and “Pan

Association of systemic anticholinergic medication use and accelerated decrease in lung function in older adults

Older adults are frequently exposed to medicines with systemic anticholinergic properties, which are linked to increased risk of negative health outcomes. The association between systemic anticholinergics and lung function has not been reported. The aim of this study was to investigate if exposure to systemic anticholinergics influences lung function in older adults. Participants of the southernmo

A case study of SCADA implementation for small electrical producers in WideQuick

The escalating demand for electricity requires the deployment of reliable, secure, and efficient energy production methods. This master thesis explores the utilization of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems in power plants to meet these requirements. The primary objective is to investigate the specific requirements for implementing a SCADA system in the power production sector

The Concordance Index decomposition : A measure for a deeper understanding of survival prediction models

The Concordance Index (C-index) is a commonly used metric in Survival Analysis for evaluating the performance of a prediction model. In this paper, we propose a decomposition of the C-index into a weighted harmonic mean of two quantities: one for ranking observed events versus other observed events, and the other for ranking observed events versus censored cases. This decomposition enables a finer

DNA methylation risk score for type 2 diabetes is associated with gestational diabetes

BACKGROUND: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) share many pathophysiological factors including genetics, but whether epigenetic marks are shared is unknown. We aimed to test whether a DNA methylation risk score (MRS) for T2DM was associated with GDM across ancestry and GDM criteria.METHODS: In two independent pregnancy cohorts, EPIPREG (n = 480) and EPIDG (n =

Human Genetic Variation at rs10071329 Correlates with Adiposity-related Traits, Modulates PPARGC1B Expression, and Alters Brown Adipocyte Function

Human genetic variation in PPARGC1B has been associated with adiposity, but the genetic variants that affect PPARGC1B expression have not been experimentally determined. Here, guided by previous observational data, we used CRISPR/Cas9 to scarlessly edit the alleles of the candidate causal genetic variant rs10071329 in a human brown adipocyte cell line (hBAs). Switching the rs10071329 genotype from