

Din sökning på "*" gav 533341 sökträffar

Pre-ictal epileptic seizure prediction based on ECG signal analysis

Epileptic seizures demonstrate a clear effect of the dominating behavior of the autonomic nervous system on the cardiovascular system, especially on the Heart Rate Variation. Recording of Electroencephalogram (EEG) for detection of the onset of epileptic seizure had been used for constructing automatic seizure detection algorithm. Electrocardiogram (ECG) also can be used to evaluate Heart Rate Var

Physical basis for a droplet aerosol analysing method

A technique for the characterisation of droplet aerosols is presented and theoretically evaluated. The system, which finds applications for example in the experimental study of cloud formation and cloud water chemistry, relies on a four-step process. The droplet aerosol is electrically charged in a unipolar charging unit, followed by diffusion drying of the droplets, resulting in charged particles

A novel unipolar charger for ultrafine aerosol particles with minimal particle losses

A unipolar diffusion charger with minimal particle losses in the ultrafine size range has been developed. This charger uses two radioactive α-sources to produce ions which are drawn into the charging region by an alternating electric field. The aerosol flow in the centre of the charging region is surrounded by a particle-free sheath air flow to prevent particle losses. Charged aerosol particles mo

PIXE elemental characterization of air masses using a multivariate statistical technique

An example is given to show the possibility of using a multivariate statistical evaluation technique in order to extract more information from a multielemental PIXE data set. Four weeks of continuous sampling was carried out at a background air pollution monitoring station in Sweden. Samples were collected both in fine and coarse mode, with a cutoff at 2 μm. In the subsequent PIXE analysis of the

Timber Arch Bridges with V-shaped Hangers

The arch is a very efficient load bearing structure, especially when its shape is affine to the funicular of forces. However, if live loads are predominant as compared to permanent uniformly distributed gravity loads, the arch will be subjected to substantial bending moments, thus losing a great part of its structural efficiency. In traditional arch bridges with hangers arranged in a vertical mann

The Great Dun Fell experiment 1995 : An overview

During March and April of 1995 a major international field project was conducted at the UMIST field station site on Great Dun Fell in Cumbria, Northern England. The hill cap cloud which frequently envelopes this site was used as a natural flow through reactor to examine the sensitivity of the cloud microphysics to the aerosol entering the cloud and also to investigate the effects of the cloud in c

High sensitivity elemental analysis methodology for upper tropospheric aerosol

In this study, a sampling and analysis tool for aerosol particles has been developed. Its purpose is to characterize upper tropospheric aerosols, where concentrations are low. Since measurements will be made from an airplane, a time resolution of one hour is desirable. These conditions require efficient sampling and analysis with low detection limits. To accomplish this, our sampler uses impaction

The economic consequences of neurosurgical disease in low- And middle-income countries

OBJECTIVE The objective of this study was to estimate the economic consequences of neurosurgical disease in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). METHODS The authors estimated gross domestic product (GDP) losses and the broader welfare losses attributable to 5 neurosurgical disease categories in LMICs using two distinct economic models. The value of lost output (VLO) model projects annual GDP

On the diffractive production of charmed baryons

Arguments are presented in favour of observing charmed baryons in diffractive scattering at high energies. The cross section for production of charmed baryons is estimated to be ∼ 10-100 μb at ISR energies.

A v0-representability issue in lattice ensemble-DFT and its signature in lattice TDDFT

We study a small Anderson-impurity cluster using lattice density functional methods, and try todetermine the exact exchange-correlation (XC) potential via reverse engineering. In doing so we nd singlet{triplet degenerate interacting ground states which cannot be v0-represented in an ensemble-DFT sense. Wealso nd that it is possible to represent a triplet ground state as a pure state, but not the s

Nonequilibrium Green's functions and atom-surface dynamics: Simple views from a simple model system

We employ Non-equilibrium Green's functions (NEGF) to describe the real-time dynamics of an adsorbate-surface model system exposed to ultrafast laser pulses. For a finite number of electronic orbitals, the system is solved exactly and within different levels of approximation. Specifically i) the full exact quantum mechanical solution for electron and nuclear degrees of freedom is used to benchmark

Currency devaluations and beggar‐my‐neighbour penalties: evidence from the 1930s

The currency devaluations of the 1930s facilitated a faster recovery from the Great Depression in the countries depreciating, but their unilateral manner provoked retaliatory and discriminatory commercial policies abroad. This article explores the importance of the retaliatory motive in the imposition of trade barriers by gold bloc countries during the 1930s and its effects on trade. Relying on ne

Trade frictions, trade policies, and the interwar business cycle

This dissertation is composed of six chapters. Based on a comparison with other recessions throughout history, the first chapter motivates studying the Great Depression from a trade perspective. The second chapter sets the stage for such an endeavour. It introduces a new macroeconomic dataset for the interwar period and investigates the prelude and global impact of the Great Depression. Highlighti

Mumbai’s Lifeline and Pipeline: Narratives of Accumulation, Dispossession and Resistance

Unprecedented eviction, peripheral resettlement and simultaneous redevelopment of the urban spaces in the biggest megacity of postcolonial India – Mumbai reflect its development paradox, accumulation and dispossession processes, and rapidly transforming state, market, civil society and community relations. The vision of transforming Mumbai into a ‘world-class’, ‘slum-free’ city emerged in late 199

A Great Tit Parus major without yellow pigment in its plumage

A Great Tit Parus major without any yellow pigment in the plumage was ringed in southern Swedish Lapland in 2006. Such pale birds are known to appear with a low frequency throughout the species’ range. Superficially they look like the eastern (sub)species Parus (major) minor. The focal bird was a yearling with a wing length well above that of minor so there is no reason to suspect eastern origin.