

Din sökning på "*" gav 535076 sökträffar

Mainstreaming Bioenergy Systems: Parameters of Breaking Dependence on Fossil Fuels by 2020

The work has involved a search for insights into the "detail" of the path-dependant nature of a country’s movement away from oil. Three main strands of work have been involved. Firstly, an examination of the implications of a recent Swedish policy announcement that the country will pursue independence from fossil fuels – with particular focus on oil replacement and flow on effects to the bioenergy

David Humes politiska och ekonomiska essäer: Förord

David Humes (1711-1776) essäer om politik och ekonomi som publiceras i denna volym präglas, liksom hela Humes filosofiska verk, av en strävan att göra filosofi till en i historien och erfarenheten förankrad vetenskap om människan. Enligt Hume – den kanske mest tongivande tänkaren inom den skotska upplysningen – hade filosofin i hög grad kommit att präglas av ogrundade antaganden, föreställningar o

Experimental Investigations of an Industrial Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Combustor With High Swirling Flow

In the interest of understanding the prospects and restrictions of fuel flexibility in a prototype industrial gas turbine combustor, an experimental study is performed. Methane is used to characterize standard gas turbine operation; in addition a non-standard fuel is explored, generic syngas (67.5 % hydrogen, 22.5 % carbon monoxide and 10 % methane). Both these gases are also investigated after di


Purpose of this paper: Logisticians propose changes to improve supply chains, and legal practitioners are doing likewise, but from a tax perspective. Proposals from one domain increasingly have an impact on the other due to e.g. globalisation – but cross-disciplinary knowledge often seems small. Our purpose is to facilitate interaction between the domains by increasing joint understanding of princ

Population and Community Dynamics in Variable Environments

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alla naturliga djur- eller växt- populationer varierar i tid och rum. Om man exempelvis räknar antalet individer av en viss art som befinner sig på ett visst ställe varje år, finner man att det antalet varierar från år till år. Varje år föds ett antal nya individer samtidigt som vissa dör (här bortser jag från de individer som eventuellt flyttar ut eller in). Antalet inAll natural populations fluctuate in space and time. These fluctuations are a result of internal dynamic processes, and of a variable environment. To understand how and why population fluctuate, one has to understand the nature of the internal demographic processes as well as how a variable environment affects these processes and how they act in concert to generate population fluctuations. This th