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"Did anyone here recognize that?" : On Torture Today
Den olyckliga änkan på Lunds hospital. Psykisk sjukdom under 1800-talets andra hälft
Leakage Minimization in Cardiac Rhythm Management Devices by Time-multiplexing
Scholarly publishing: one practice between the two systems of communication and academic meriting
The aim of this paper is to highlight and discuss the complexities of scholarly publishing being a practice closely relating to two different systems, the system of academic merit and the system of scholarly communication, by showing how the two systems work on different sets of logic and therefore needs to be analyzed in different ways and using different kinds of data. These complexities are dis
Medieval Gotland : Churches, Chronologies and Crusades
Sociology and Literature
The paper discusses the general relation between sociology and literature and argues that the former has not only a lot in common with the latter, but also things to include and elaborate on. The paper uses as examples a number of sociologists and novelists and compares their ways of interpreting modern society and modern man.
Packaging Logistics Performance
Popular Abstract in Swedish Konkurrensen har ökat markant under 2000-talet med ökad globalisering och hållbarhetstrender. Ständigt pågående teknologiska utvecklingar har medfört att kraven på rätt kvalitet på varor och tjänster har ökat. Tillverkare måste också följa skärpningar inom lagstiftning och krav på spårbarhet. Det har sammantaget lett till att det ställs allt hårdare krav på effektiv förToday’s trends are the ever growing competition with increased globalization and sustainability. Together with ongoing technological developments and the demand for right quality of products and services, this has also resulted in increased demands for legislation and traceability. This development has also had an impact on packaging and Packaging Logistics. This thesis deals with packaging, logis
Hållbarhetskriterier för biogas : En översyn av data och metoder
I Sverige är biodrivmedel befriade från energi- och koldioxidskatt förutsatt att drivmedlet uppfyller hållbarhetskriterierna i EU:s direktiv om främjande av användningen av energi från förnybara energikällor. Ett av kriterierna är att användningen av biodrivmedlet måste leda till minskade emissioner av växthusgaser jämfört med fossila bränslen. Utsläppsreduktionen ska beräknas på det sätt som ange
Gender Identification of Blog Authors : Do Men and Women Prefer Different Character Unigrams?
Acoustic Differences between Standard Greek and Cypriot Greek
Stance Classification in Texts from Blogs on the 2016 British Referendum
The problem of identifying and correctly attributing speaker stance in human communication is addressed in this paper. The data set consists of political blogs dealing with the 2016 British referendum. A cognitive-functional framework is adopted with data annotated for six notional stance categories: concession/contrariness, hypotheticality, need/ requirement, prediction, source of knowledge, and
Theories of Nationalism: A Critical Introduction (3rd edition)
Regulating Work-Life Balance: The Contemporary Swedish Experience
Encouraged Intrusion and the Entering of a Subordinate Consumption Field- Exploring Changing Gender Distinctions in the Foodie Consumer Culture
In order to explore consumer culture’s potential to change social relations, this investigation immerses into the growing consumer culture of foodies occupying the historically feminine space of domestic cooking. It offers a tentative theory on the entering of subordinate consumption fields in contexts where the entering is sanctioned by cultural authorities.
Pancreatic cancer stroma : controversies and current insights
Pancreatic cancer is characterized by a dense stromal response. The stroma includes a heterogeneous mass of cells, including pancreatic stellate cells, fibroblasts, immune cells and nerve cells, as well as extracellular matrix proteins, cytokines and growth factors, which interact with the tumor cells. Previous research has indicated that stromal elements contribute to tumor growth and aggressiven
Reply to Miskovic
The Gaia-ESO Survey : The present-day radial metallicity distribution of the Galactic disc probed by pre-main-sequence clusters
Context. The radial metallicity distribution in the Galactic thin disc represents a crucial constraint for modelling disc formation and evolution. Open star clusters allow us to derive both the radial metallicity distribution and its evolution over time. Aims. In this paper we perform the first investigation of the present-day radial metallicity distribution based on [Fe/H] determinations in late
Ökad kunskap om familjärt melanom och de bakomliggande generna
Approximately 5-10 % of all melanoma patients have close relatives with melanoma. 5-20% of melanoma families have germline mutations in the CDKN2A gene. Swedish CDKN2A mutation carriers have a young median age of onset of melanoma, increased risks of multiple primary melanoma and of tobacco-associated cancers in respiratory and upper digestive tissues, and also worse survival compared to non-carri
A National Swedish Longitudinal Twin-Sibling Study of alcohol use disorders among males
Aims: To examine whether genetic influences on the development of alcohol use disorders (AUD) among men during emerging adulthood through mid-adulthood are stable or dynamic. Design: A twin study modeling developmental changes in the genetic and environmental influences on AUD during three age periods (18-25, 26-33 and 33-41) as a Cholesky decomposition. Setting: Sweden. Participants: Swedish male