

Din sökning på "*" gav 534639 sökträffar

Optioner och futures på vete

I rapporten analyseras den europeiska och amerikanska marknaden för optioner och terminskontrakt på råvaran vete. Optioner skrivna på futures på vete värderas med hjälp av generella implicita volatiliteter och prisförändringar i terminskontrakten analyseras utifrån ett index. Investeringsstrategier som använder sig av såväl optioner som positioner i terminskontrakt på råvaran konstrueras. Resultat

Youth Feminist Activism in China: An Ethnographic Analysis of an Innovative Action-oriented Feminism

In the spring of 2015, five young feminist activists were arrested by the Chinese police for allegedly ‘causing trouble’, which resulted in global attention aimed at this new wave of feminist movement. Youth feminist activism have made their voice heard in China through numerous actions for gender equality since 2012. Not much is known about the new feminist movements and the limited work that exi

The experience of working with refugee children in Sweden: Addressing the social and mental health needs of refugee children from the perspective of those working with them

Prior to resettlement, refugee children are exposed to stressors that leave them vulnerable to the development of health and psychosocial problems. The nature of these problems has been identified in numerous studies involving refugee children and their parents, yet relatively few studies have been carried out with workers from governmental and voluntary organizations. The primary aim of this stud

Is the tide turning? Mobilizing indigenous rights for Environmental Justice: A case study from extractive projects in La Alta Guajira, Colombia

This thesis explored the opportunities and challenges to Environmental Justice (EJ) for Wayuu communities as Colombia expands the resource frontier deeper into indigenous lands. Based on qualitative fieldwork the case study has discussed how, and why, indigenous Wayuu in La Alta Guajira engage with or resist a recent offshore hydrocarbon concession in their territories and how indigenous rights, t

Internationalization of South Korean software SMEs: A multiple-case study on market selection, expansion patterns and the influence of large business conglomerates

The purpose of the thesis was to examine the internationalization process of South Korean software SMEs with a focus on their market selection and international expansion patterns. In addition, the thesis aimed to determine whether the presence of large business conglomerates in the domestic market, a unique characteristic of the South Korean economy, had any significant influence on the internati

Black holes and Revelations - Demography and the Net International Investment Position

This purpose of this paper is to explain the long and short run development of the Net International Investment Position (NIIP) using age structure data. Following the financial globalization, the development of the NIIP has diverged from the path of accumulated current account flows. A subsequent consequence is that despite sustained current account surpluses, NIIPs of small developed countries r

Livscykelanalys på en solfångare med aluminiumabsorbator - med en mindre jämförande analys

I denna studie görs en livscykelanalys på en solfångare som Kristianstads Industri Service AB (KISAB) utvecklar. Även en mindre jämförelse görs med en solfångarstudie från Battisti, R (2005). KISAB:s solfångare har inga absorbatorflänsar utan den fungerar liknande en integrerad vattentank men med väldigt lite medium i den. KISAB:s solfångare består till 80 % av aluminium eftersom både absorbatorn This paper reports the result of a life-cycle analysis done on a solar thermal collector in Sweden. Kristianstad Industri Service AB (KISAB) is developing a solar thermal collector with a framework and absorbing plate made out of aluminium and no flow tubes. The aluminium is instead hollow and the whole area of the absorbing plate is therefore in contact with the coolant. The solar thermal collect

Örnar, fyra hörn och cannoli : Om att översätta namn på platser, byggnader, personer och maträtter i två guidehäften om Palermo

Denna magisteruppsats baseras på en svensk översättning av två italienska guidehäften med titlarna Itinerario Quattro Canti och Itinerario Fieravecchia. De publicerades 2013 av Palermo kommun och tar med läsaren på stadsvandringar i Siciliens huvudort Palermo. Analysen består av två huvuddelar: en källtextanalys och en översättningskommentar. Grunden för källtextanalysen utgörs av den modell för a

Can China Successfully leapfrog into Electrical Vehicle Dominance

The concept of the leapfrog, whereby developing economies ‘jump’ directly to adopting the advanced economy technologies without having to follow the development paths of their predecessors, is a very appealing theory. A leapfrog attempt is visible in the Chinese governments ambitions to react to the recent change of focus of the global auto industry to developing more sustainable vehicles to addre

Stock Markets or Saving Accounts? The Effects of Liabilities on Households' Risk Appetite

Several researchers have asked themselves the question of why households do not diversify enough as according to theory, and why some households do not even enter the stock markets. This study looks further into this puzzle through a new angle where the focus is on house- holds’ risk appetite – their investment in stocks compared to funds stored in saving accounts. The study asks the question of w

Implementation of adaptive optics into a femtosecond laser chain

Optical aberrations are the main cause for reduced focusability and low peak intensity in laser beams. All the applications that rely on high peak power and/or small focus spot size, loose efficiency when optical aberrations are present. They can be reduced by using specially shaped optical elements, but all aberrations cannot be avoided completely. In this thesis we used a new approach for reduc

Emerging Donors and Development Cooperation: Thailand and Malaysia

Using textual analysis based on a constructivist perspective, this thesis attempted to analyze how development cooperation policy builds the emerging donor identity. It did so by looking at foreign policy in the case studies of two small Asian donors, Thailand and Malaysia. In particular, it looked at the notion of heterogeneity which exists in the emerging donor identity, and Thailand and Malaysi

Has the traditional Japanese management system transformed after the bubble burst in the 1990’s? Case study: Nissan Motors

There has been much debate about the Japanese management system and its changes as well as continuity. There is a consensus that the Japanese human resource management rests on three core pillars which are lifetime employment, seniority based salaries/promotions and unions. The purpose of this study was to investigate if these three core pillars have transformed after the 1990's when the eco

Dokumentation inom agila mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt

Idag är de traditionella och agila utvecklingsmetoderna de mest använda metoderna inom mjukvaruutveckling. I grunderna för de olika metoderna läggs det olika stor vikt på dokumentation. Inom traditionella metoder uppmuntras omfattande dokumentation, något som skiljer sig från de agila metoderna där fungerande mjukvara prioriteras före omfattande dokumentation. I denna studie kommer vi främst fokus

No title

This present study is a qualitative examination of government policy regarding Danish, unemployed and uneducated youths. The empirical basis for the study consists of fieldwork, in the form of participant observation and qualitative interviews. The physical field of study consisted of the municipality of Uddannelsesby. Within the study informants, such as the aforementioned youths, but also munici

Digitizing Material Culture

Archaeology has always centred on material studies and has a long tradition of establishing methods for addressing the vast source material at hand. Typology is one of the most prominent of these methods, where the material is categorised into types according to morphology and geometry. There is an ongoing debate regarding the subjectivity of the typological approach and the problems that follow t

Challenges of implementing decision support systems: Joining the views of consultant and customer

In today's business environment, organizations rely on information systems to store and process the information constantly gathered. These systems are used to support the everyday needs of the organization. It is apparent that many of these systems has limited or no analytical capabilities, can the introduction of a decision support system could enable practitioners to benefit from this can th

Stereotypical male uniforms, an experimental study on leadership and gender.

Within the Swedish prison and probation service 80% of the officers on duty (which is a leadership position) are male. Could this inequality have something to do with the stereotypical male authoritarian uniform used in this specific organization? The purpose of this study was to investigate if the uniform used within the Swedish prison and probation service could influence our leadership aspirati