An introduction to the Swedish translation of St. Augustine's De doctrina christiana.
An introduction to the Swedish translation of St. Augustine's De doctrina christiana.
Healthcare systems today are undergoing major restructuring. From the patient’s perspective, expectations focusing on high quality treatments for most common diseases – such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, and others – have gone unmet in most countries throughout the world. Today, a number of protein expression and analysis platforms is available, which ca
We examine Lars E O Svensson's prominent critique of the monetary policy of the Sveriges Riksbank (the Swedish central bank) from 1995-2012. Our main objection concerns Svensson's conclusion that the original pre-Friedman/Phelps version of the Phillips curve based on constant inflation expectations has returned for Sweden. Based on estimates of this model, Svensson claims that that the Riksbank's
Popular Abstract in Swedish Kemiska ämnen finns överallt i vårat samhälle och behövs för att vi ska kunna leva som vi gör. Produktionen av kemiska ämnen använder kemiska processer som ofta är dyra och förbättringar av driftsätt kan spara mycket pengar. För att förbättra en process krävs att experiment utförs som oftast är väldigt kostsamma och tidskrävande. Ett sätt för att minska antalet experimeChemical processes are usually expensive to run. To optimise a process, we need to know how the process behaves, and this is usually accomplished by studying the process experimentally. However, experiments are very expensive, particularly if an existing plant has to shut down normal operation to conduct an experiment. A better way is to build a model and simulate the process. In order to obtain t
The chapter gives an overall picture of the conditions of labour market entry for young people (16-19 years) and young adults (20-24 years) and their social exclusion in Sweden from the early 1990s until now. The chapter consists of three sections. The first section provides background information on the entry of young people on the Swedish labour market. The overview summarizes research findings
Popular Abstract in Swedish Magsårsbakterien H. pylori binder till och förändrar magens slemhinna Bakterierna är i majoritet i kroppen! Människans 10 biljoner celler lever i harmoni med 100 biljoner bakterier som har koloniserat någon av kroppens ekologiska nischer utan att göra skada. Av alla bakterier kroppen möter utgör bara en bråkdel något hot, och trots att kroppen möter sjukdomsalstrande bHelicobacter pylori may cause gastritis, gastric/duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer. During infection, most H. pylori are found in the gastric mucus layer, but some are attached to, or have penetrated, epithelial cells. The aim of this study is to characterize the binding of H. pylori to gastric mucins and to investigate host changes that occur after inoculation. Results: H. pylori binds to mucins
Om synen på Raoul Wallenberg i förintelseforskning och i offentligheten efter 1945.
The thin-plate spline (TPS) has been widely used in a number of areas such as image warping, shape analysis and scattered data interpolation. Introduced by Bookstein (IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(6):567–585 1989), it is a natural interpolating function in two dimensions, parameterized by a finite number of landmarks. However, even though the thin-plate spline has a very intuitive int
What research has been accomplished hitherto on the subject of anarchism within Islam? How has Islamic anarchism been approached and conceived by researchers and advocates? How might this field be approached? What are some of the challenges inherent in the study of anarchism in Islam? This chapter attempts to answer these questions while raising new ones. Work by Ahmet Karamustafa, Patricia Crone,