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This article is about the production of forms like je parlE by Swedish adult learners of French. It will consider the contribution of the Missing Surface Inflection Hypothesis regarding the use of default forms. Based on an analysis of the frequency of surface forms in the input, this study will further show that the variation found in learners’ interlanguage shows some systematicity.
A model library for dynamic simulation of liquid food process lines
Ongoing work in developing a general structure and a comprehensive components library aiming at modelling liquid-food process lines is presented. The dynamic component models were developed in an object-oriented library structure based on the dynamic modelling language Modelica using the object-oriented graphical tool Dymola. The models were based on fundamental conservation laws and can simulate
Structure-Activity Relationships in the Oxidation of Alkylaromatics over Metal Oxides
In order to accomplish oxidation of alkylaromatic compounds, both cations, which serve as adsorption centers, and oxygen species of suitable bond strength are needed. When compared to partial oxidation, relatively weakly bonded oxygen species are involved in combustion. On the basis of these criteria, using a simple model of the active ensemble, a relationship between reaction rate and bond streng
Energieffektivisering av miljonprogrammets flerbostadshus genom beständiga tilläggsisoleringssystem
Tilläggsisolering bestående av mineralull och puts är en vanlig metod för att förbättra energiprestandan hos flerbostadshus från miljonprogrammet. En annan aktuell, men betydligt mindre utprovad metod, innebär att man tilläggsisolerar fasaden varefter man putsar på en ventilerad skiva. Målsättningen med projektet har varit att undersöka om dessa två tilläggsisoleringssystem har potentialen att kom
Värdegrunder i skolan
My Soul For A Seat: Commuting and the Routines of Mobility.
Using frequency-orthogonal pseudonoise (FOPN) sounding sequences to identify signals from multiple transmit antennas in mobile double-directional and relay channel sounding systems
Narkotikabrotten och kontrollen av bruket av narkotika genom straffrättsliga medel
An Overview and Comparison of Methods for Stochastic Finite Element Analysis
Environmental atmosphere. Outdoor environmental assessments for design and education
Adaptive Control
Epistolography (Ancient Letters)
TEP: for super specialists, not for the general surgeon?
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[abstract missing]
Bokhistoria och bokmuseer : notiser om ett forskningsfält och dess tillämpning
The Science of Intelligence
Performance analysis and overload control of an open service access (OSA) architecture
The trend of the service architectures developed in telecommunications today is that they should be open in the sense thatthey can communicate over the borders of different networks. Instead of each network having their own service architecture with their own applications, all networks should be able to use the same applications. 3GPP, the organization developing specifications for the 3G networks
Förord (till rapporten Politikundervisning vid lärarutbildningarna i Sverige)
Digital forensic investigations: a new frontier for Informing Systems
Digital forensic investigators experience a need for support in their everyday struggle to overcome boundary problems associated with cyber crime inves-tigations. Traditional methods are socio-culturally and physically localised and dependent on strict and historically prescriptive political management. The new internet-worked cyber-world creates unprecedented difficulties for digital forensic inv