Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar
Security, Globalisation and State Transformation in the Middle East
Why are expert committee deliberations in need of democratic control?
Abstract in UndeterminedThe aim of this paper is to argue for the need of democratic control of expert committees generally and ethical expert committees specifically. Expert committees including ethical expert committees with the commission to give advice to political decision-makers are often criticized for not being democratic. This criticism point at different aspects of expert committees: com
Appraisal of the "Draft Programme for European Social Fund Objective 4, 1995-1999" submitted by the Kingdom of Sweden,
Om modern arabisk litteratur
English Linguistics Festival in honour of Beatrice Warren
The Rural Credit Market in Southern Sweden 1775-1808 - A Study of Borrowers and Lenders
Macro/nanoporous matrixes for Life Science Applications
Circuit analogs for stratified structures
We present an overview of how circuit models can be used for wave propaga- tion in stratified structures. Homogeneous slabs are modeled as transmission lines, and thin sheets between the slabs are modeled as lumped elements. It is seen that electric material properties contribute as shunt elements, and mag- netic material properties contribute as series elements. When the sheets have periodic patt
Estimation of soil solute electrical conductivity using WET-sensor
National Diaspora Groups as Challengers of Political Status Quo in Authoritarian Homelands: The Cases of Syria and Uzbekistan
How do UCEEM scores correlate with other variables related to workplace learning climate? Further exploration of validity and usability of the Undergraduate Clinical Education Environment Measure
No title
High pt suppression in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV.
Bäst förmåga eller starkast drivkraft? - Reflektioner kring rekrytering till forskarutbildning
I denna korta artikel reflekterar jag kring rekrytering till forskarutbildning och de faktorer som styr och influerar processen: (i) Det som ska ligga till grund för beredning och beslut enligt Högskoleförordningen och föreskrifter/beslut vid enskilda lärosäten, (ii) Målformuleringar för forskarutbildning enligt Högskolelagen, Högskoleförordningen och föreskrifter/beslut vid enskilda lärosäten, (i
Qui docet discit - the one who teaches learns
Henric Schartau
Ingen enskild person har utövat ett så djupgående inflytande som Henric Schartau (1757–1825) på kyrkolivet i södra och västra Sverige under 1800- och 1900-talen. Han gav själv inte ut sina skrifter, men av ingen annan svensk teologisk författare torde så mycket ha publicerats. Hans teologiska och kyrkliga ståndpunkt präglades av en ibland ensidig koncentration på det enda nödvändiga. Han gav namn
Grekiska prosatexter utgivna och kommenterade. Del 1. Ur Xenofon, Anabasis och Platon, Sokrates' försvarstal
Two particle interferometry of 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at PHENIX.
Quantitative soot measurements in an HSDI Diesel engine
Quantitative in-cylinder measurements of soot volume fraction in a single-cylinder HSDI Diesel engine, based on a VOLVO D5, has been carried out using the laser-induced incandescence (LII) technique using laser excitation at 1064 nm and an ICCD camera with prompt gate detection. Quantitative data was obtained by relating the LII signal response from the engine to that from a calibration flame. The