

Din sökning på "*" gav 534640 sökträffar

Stereotypical male uniforms, an experimental study on leadership and gender.

Within the Swedish prison and probation service 80% of the officers on duty (which is a leadership position) are male. Could this inequality have something to do with the stereotypical male authoritarian uniform used in this specific organization? The purpose of this study was to investigate if the uniform used within the Swedish prison and probation service could influence our leadership aspirati

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Studien genomförs inom forskningsområdet för strategisk kommunikation och syftar till att ur ett kommunikativt perspektiv analysera hur organisationer bedriver lobbying i praktiken. Studien avser att komplettera den svenska lobbyforskningen genom att studera bransch- och arbetsgivarorganisationers lobbyaktiviteter som syftar till att påverka beslutsfattare. Studien utgår från kvalitativ metod och

Exploring posthuman subjectivities: a case study of LGBTQ Asian and Pacific American identified activists

This research has explored the intersection between the subject, activism, and posthuman theory, setting out to investigate whether posthuman theoretical understandings can be applied to contemporaneous subjects. Using NVivo software, a qualitative data analysis is conducted into 17 autobiographical texts taken from the anthology Restoried Selves (Kumashiro 2011). This analysis finds that these su

Ventilationseffektivitet i kontorsmiljö - En jämförelse av deplacerande och omblandande ventilation ur termisk komfort

Today there is a high focus on the energy use when constructing new buildings. This mainly depends on the increased regulations and energy classifications that have been issued. Because of this, studies have shown that mechanical cooling in office environments leads to high energy consumption and service costs. This has led to an increased interest in analyzing if cooling only through ventilation

Spaces of Being: Finding a Sense of Place in Katherine Mansfield’s “Prelude” and “Bliss”

This essay examines how the characters experience a sense of place in two of Katherine Mansfield’s modernist short stories, “Prelude” (1918) and “Bliss” (1918). Geographers have during the past century developed and problematized the relation between space, place, and human beings. The concepts of space and place are means for us to better understand our place in the world by relating ourselves to

Three-dimensional constitutive finite element modeling of the Achilles tendon

Tendons connect muscles to bones enabling efficient locomotion. This study focuses on the Achilles tendon, which is the strongest tendon in the body and fundamental for activities like walking, running and jumping. The Achilles tendon is the most frequently subjected tendon when it comes to injuries and ruptures. The best treatment is still debated, because the biomechanics of the tendons is not y

Hydropower in Cambodia : Competing discursive story-lines of a contested development path

This thesis uses discourse to analyze how different story-lines of hydropower development in the Mekong River Basin reproduce the concept of sustainable development. With actors advocating sometimes diametrically opposite development paths resulting in different social, economic and environmental trade-offs they all refer to and motivate their agendas in terms of sustainable development. I applied

Shine - The search of shiny effects and how to connect them to design

The Master thesis «Shine» is consisting out of two parallel connected projects, based on a personal extensive interest for glittering, shimmering, shiny and dazzling effects. The first project is an exploration of a personal theme about the effect, in the theses referred to as «Shine». The second project is a concept of a tent, inspired from the first project.

Hållbarhetsredovisning - Samspelet mellan lagstiftning och riktlinjer

Denna uppsats handlar om hur hållbarhetsredovisning regleras och samspelet mellan de olika instrumenten; lagstiftning, normer, branschstandarder och riktlinjer. Det är en tvärvetenskaplig uppsats, som genom en socio-legal studie ämnar sätta lagstiftningen i relation till den verklighet och miljö den reglerar. Hållbarhetsredovisning har blivit allt vanligare hos näringslivet idag. Det är ett sätt fThis essay is about how Sustainability Reporting is regulated and the interplay between the different regulating instruments; legislation, norms, standards and guidelines. It is an interdisciplinary essay which intends to put legislation in relation to the reality and the environment in which it regulates. Therefore the essay stems from a socio-legal method. Sustainability Reporting among companie

Pay For It and Love It More: A comparative study in marketing psychology between the two campaign methods Pay What You Want and Free

Denna uppsats undersöker ifall marknadsföringsmetoden Pay What You Want (PWYW) har en starkare positiv påverkan på en konsuments attityd gentemot en produkt i förhållande till gratisprover (FREE). Detta undersöktes på studenter i Lunds Universitet med ett implicit test, SC-IAT. Medan FREE ger bort produkten utan extra kostnad tillåter PWYW konsumenten friheten att köpa en produkt till vilket pris This thesis examines whether the marketing procedure Pay What You Want (PWYW) has a stronger positive influence on a consumer’s attitude towards a product in relation to free product trials (FREE). This was studied on students of Lund University with the tool SC-IAT. While FREE gives the product away without further ado, PWYW allows the consumer the freedom to buy a product at any amount of their

Modeling and Simulation of Fixed Bed Batch Bark Drying

I examensarbetet gjordes fyra variationer av en modell med målet att simulera torkningen av bark. Alla fyra variationerna jämfördes med experimentella data från en pilotanläggning och värme- och massöverföringskoefficienten kalibrerades mot experimentella data. De fyra modellvariationerna är: • Adiabatisk mättningsmodell • Värme och massöverföringskoefficientsmodell • Isotermmodell • FraktionsmodeDuring this master thesis four variation of a model were created with the goal to simulate the drying process of bark. All four variations were compared with experimental data from a pilot plant and heat and mass transfer coefficient were calibrated against the experimental data. The four model variations are: • Adiabatic saturation model • Heat and mass transfer coefficient model • Isotherm model

Säkerhetsarbetet vid en tingsrätt: en rättssociologisk studie av den lokala normbildningen för säkerheten vid Lunds tingsrätt

In Sweden, a sign of success is education, hard work, and ultimately gainful employment. Being employed, however, sometimes carries a risk of being exposed to either physical and/or psychological violence. In judicial-related occupations, the risk of being exposed to such violence are higher than in others. The aim of this study was to identify and analyze professional norms among the employees a

Risk- och sårbarhet i Lunds kommun - Vikten av att studera klimatrelaterade risker samt implementera ett risk- och sårbarhetsarbete i ett tidigt skede

Josefin Palmqvist Risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser i Skånska kommuner Idag är det ett faktum att människans framfart påverkar miljö och klimat på ett negativt sätt. Mänsklig aktivitet leder till ett förändrat klimat, en sådan förändring av klimatet leder i sin tur till effekter på samhället i form av exempelvis översvämningar, värmeböljor och skyfall. Därför är det viktigare än någonsin att kommunerThis paper highlights the work with risk and vulnerability in Lund’s municipality. It also shows how three other municipalities in Scania work with these questions and how their work is different from their work in Lund’s municipality. How these municipalities’ work with these types of questions is presented through a review of different reports linked to each municipality and also through a prese

Occurrences of insect outbreaks in Sweden in relation to climatic parameters since 1850

This study was carried out in order to identify the main insect species responsible for forest damages (pests) in Sweden, and to explore the relationships between insect outbreaks and environmental variables (temperature, precipitation, and availability of insect host trees, including storm damaged trees). Special attention was given to changes in management practices through time, and their conse

The Role of Urban Living Labs in Fostering Sustainable Cities - Insights from Sweden

Hållbarhetslabb – ett konkret sätt att skapa hållbara städer Städer står inför många utmaningar. Redan idag koncentrerar städer utsläppsintensiva aktiviteter såsom transporter, boende och konsumtion och lider också av negativa effekter av utsläppen i form av ett förändrat klimat med bland annat värmeböljor eller översvämningar. Sociala problem som till exempel segregation är inte heller ovanligt Cities face growing pressures from increasing populations, giving rise to environmental and social problems. The transition towards more sustainable urban areas has thus become an urgent matter, demanding innovative solutions and means to test and deploy them. Urban Living Labs (ULLs) have emerged as a new approach to experimentation in real-life city settings. This thesis seeks to examine how ULL

Acquisition, analysis and visualisation of X-ray spectrometer data at MAX IV

This thesis describes the development of software for an X-ray spectrometer at MAX IV. The main functionality of the software is to create an energy spectrum from detector data. A new beamline, SPECIES, is under construction at the MAX IV synchrotron facility. One of the experimental stations at SPECIES contains an X-ray spectrometer. The spectrometer will be used to analyse X-rays scattered by r

A Tale of Cross-dressers, Mothers and Murderers : Deborah and Jael in Ancient and Contemporary Thought

This study of the characters of Deborah and Jael entails not only reading the Biblical text, but also reading both ancient and contemporary interpreters who in one way or another elaborate on the otherwise sparsely described characters. In other words: How they fill the gaps. The obvious problem for both ancient and contemporary interpreters is questions of gender, what does it mean that the story