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Förslaget om övergång till ekonomisk arbetsgivare vid tillfälligt arbete i Sverige
Live Programming of Internet of Things in PalCom
PalCom is a middleware toolkit for pervasive computing and internet-of-things. We discuss how PalCom supports exploration and live programming through three phases: exploring services, assembling them into applications, and exposing them as new services. We give an example of this workflow through the construction of a simple photo booth application.
Healthcare Matching - Developing a Preliminary Model
Developing a Preliminary Model of Healthcare Matching as a Service - Usefulness and Barriers
Diversity of avian haemosporidian parasites : Host specificity, genetic structure and infection patterns
Bland vilda djur finns närmast ett oräkneligt antal patogener. Dessa kan i vissa fall ge utbrott av zoonotiska sjukdomar vilket har hänt vid upprepade tillfällen under mänsklighetens historia. Men varför kan endast vissa av de patogener som normalt finns hos vilda djur infektera människor? Fågelinfluensa och West-Nile virus kan överföras från fåglar till människor medan rabies kan överföras från hParasites live on or inside their hosts and usually cause fitness loss, sometimes even lead to outbreaks of emerging infectious disease. Understanding how a parasite can infect its hosts (i.e., host specificity of the parasite) is important to both basic studies on disease evolution and the whole ecosystem health.In this thesis, I use avian haemosporidians, a group of species-rich protozoans as a
Äldres vårdval och matchning av vård
The transformation in the Swedish industrial relation system caused by the economic crisis and the role played by government and trade unions
Stability of oestrogen and progesterone receptor antigenicity in formalin‐fixed paraffin‐embedded breast cancer tissue over time
Employee Privacy in the Context of EU Regulation n. 2016/679: Some Comparative Remarks
Design configuration with architectural objects : Linking customer requirements with system capabilities in industrialized house-building platforms
There are two main routes for customers of industrialized house building to follow: either rigid platforms offering preconfigured products, often called ‘type houses’, or more flexible platforms open to customization. The problem in customization is to link customer requirements with system opportunities. In axiomatic design processes, this problem is understood as the transformation of customer rThere are two main routes for customers of industrialized house building to follow: either rigid platforms offering preconfigured products, often called ‘type houses’, or more flexible platforms open to customization. The problem in customization is to link customer requirements with system opportunities. In axiomatic design processes, this problem is understood as the transformation of customer r
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Welfare without Growth - Keynote, 6th International Degrowth Conference
The presentation introduces the concept of 'sustainable welfare'. Central to this concept is the notion of human needs and how these could be satisfied for everyone, now and in future, within planetary limits and without economic growth. The contribution presents recent research results, addresses structural challenges to degrowth and sustainable welfare such as the hegemony of the growth paradigm
Maximum limits on incomes and wealth
Since Herman Daly’s original writings, growth-critical scholarship has frequently referred to the policy tools of minimum income schemes and maximum limits on incomes and wealth to tackle social inequality in a degrowth transition. However, while there is a broad discussion of minimum income schemes within the degrowth research community and beyond, not much has been produced on maximum limits on
Delade meningar : Retorisk flertydighet och den pluralistiska publiken i politiska förnyelseprocesser.
Denna avhandling undersöker retorisk flertydighet som en egenskap hos uttryck som adresserar sammansatta, heterogena publiker. Avhandlingens syfte är att utveckla konceptuella verktyg för analysen av flertydiga kommunikativa handlingar, för att undersöka vilka utfall de kan möjliggöra. Avhandlingens utgångspunkt är att uttryck är meningsfulla och fundamentalt sociala handlingar, som alltid är en dThis thesis is an inquiry into rhetorical ambiguity as a property of utterances addressing composite, heterogeneous audiences. The purpose is to develop conceptual tools to analyse ambiguous communicative acts for the outcomes they make possible. The thesis proceeds from the assumption that utterances are purposeful and fundamentally social acts, always part of an ongoing social dialogue. As such,
The lived experience of Huntington’s disease : A phenomenological perspective on genes, the body and the lived experience of a genetic disease
The purpose of this article is to explore the intersections between genes, the body and the lived experience of a genetic disease. This article is based on empirical material from a study on how individuals affected by Huntington’s disease experience their everyday life. This study identified two themes that represent and capture the experience of the affected individuals. The themes are (1) notic
LUBAC is essential for embryogenesis by preventing cell death and enabling haematopoiesis
The linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC) is required for optimal gene activation and prevention of cell death upon activation of immune receptors, including TNFR1 1 . Deficiency in the LUBAC components SHARPIN or HOIP in mice results in severe inflammation in adulthood or embryonic lethality, respectively, owing to deregulation of TNFR1-mediated cell death 2-8 . In humans, deficiency in
Test-specific differences in verbal memory assessments used prior to surgery in temporal lobe epilepsy
OBJECTIVE: To study the relationship between two commonly used verbal memory tests in presurgical evaluation for temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) in Sweden, the Claeson-Dahl Test for verbal learning and retention (CDT) and the Swedish version of the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT).METHODS: Fifty-nine patients with TLE (male: 41%, mean: age 41.7 ± 12.3 years; epilepsy onset at mean age: 18.3
Self-Reported Needs for Care, Support and Treatment of Persons Who Frequently Visit Psychiatric Emergency Rooms in Sweden
Aim: To investigate self-reported needs for care, support and treatment among persons who frequently visit psychiatric emergency rooms (PERs).Design: A cross-sectional design. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected using an interview-based manual. Qualitative data were analysed using content analysis, whereas quantitative data were analysed using descriptive, non-parametric statistical t