

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Fetal Cardiac Function and Venous Circulation - Experiences with Velocity Vector Imaging

Placental dysfunction resulting in intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a common complication of pregnany and severe IUGR, with ensuing fetal hypoxia is an important cause of perinatal mortality and morbidity. Doppler studies of fetal and maternal vessels are routinely used for fetal surveillance and alterations in fetal venous blood flow has been demonstrated as a late sign of fetal compromi

Moisture equilibrium of cement based materials containing slag or silica fume and exposed to repeated sorption cycles

Water vapor sorption isotherms are essential data in models to predict the service life of cement based structures. This study investigates the influence of water to binder ratio (0.4, 0.5 and 0.6), and the presence of two SCMs (70% slag and 10% silica fume) on sorption isotherms, both in the hygroscopic and in the super-hygroscopic relative humidity (RH) ranges. In the present paper desorption is

High population variability and source-sink dynamics in a solitary bee species

Although solitary bees are considered to play key roles in ecosystem functions, surprisingly few studies have explored their population dynamics. We investigated the population dynamics of a rare, declining, solitary bee (Andrena humilis) in a landscape of 80 km 2 in southern Sweden from 2003 to 2011. Only one population was persistent throughout all years studied; most likely this population supp

An integrated approach towards sustainable entrepreneurship - Experience from the TEST project in transitional economies

The challenge how to assist enterprises more effectively within industrial hot spots of the Danube River Basin in order to meet environmental standards while enhancing their competitiveness was addressed by the project Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technology (TEST). New, integrated approaches were developed and found to be effective in fostering organizational learning and helping to ensure i

The Bergman projection on vector-valued L-2-spaces with operator-valued weights

We characterize the boundedness of the Bergman projection on vector-valued L-2-spaces with operator-valued weights in terms of an appropriate condition of Muckenhoupt-type for the weight. This contrasts with the situation en Hardy spaces, where such characterizations are only possible in the finite-dimensional case. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Three-dimensional tracking of small aquatic organisms using fluorescent nanoparticles.

Tracking techniques are vital for the understanding of the biology and ecology of organisms. While such techniques have provided important information on the movement and migration of large animals, such as mammals and birds, scientific advances in understanding the individual behaviour and interactions of small (mm-scale) organisms have been hampered by constraints, such as the sizes of existing

Shocked quartz grains from the Malingen structure, Sweden-Evidence for a twin crater of the Lockne impact structure

The Malingen structure in Sweden has for a long time been suspected to be the result of an impact; however, no hard evidence, i.e., shock metamorphic features or traces of the impactor, has so far been presented. Here we show that quartz grains displaying planar deformation features (PDFs) oriented along crystallographic planes typical for shock metamorphism are present in drill core samples from

Vad korten berättar - Tarot hos Yeats, Meyrink, Kafka, T.S. Eliot och Sigrid Combüchen

En ockult våg svepte fram över Europa kring förra sekelskiftet. Poeten W.B. Yeats var, liksom den store auktoriteten på Tarot-kort A.E. Waite, medlemmar av the Golden Dawn, en sluten ockult frimurarorden, som hade grundats i London 1887 och som hade ett både sociokulturellt och litterärt inflytande i speciellt England och USA, men också på kontinenten. Sin inspiration hämtade Golden Dawn från renä

Dietary alpha-ketoglutarate reduces gastrectomy-evoked loss of calvaria and trabecular bone in female rats

Objective. Surgical removal of the stomach (gastrectomy, Gx) leads to osteopenia in animals and in humans. In the rat, Gx adversely affects calvaria and trabecular bone. alpha-Ketoglutarate (AKG) is a precursor of hydroxyproline - the most abundant amino acid in bone collagen. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary AKG on Gx-induced osteopenia. Material and methods. Tw

Conformational dependence of charges in protein simulations

We have studied the conformational dependence of molecular mechanics atomic charges for proteins by calculating the charges fitted to the quantum mechanical (QM) electrostatic potential (ESP) for all atoms in complexes between avidin and seven biotin analogues for 20 snapshots from molecular dynamics simulations. We have studied how various other charge sets reproduce those charges. The QM charges

Redistribution of moisture and ions in cement based materials

Popular Abstract in Swedish Nygjuten betong innehåller överskottsfukt som avges till omgivningen under uttorkningen. Om uttorkningen får fortsätta i en konstant luftfuktighet antar betongen så småningom samma fuktighet. Eftersom betong är ett tätt material tar det lång tid, ofta flera år, innan så har skett. Tills detta har inträffat sker en fukttransport från de inre delarna ut till ytan. En delThere were two principal objectives for this thesis. The first was to develop a methodology and evaluation model of moisture redistribution in order to make the future relative humidity in a screeded concrete slab predictable. The second objective was to develop a method to determine the critical humidity for ion transport in concrete. Residual moisture in screeded concrete slabs may be redistrib

Familial Renal Cell Carcinoma from the Swedish Family-Cancer Database

Background: Reliable data on familial risks are important for clinical counselling and cancer genetics. Objective: To evaluate familial risks for renal cell carcinomas (RCC) through parental and sibling probands in the largest available dataset. Design, setting, and participants: This study examined the Swedish Family-Cancer Database on 12.2 million individuals, which contains families with parent

Potent Intratype Neutralizing Activity Distinguishes Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 (HIV-2) from HIV-1

HIV-2 has a lower pathogenicity and transmission rate than HIV-1. Neutralizing antibodies could be contributing to these observations. Here we explored side by side potency and breadth of intratype and intertype neutralizing activity (NAc) in plasma of 20 HIV-1, 20 HIV-2 and 11 dually HIV-1/2 (HIV-D) seropositive individuals from Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. Panels of primary isolates, five HIV-1 a

Study of the IgG endoglycosidase EndoS in group A streptococcal phagocyte resistance and virulence

Background: The secreted enzyme EndoS, an endoglycosidase from Streptococcus pyogenes, hydrolyzes the N-linked glycan of the constant region of immunoglobulin G (IgG) heavy chain and renders the antibody unable to interact with Fc receptors and elicit effector functions. In this study we couple targeted allelic replacement mutagenesis and heterologous expression to elucidate the contribution of En

Effects of galectins and antibodies in HIV infection; Novel Assays

The high variability of the HIV envelope glycoproteins (Env), and their heavy glycan coating, contributes to the limited host immune control. Still, broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) are found in some chronically infected HIV-infected individuals, which has spurred the research on antibody-based vaccines. An important tool in detecting and studying bnAbs, are neutralization assays. Here we d

Synthesis and production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by halophiles: current potential and future prospects

Biodegradable materials with plastic or elastomeric properties are in great demand for a variety of applications. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), polyesters synthesized by microorganisms, possess such desired features. Industrial production of PHAs is currently achieved using recombinant Escherichia coli. Nevertheless, recent research on halophiles, salt requiring microorganisms, has shown a remarka