Din sökning på "*" gav 530026 sökträffar
Changing Frontiers and Invisible Politics in Northeast Asia : A Conversation with Tessa Morris-Suzuki
What Influences Urban Mothers' Decisions on What to Feed Their Children Aged Under Five-The Case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Mothers carry the prime responsibility for childcare and feeding in low-income countries. Understanding their experiences in providing food for their children is paramount to informing efforts to improve the nutritional status of children. Such information is lacking in Sub-Saharan Africa. To understand what influences urban mothers' food acquisition and their motivations for selecting food for th
Transcendensens metaforer. En jeanpaulsk tradition i svensk dikt
En specifik typ av metaforer i svensk dikt, där ord för triviala ting krockar med ord för höga, abstrakta ting härleds till den tyske diktaren Jean Paul (1763 - 1825), och visas i Tegnérs, C F Dahlgrens, E A Karlfeldts, Birger Sjöbergs och Tomas Tranströmer dikter. Metafortypen är förbunden med en teologisk idé om metaforens möjlighet att överskrida gränsen mellan det jordiska och det himmelska.
Carbon, Energy and Water Fluxes at Mature and Disturbed Forest Sites, Saskatchewan, Canada
Net Ecosystem Productivity of Boreal Aspen Forests under Drought and Climate Change: Mathematical Modelling with Ecosys
Evaluation of a Lagrangian Footprint Model Using Data from a Wind Tunnel Convective Boundary Layer
Deregulation, choice and competition in the motor vehicle inspection market
I estimate a demand model for car inspection services to investigate car owners' choice of stations and its implications for competition, and to evaluate the impact on consumer welfae of removing the state monopoly on inspection services. Using detailed data on car owners' choices of station in the Swedish motor vehicle inspection market, I find that car owners are willing to pay SEK 41 or 9\% mor
Öppenskär – en hemlighetsfull ö i Blekinges östra skärgård
Öppenskär är en ö i Blekinges östra skärgård. Ön, som är belägen vid en av de farleder som leder in till Hallarumsviken, har fram till för några få år sedan inte rönt något större arkeologiskt intresse. Vid arkeologiska undersökningar åren 2014 och 2015 har det dock i ett klapperstensområde på ön påträffats mycket speciella arkeologiska fynd som förbryllar och förvånar. Föremålen som framkom bland
Free Movement and Tax Base Integrity
DSL for End-user Service Composition
We present an approach for connecting and coordinating distributed devices with different capabilities. More specifically, our research focuses on the design of an domain specific language that allows end-users to coordinate devices in pervasive systems.
Kognitiva skrivprocesser
Ingår i del 4 av "Kognitiva skrivprocesser", som ingår i modulen "Tidig skrivundervisning", som är en del av modulen "Språk-, läs- och skrivutveckling (Läslyftet)"
Employee Privacy in the Context of EU Regulation n. 2016/679: Some Comparative Remarks
No title
Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Stem Cells in Health and Disease
Reflektioner kring svenska FoU-program inom ICT för bygg och fastighet
The success of sequence capture in relation to phylogenetic distance from a reference genome : a case study of avian haemosporidian parasites
Genomic sequencing of avian haemosporidian parasites (Haemosporida) has been challenging due to excessive contamination from host DNA. In this study, we developed a cost-effective protocol to obtain parasite sequences from naturally infected birds, based on targeted sequence capture and next generation sequencing. With the genomic data of Haemoproteus tartakovskyi as a reference, we successfully s
Betting on the future: a comparison between trade unions' strategy in the re-structuring of Fiat and Volvo cars
Session proposal - Technical progress and its challenges for the labour law: wages, work organization and new forms of job.
This is a proposal to organize a session.Description:The rapid development of the technological progress is constantly reshaping the organization of the firm, raising important labour law issues.One of the red treads of this phenomenon is the shifting of the focus from the “activity” performed by the worker, to the “result” obtained.In the past it was not always possible to measure the output prod
A conceptual framework for classification of construction works
Classification is a means to facilitate communication among actors in a field of practice. In the construction sector classification plays a major role in specifications, structuring of documents, calculation of costs, etc. The need for general classification systems grows with the increased internationalisation of the construction market and the rapid development towards a computer integrated conClassification is a means to facilitate communication among actors in a field of practice. In the construction sector classification plays a major role in specifications, structuring of documents, calculation of costs, etc. The need for general classification systems grows with the increased internationalisation of the construction market and the rapid development towards a computer integrated con